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【预订】Bonding and Charge Distribution in Polyoxometalates: A Bond Valence Approach
【预订】Theory of Heavy Fermions and Valence...
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[预订]Electrons and Valence: Development of the Theory, 1900-1925 9780890961247
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[预订]The Nature of Secondary Valence 9781022218444
按需印刷 Coordination Chemistry Studies of Bond Valence Sums
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预订Mixed-Valence Systems:Fundamentals, Synthesis,
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【4周达】Bonding in Electron-Rich Molecules : Qualitative Valence-Bond Approach via Increased-Valence... [9783319307510]
【4周达】Theory of Heavy Fermions and Valence Fluctuations : Proceedings of the Eighth Taniguchi Symp... [9783642826207]
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【4周达】Bonding and Charge Distribution in Polyoxometalates: A Bond Valence Approach [9783540649342]
【4周达】Valence Bond Methods: Theory and Applications [9780521021272]
【4周达】Quantum Critical Phenomena of Valence Transition: Heavy Fermion Metals and Related Systems [9789819935178]
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【4周达】Coordination Chemistry Studies of Bond Valence Sums of Several Metal Complex Environments an... [9780530000725]
【4周达】Electrons and Valence: Development of the Theory, 1900-1925 [9780890961247]
【4周达】From Valence to Emotions: How Coarse versus Fine-Grained Online Sentiment can predict Real-W... [9783954891450]
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