【预订】Translingual Practice
预订 Lessons from a Translingual Romance: Conflict and Cultural Innovation of Intercultural Couples 跨语际浪漫的教训:跨
【预订】Translingual Discrimination 9781009209731
[预订]Translingual Inheritance 9780822946687
预订 Multilingual Life Writing by French and Francophone Women: Translingual Selves: Translingual Selves 法语与法语国家
【预订】Learner Narratives of Translingual Identities: A Multimodal Approach to Exploring Language Learning Histor...
【预订】Learner Narratives of Translingual Identities
预订 Translingual Practices: Playfulness and Precariousness 翻译实践:嬉戏与不稳定: 9781316513514
【预售】Switching Languages: Translingual Writers Reflect on
【预订】Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Translation
预订 Transnational Literacy Autobiographies as Translingual Writing 作为跨语言作品的跨国文化自传: 9780367201821
预售 按需印刷 Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Translation
预售 按需印刷 Transnational Literacy Autobiographies as Translingual Writing
海外直订Translingual Identities and Transnational Realities in the U.S. College Classroo 美国大学课堂中的跨语言认同
海外直订Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations 跨语言实践:全球英语与国际关系
海外直订Transnational Literacy Autobiographies as Translingual Writing 跨国文学自传与跨语言写作
海外直订The Translingual Verse: Migration, Rhythm, and Resistance in Contemporary Italop 跨语言诗歌:当代斜体字诗歌
海外直订Translingual Partners in Early Childhood Elementary-Education: Pedagogies on Lin 幼儿基础教育中的跨语言伙伴语言
海外直订Translingual Practices: Playfulness and Precariousness 翻译实践:游戏性和不稳定性
海外直订Translingual Words Translingual的话
海外直订Translingual Practices and Neoliberal Policies: Attitudes and Strategies of Afri 跨语言实践和新自由主义政策:非
海外直订Translingual Identities and Transnational Realities in the U.S. College Classroo 美国大学课堂中的翻译身份和
海外直订Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Tran... 法语国家的跨语言现象与翻译的限度
海外直订Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations 跨语言实践:全球英语与世界主义关系
海外直订Translingual Partners in Early Childhood Elementary-Education: Pedagogies on Lin 幼儿基础教育中的跨语言伙伴
海外直订Translingual Discrimination Translingual歧视
海外直订Learner Narratives of Translingual Identities: A Multimodal Approach to Explorin 跨语言身份的学习者叙事:探
海外直订Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Tran... 译语法语国家与翻译的局限
海外直订Literacy as Translingual Practice: Between Communities and Classrooms 作为跨语言实践的识字:在社区和教室之
【4周达】Toward Translingual Realities in Composition: (Re)Working Local Language Representations and... [9781607329039]
预订 Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Translation [9780367549121]
【4周达】Literacy as Translingual Practice: Between Communities and Classrooms [9780415524674]
【4周达】Literacy as Translingual Practice : Between Communities and Classrooms [9780415524667]
【4周达】Translingual Dispositions: The Affordances of Globalized Approaches to the Teaching of Writing [9781646421039]
【4周达】Learner Narratives of Translingual Identities : A Multimodal Approach to Exploring Language ... [9783030070373]
【4周达】Learner Narratives of Translingual Identities : A Multimodal Approach to Exploring Language ... [9783319954370]
【4周达】Language, Social Media and Ideologies : Translingual Englishes, Facebook and Authenticities [9783030261382]
【4周达】Translingual Identities and Transnational Realities in the U.S. College Classroom [9780367026363]
【4周达】Translingual Practice : Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations [9780415684002]
预订 Transnational Literacy Autobiographies as Translingual Writing [9780367201838]
【4周达】Translingual and Transnational Graduate Education in Rhetoric and Composition [9781646423255]
【4周达】Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations [9780415683982]
【4周达】Lessons from a Translingual Romance : Conflict and Cultural Innovation of Intercultural Couples [9783031329203]
预订 Transnational Literacy Autobiographies as Translingual Writing [9780367201821]
预订 Multilingual Life Writing by French and Francophone Women : Translingual Selves [9780367150327]
【4周达】Translingual Identities and Transnational Realities in the U.S. College Classroom [9780367026387]
【4周达】Translingual Partners in Early Childhood Elementary-Education : Pedagogies on Linguistic and... [9781433149399]
【4周达】Translingual Partners in Early Childhood Elementary-Education : Pedagogies on Linguistic and... [9781433149382]
【4周达】Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Translation [9780367549152]
【4周达】The Translingual Verse: Migration, Rhythm, and Resistance in Contemporary Italophone Poetry [9781781885963]
【4周达】The Translingual Verse: Migration, Rhythm, and Resistance in Contemporary Italophone Poetry [9781781885925]
【4周达】Translingual Identities - Language and the Self in Stefan Heym and Jakov Lind: Language and ... [9781571135476]
【4周达】Multilingual Life Writing by French and Francophone Women: Translingual Selves [9781032087566]
【4周达】Translingual Discrimination [9781009209731]
按需印刷Transnational Literacy Autobiographies as Translingual Writing[9780367201838]
按需印刷Multilingual Life Writing by French and Francophone Women:Translingual Selves[9780367150327]
按需印刷Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Translation[9780367549121]