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海外直订Local Governance and Icts in Africa: Case Studies and Guidelines for Implementat 非洲的地方治理和信通技术:
预订 Extending Social Research: Application, Implementation and Publication: Application, Implementat... [9780335215294]
海外直订Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent System Engineering: Design and Implementat 多智能体系统工程中的目标协
【预售】Innovation Management: Strategy and Implementat
【4周达】Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities (Arabic Edition): Implementat... [9789206064184]
预订 Guidelines for Thermography in Architecture and Civil Engineering: Theory, Application Areas, Practical Implementat
【预售 按需印刷】Development of a Generic Flash Device Driver for Cellular Phones - Requirements Design Implementat
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海外直订World Class Performance Through Total Quality:: A Practical Guide to Implementat 通过全面质量实现世界一流的
海外直订Introduction to Analog-To-Digital Converters: Principles and Circuit Implementat 介绍模数转换器:原理和电路
海外直订Maintenance Management in Network Utilities: Framework and Practical Implementat 公用事业的维护管理:框
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【4周达】Reactive Power Support Using Photovoltaic Systems : Techno-Economic Analysis and Implementat... [9783030612504]
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【预订】Universities, Sustainability and Society: Supporting the Implementat 9783030634018
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海外直订Maintenance Management in Network Utilities: Framework and Practical Implementat 网络公用事业的维护管理:框架与