【预售 按需印刷】English scholars translate Greek into Latin. Thomas More s and William Lily s Progymnasmata
海外直订Progymnasmata. the Inn-Play: Or, Cornish-Hugg Wrestler. Digested in a Method Whi Progymnasm
【预售 按需印刷】Aphthonii Sophistae Progymnasmata (1660)
预售 按需印刷Progymnasmata
预订 Progymnasmata: Greek Textbooks of Prose Composition and Rhetoric [9781589830615]
海外直订Progymnasmata. The Inn-play: Or, Cornish-hugg Wrestler. Digested in a Method Whi Progymnasm
预售 按需印刷 Tychonis Brahe Mathim Eminent Dani Opera Omnia Sive Astronomiae Instauratae Progymnasmata (1648)
海外直订Progymnasmata: Greek Textbooks of Prose Composition and Rhetoric 希腊散文写作与修辞学教材
海外直订The Chreia and Ancient Rhetoric: Commentaries on Aphthonius's Progymnasmata 克里亚与古代修辞学:阿弗托尼乌斯
预订 The Chreia and Ancient Rhetoric: Commentaries on Aphthonius's Progymnasmata [9781589836440]
预售 按需印刷 The Chreia and Ancient Rhetoric: Commentaries on Aphthonius's Progymnasmata
【4周达】Libanius's Progymnasmata: Model Exercises in Greek Prose Composition and Rhetoric [9781589833609]
[预订]Progymnasmata 9782251004532
【4周达】Progymnasmata quae exstant omnia:Collegit, edidit, apparatu critico instruxit. Cum indice G... [9783110218855]