B4/A4 File Bag/Document Bag/Handbag/Oxford Zipper Conferenc
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海外直订Normal 2016: Selected Works from the Third Annual David Foster Wallace Conferenc 正常2016:第三届年度大卫福
[预订]New directions in telecollaborative research and practice: selected papers from the second conferenc 9781908416407
【4周达】Normal 2016: Selected Works from the Third Annual David Foster Wallace Conferenc [9781943170241]
【4周达】Non Commutative Harmonic Analysis and Lie Groups: Proceedings of the International Conferenc... [9783540127178]
【4周达】Recent Trends in Graph Theory: Proceedings of the First New York City Graph Theory Conferenc... [9783540053866]
【4周达】Number Theory, Carbondale 1979: Proceedings of the Southern Illinois Number Theory Conferenc... [9783540095590]
【预售】Sigada 2011 Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Conferenc...
【4周达】The Internationalization of Curriculum Studies : Selected Proceedings from the LSU Conferenc... [9780820455907]
海外直订Input-Output in the United Kingdom: Proceedings of the 1968 Manchester Conferenc 联合王国的投入产出:1968年
海外直订Research in Computational Molecular Biology: 27th Annual International Conferenc 计算分子生物学研究:第27届
【4周达】Shattered States: Disorganized Attachment and its Repair: The John Bowlby Memorial Conferenc... [9781855758315]
【4周达】20 Years of Eurocall: Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future: 2013 Eurocall Conferenc... [9781908416124]
海外直订Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of a Conferenc 偏微分方程的数值方法:1987
【4周达】Wider Scope of English: Papers in English Language and Literature from the Bamberg Conferenc... [9783631555095]
【4周达】Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods: 32nd International Conferenc... [9783031435126]
海外直订The Organization and Retrieval of Economic Knowledge: Proceedings of a Conferenc 组织检索/H:国际经济协会在
海外直订Manufacturing Driving Circular Economy: Proceedings of the 18th Global Conferenc 制造业驱动循环经济:第十八
【预售】100 Year Starship 2013 Public Symposium Conferenc
海外直订Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation: 16th International Conferenc 非常规计算与自然计算:第16
海外直订Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: 15th Ifip Wg 6.2 International Conferenc 有线/无线互联网通信:第十五
海外直订Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering: 14th International Conferenc 合作设计、可视化和工程:第
海外直订Research in Computational Molecular Biology: 21st Annual International Conferenc 计算分子生物学研究:第21届
海外直订Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering: 16th International Conferenc 合作设计、可视化与工程:第1
海外直订Hci International 2019 - Late Breaking Posters: 21st Hci International Conferenc 2019年Hci国际
海外直订Security and Privacy in Communication Networks: 15th Eai International Conferenc 通信中的安全和隐私:第
海外直订Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems: 11th International Conferenc 面向智能系统的开放语义技术
海外直订Information, Communication and Computing Technology: 4th International Conferenc 信息,通信和计算技术:第四
海外直订Security and Privacy in Communication Networks: 15th Eai International Conferenc 通信的安全和隐私:第十
【4周达】Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods: 22nd International Conferenc... [9783642405365]
【4周达】E-Learning and Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports: 7th International Conferenc... [9783642334658]
【4周达】Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications: 21st International Conferenc... [9783319082189]
海外直订Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: 14th Ifip Wg 6.2 International Conferenc 有线/无线互联网通信:第14届
海外直订Research in Computational Molecular Biology: 19th Annual International Conferenc 计算分子生物学研究:第19届
海外直订Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering: 12th International Conferenc 合作设计、可视化与工程:第
海外直订Human-Computer Interaction. Novel User Experiences: 18th International Conferenc 人机交互。新用户体验:第18
海外直订Vacuum Microbalance Techniques: Volume 7: Proceedings of the Eindhoven Conferenc 真空微天平技术:第7卷:艾
海外直订Probability in Banach Spaces 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conferenc Banach空间中的概率6:第
海外直订Ai*ia 2018 - Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Xviith International Conferenc 人工智能2018-人工智能进展
海外直订Advances in X-Ray Analysis: Volume 2 Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conferenc X射线分析进展:第二卷1958
海外直订Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 15th International Conferenc 整数规划和组合优化:第15届
海外直订Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: First European Conferenc 数字图书馆研究与先进技术:
海外直订Generative Programming and Component Engineering: Second International Conferenc 生成性编程和组件工程:第二
海外直订Security and Privacy in Communication Networks: 7th International Icst Conferenc 通信中的安全和隐私:第
海外直订Research in Computational Molecular Biology: 12th Annual International Conferenc 计算分子生物学研究:第12届
海外直订Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing: Third International Conferenc 通信、和计算的进展:第
海外直订Tunable Solid State Lasers for Remote Sensing: Proceedings of the NASA Conferenc 用于遥感的可调谐固体激光器
海外直订Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing: Third International Conferenc 制造业的全息和多智能体系统
海外直订Applications and Techniques in Information Security: 9th International Conferenc 信息安全应用与技术:第九届
海外直订Modeling in Computer Graphics: Proceedings of the Ifip Wg 5.10 Working Conferenc 计算机图形学建模:Ifip工作
海外直订Computational Statistics: Papers Collected on the Occasion of the 25th Conferenc 计算统计学:第25届统计计算
海外直订Critical Infrastructure Protection X: 10th Ifip Wg 11.10 International Conferenc 关键基础设施保护X:第十届If
海外直订Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning: 4th International Conferenc 智能数据工程与自动化学习:第四
海外直订Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 14th International Conferenc 整数规划与组合优化:第14届国
海外直订S-BPM ONE - Learning by Doing - Doing by Learning: Third International Conferenc S-BPM ONE -边做边学
海外直订Verified Software. Theories, Tools, and Experiments: 9th International Conferenc 验证过的软件。理论、工具和
海外直订Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: 16th Ifip Wg 6.2 International Conferenc 有线/无线互联网通信:第16
海外直订Research in Computational Molecular Biology: 22nd Annual International Conferenc 计算分子生物学研究:第22届
海外直订Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development: Third International Conferenc 模型驱动工程和软件开发:第
海外直订Applications and Techniques in Information Security: 6th International Conferenc 信息安全应用与技术:第六届
海外直订Data Management in Grid and Peer-To-Peer Systems: Second International Conferenc 网格和点对点系统中的数据管
海外直订Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering: 11th International Conferenc 合作设计、可视化和工程:第1
海外直订Progress in Artificial Intelligence -- Iberamia 98: 6th Ibero-American Conferenc 人工智能的进展-伊比利亚98:
海外直订Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 5th International Conferenc 自然语言处理与信息系统:第
海外直订E-Technologies: Transformation in a Connected World: 5th International Conferenc 电子技术:互联世界中的转型:
海外直订Mobile Communication and Power Engineering: Second International Joint Conferenc 移动通信与动力工程:第二届
海外直订Data and Applications Security XXIII: 23rd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conferenc 第二十三届数据与应用安全:
海外直订Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language: 9th International Conferenc 葡萄牙语的计算处理:第九届
海外直订Research in Computational Molecular Biology: 13th Annual International Conferenc 计算分子生物学研究:第13届
海外直订Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing: First International Conferenc 制造业的全息和多智能体系统
海外直订Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management: Third International Conferenc 信息和管理的算法方面:第三
海外直订Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 17th International Conferenc 整数规划和组合优化:第17届
海外直订Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 6th International Conferenc 自然语言处理和信息系统:第
海外直订Advanced Internet Based Systems and Applications: Second International Conferenc 先进的基于互联网的系统和应
海外直订Software Engineering - Esec/Fse '99: 7th European Software Engineering Conferenc 软件工程- Esec
海外直订Conceptual Structures: Inspiration and Application: 14th International Conferenc 概念结构:灵感与应用:第14
海外直订Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 9th International Conferenc 自然语言处理和信息系统:第
海外直订Information Technology and Managing Quality Education: 9th Ifip Wg 3.7 Conferenc 信息技术与管理素质教育:第
海外直订Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 16th International Conferenc 整数规划和组合优化:第16届
海外直订Trust, Privacy, and Security in Digital Business: Second International Conferenc 数字商业中的信任、隐私和安
海外直订Time-Dependent Fracture: Proceedings of the Eleventh Canadian Fracture Conferenc 时间依赖性骨折:第十一届加
海外直订Emerging Research in Web Information Systems and Mining: International Conferenc Web信息系统与采矿的新兴研
海外直订The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 7th Extended Semantic Web Conferenc 语义网:研究与应用:第七届
海外直订Security and Privacy in Communication Networks: 8th International Icst Conferenc 通信中的安全和隐私:第
海外直订Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 13th International Conferenc 整数规划与组合优化:第13届
海外直订Nonlinear Analyses and Algorithms for Speech Processing: International Conferenc 语音处理的非线性分析与算法
海外直订Internet of Vehicles -- Technologies and Services: First International Conferenc 汽车互联网——技术与服务:
海外直订Software Engineering - Esec-Fse '97: 6th European Software Engineering Conferenc 软件工程- Esec
海外直订Pervasive Computing for Quality of Life Enhancement: 5th International Conferenc 普及计算提高生活质量:第五