海外直订Unveiling Tech Debt: A Business Leaders Guide to Measuring and Managing Enterpri 揭开技术债务:衡量和管理企
极速WOSS Steel Ring Side Beam Anchor Mount. by WOSS Enterpri
基业长青:民营企业高质量发展路径思考:exploring the path to high-quality development of private enterpri 韩龙男 管理书籍
基业长青:民营企业高质量发展路径思考:exploring the path to high-quality development of private enterpri书韩龙男 管理书籍
正版包邮 比快更快:前沿技术加速企业成长:exponential technologies accelerate enterpri商业价值研究院书店管理书籍 畅想畅销书
正版现货9787509604106企业结构绩效与路径依赖:以新疆农产品加工企业为例:taking the case of agro-product processing enterpri
【预售】A Comparison of Small and Medium Sized Enterpri
【预售】Managing the Transition to a Sustainable Enterpri
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【预售】Collaborative Networks and Digital Transformation: 20th Ifip Wg 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterpri...
海外直订Managing Information Communication Technology Investments in Successful Enterpri 成功企业的信息通信技术投资管理
海外直订Software Wasteland: How the Application-Centric Mindset is Hobbling our Enterpri 软件荒原:以应用程序为中心
海外直订Advances in Optimization and Decision Science for Society, Services and Enterpri 社会、服务和企业优化和决策
预售 按需印刷On Top of the Cloud: How CIOs Leverage New Technologies to Drive Change and Build Value Across the Enterpri
[预订]Cloud Security Handbook for Architects: Practical Strategies and Solutions for Architecting Enterpri 9789395968997
海外直订Internationalization of Small to Medium Enterpri... 中小企业国际化
Scent of Truth by Valerie HansenHarlequin Enterpri
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预订 Machine Learning at Scale with H2O: A practical guide to building and deploying machine learning models on enterpri
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预订 Digital Champion, The: Best Practices and Insights for the Successful Transformation of Enterpri... [9789811293054]
【4周达】Designing Organizations - Strategy, Structure, and Process at the Business Unit and Enterpri... [9781118409954]
【4周达】The Authoritarians: Their Assault on Individual Liberty, the Constitution, and Free Enterpri... [9781631953941]
【4周达】Flip This Risk for Enterprise Security: Industry Experts Share Their Insights About Enterpri... [9781735878676]
【4周达】Becoming a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing Functional Consultant: Learn to deliver enterpri... [9781803234601]
【4周达】Sustaining Growth and Performance in East Asia - The Role of Small and Medium Sized Enterpri... [9781840648089]
【4周达】J2ee Frontend Technologies: A Programmer's Guide to Servlets, JavaServer Pages, and Enterpri... [9781893115965]
【4周达】Boosting Collaborative Networks 4.0: 21st IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterpri... [9783030624149]
【4周达】Boosting Collaborative Networks 4.0: 21st IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterpri... [9783030624118]