万智牌 刺客信条 ACR 43 同步鸟瞰点 Viewpoint Synchronization
现货Linux Kernel Programming Part 2 - Char Device Drivers and Kernel Synchronization: Crea 9781801079518
预订 Estrus synchronization to augment fertility in buffaloes: 9783659779176
海外直订Software Radio: Sampling Rate Selection, Design and Synchronization 软件无线电:采样率选择、设计和同步
【预售 按需印刷】Synchronization and Localization in Wireless Networks
预售 按需印刷 Evaluations of Synchronization Loss Equations on High-Speed Networks
预售 按需印刷Timing Recovery and Carrier Synchronization Using LDPC Codes
【预售 按需印刷】Self encoded Spread Spectrum Synchronization and Cooperative Diversity
【预售 按需印刷】Chaos Synchronization and Cryptography for Secure Communications
预售 按需印刷 Esb in Effective Synchronization of Large Volume Measurements Data
【预售 按需印刷】New Advances In Synchronization Of Digital Communication Receivers
【预售 按需印刷】Advanced Synchronization Control and Bifurcation of Chaotic Fractional-Order Systems
预售 按需印刷 Clock synchronization in distributed systems - a comparison
【预售 按需印刷】Theoretical Approaches on Coupled Neural Oscillators - Synchronization in a Pairwise system
预售 按需印刷 Code and Frequency Synchronization for DS-CDMA Systems
【4周达】Synchronization and Control of Chaos: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers [9781860944888]
【4周达】Generalized Synchronization and Generalized Consensus of System Arrays [9789811214271]
【4周达】Chaotic Synchronization: Applications to Living Systems [9789810247898]
【4周达】Determining Thresholds of Complete Synchronization, and Application [9789812837660]
【4周达】Synchronization in Coupled Chaotic Circuits & Systems [9789810247133]
【4周达】Stability, Structures and Chaos in Nonlinear Synchronization Networks [9789810218225]
【预售 按需印刷】Business Cycle Synchronization - The Effects of Bilateral Trade Intensity and Economic Development
【预售 按需印刷】Engineering Networks Synchronization
【4周达】Synchronization in Complex Networks of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems [9789812709738]
【4周达】Intelligence for Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization [9789078677338]
【预售 按需印刷】Shared-Memory Synchronization
【预售 按需印刷】Synchronization of Open Systems
预售 按需印刷 A Novel Hyperchaotic system Control and synchronization
【预售按需印刷】Output Synchronization for Teleoperation of Robotic Manipulators
【预售 按需印刷】Synchronization of oestrus in goats
【预售 按需印刷】Recent Advances in Clock Synchronization for Packet-Switched Networks
【预售 按需印刷】Remote Synchronization Method for the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System
【预售 按需印刷】A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Bus Transfers Synchronization
【预售 按需印刷】Light-Induced Synchronization of the Scn
预售 按需印刷 A Novel Synchronization Scheme For Distributed Power Generation
【4周达】Coupled Phase-Locked Loops: Stability, Synchronization, Chaos and Communication with Chaos [9789813271944]
【4周达】Emergence Of Dynamical Order: Synchronization Phenomena In Complex Systems: - Emergence Of D... [9789812388032]
【4周达】Cellular Neural Networks, Multi-Scroll Chaos and Synchronization [9789812561619]
预订 The Synchronization of National Policies: Ethnography of the Global Tribe of Moderns: 9780367867850
【预售】Advances in Synchronization of Coupl...
【预售】Robust Synchronization of Chaotic Systems Via
【预订】Synchronization of Integral and Frac...
【预订】Synchronization in Networks of Nonlinear Circuits
【预售】Advances in Synchronization of Coupled Fractional Order Systems: Fundamentals and Methods
【预售】Synchronization in Oscillatory Networks
【预订】Synchronization of Eeg Activity in E...
【预订】Synchronization in Oscillatory Networks
海外直订Chaos in Nonlinear Oscillators: Controlling and Synchronization 非线性振荡器中的混沌:控制与同步
海外直订Synchronization Control for Large-Scale Network Systems 大规模系统的同步控制
海外直订Thermodynamics and Synchronization in Open Quantum Systems 开放量子系统的热力学与同步
海外直订Wind Driven Doubly Fed Induction Generator: Grid Synchronization and Control 风力双馈感应发电机:并网同步与
海外直订Synchronization and Waves in Active Media 活动介质中的同步与波
海外直订Synchronization: Theory and Application 同步:理论与应用
海外直订Energy Transmission and Synchronization in Complex Networks: Mathematical Princi 复杂中的能量传输与同步
海外直订Consensus and Synchronization in Complex Networks 复杂中的共识与同步
海外直订Synchronization Design for Digital Systems 数字系统的同步设计
海外直订Controlling Synchronization Patterns in Complex Networks 复杂中同步模式的控制
海外直订Cell Cycle Synchronization: Methods and Protocols 细胞周期同步:方法和协议
【预订】MediaSync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization
海外直订Economic Cycles in Emerging and Advanced Countries: Synchronization, Internation 新兴国家和发达国家的经济周
海外直订Advances in Synchronization of Coupled Fractional Order Systems: Fundamentals an 耦合分数阶系统同步研究进展:基
海外直订Synchronization in Oscillatory Networks 振荡中的同步
海外直订医药图书Synchronization of Eeg Activity in Epilepsies: A Symposium Organized by the Aust 癫痫患者脑电图活动
海外直订Synchronization of Integral and Fractional Order Chaotic Systems: A Differential 积分与分数阶混沌系统的同步
海外直订Intelligence for Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization 非线性动力学与同步的智能化
【预售】Synchronization and Control of Chaos: An
海外直订Synchronization in Digital Communication Systems 数字通信系统中的同步
【预订】Boundary Synchronization for Hyperbolic Systems
【预售】Synchronization and Control of Multiagent Systems
海外直订Coupled Phase-Locked Loops: Stability, Synchronization, Chaos and Communication 耦合锁相环:稳定性、同步、
海外直订Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks: Parameter Estimation, Performance B 无线传感器中的同步:参
[预订]Recent Advances in Clock Synchronization for Packet-Switched Networks 9781680837261
【预售】Synchronization in Coupled Chaotic Circuits
海外直订Complex Systems: Fractionality, Time-Delay and Synchronization 复杂系统:分馏性、时滞与同步
海外直订Corps Artillery in the AirLand Battle: A Study of Synchronization, Change and Ch 陆空一体战中的兵团炮兵:同
海外直订Battle Staff Operations: Synchronization of Planning at Battalion and Brigade Le 作战参谋部行动:营级和旅级
海外直订Fluency in Reading: Synchronization of Processes 流利阅读:过程的同步
[预订]Shared-Memory Synchronization 9783031386831
预订 Shared-Memory Synchronization
【预订】NextGen Network Synchronization
【预订】Dynamical System Synchronization
预订 Discontinuous Dynamics and System Synchronization 不连续动力学与系统同步: 9783031666476
【预售】Engineering Networks For Synchronization, Ccs 7, And
海外直订Synchronization of sustainable development and land development 可持续发展与土地开发同步
海外直订Synchronization: From Simple to Complex 同步:从简单到复杂
[预订]Precise Time Synchronization of Widely Separated Clocks; NBS Technical Note 22 9781015245099