按需印刷Structured to Fail?:Regulatory Performance under Competing Mandates[9781107181694]
按需印刷Iqtidaa-ul- Ilm al- Amal - Knowledge Mandates Action[9787253560130]
海外直订The Mandate: how good people struggle with bad mandates, and what to do about it 任务:好人如何与不好的任务
海外直订It's the Mission, Not the Mandates: Defining the Purpose of Public Education 这是使命,而不是任务:定义公共教育
海外直订Why School Leaders Need Vision: Managing Scarcity, Mandates, and Conflicting Goa 为什么学校领导需要愿景:管理稀
海外直订Educational Systems Change: From Mandates to Conversations 教育制度变迁:从命令到对话
海外直订The 5 Mandates of Management 管理的5项使命
海外直订When Mandates Work: Raising Labor Standards at the Local Level 当授权生效时:提高地方一级的劳动标准
海外直订The United Nations and Space Security: Conflicting Mandates Between Uncopuos and 联合国与空间安全:联合国外
3x5 Mandate Freedom Flag No Mandates Flag With Metal
预售 按需印刷 Iqtidaa-ul-'Ilm al-'Amal - Knowledge Mandates Action
【预售 按需印刷】It s the Mission Not the Mandates
海外直订Politics of Unfunded Mandates 无资金授权的政治
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海外直订Report Of American Section Of Inter-allied Commission On Mandates In Turkey: An 联合委员会在土耳其的任务美
海外直订Managing Green Mandates 管理绿色指令
海外直订Effects of Government Mandates and Policies on Public Education in Africa, the C 非洲、加勒比和中东地区政府
预订 The Mandate: how good people struggle with bad mandates, and what to do about it: 9789079841097
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【4周达】It's the Mission, Not the Mandates : Defining the Purpose of Public Education [9781475823363]
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