【预售】Image and Graphics: 10th International Conference, Icig 2019, Beijing, China, August 23-25, 2019, Proceedi...
【预订】Near-Rings and Near-Fields: Proceedi...
【预订】Biochemistry of Vitamin B6: Proceedi...
【预订】Advances in X-Ray Analysis: Proceedi...
【预订】ICM-90 Satellite Conference Proceedi...
【预订】Optimization Techniques II: Proceedi...
【预售】Multivariate Approximation Theory II: Proceedi...
【预售】Multivariate Approximation Theory IV: Proceedi...
【预订】Quantum Theory of Polymers: Proceedi...
【预订】Ophthalmic Ultrasonography: Proceedi...
【预售】Advances in Manufacturing Technology: Proceedi...
【预订】Z User Workshop, York 1991: Proceedi...
【预订】Microelectronics Education: Proceedi...
【预订】Advanced Computer Graphics: Proceedi...
【预订】Advances in Turbulence VII: Proceedi...
【预售】Computational Methods in Band Theory: Proceedi...
【预订】Quantum Bio-Informatics V - Proceedi...
[预订]Systemic, Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Physiological Functions and Their Disorders (Proceedi 9781685071134
【预订】Abelian Groups and Modules: Proceedi...
【预订】Sustainable Rail Transport: Proceedi...
【预售】Sustainable Rail Transport: Proceedi...
【预售】Health and Social Care Systems of the Future: Demographic Changes, Digital Age and Human Factors: Proceedi...
【预订】Mesons and Light Nuclei 95: Proceedi...
【预订】Hydrologic Modeling: Select Proceedi...
【预订】Social Robotics: 12th International Conference, Icsr 2020, Golden, Co, Usa, November 14-18, 2020, Proceedi...
【预售】Future Developments in Blood Banking: Proceedi...
【预订】Intracranial Pressure VIII: Proceedi...
【预售】Cellular Fatty Acid-Binding Proteins II: Proceedi
【预订】Magnetic Phase Transitions: Proceedi...
【预订】Physics of Classical Novae: Proceedi...
【预订】Tunable Solid State Lasers: Proceedi...
【预订】Ocean Space Utilization 85: Proceedi...
【预订】The Climacteric: An Update: Proceedi...
【预订】Biological Shape Analysis - Proceedi...
【预订】The Evolution of Language - Proceedi...
【预订】Exotic Nuclei: Iasen-2013 - Proceedi...
【预订】Electromagnetic Materials - Proceedi...
【预订】Progress in Turbulence VII: Proceedi...
【预售】Progress in Turbulence VII: Proceedi...
【预订】Advances in Turbulence XII: Proceedi...
【预订】Subsurface-Water Hydrology: Proceedi...
【预售】Electronic Design Automation Frameworks: Proceedi
【预订】Systems Theory and Biology: Proceedi...
【预订】Affine Algebraic Geometry - Proceedi...
【预售】Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun: Proceedi
【预售】Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems: Proceedi...
【4周达】Modern Mathematical Models of Time and their Applications to Physics and Cosmology: Proceedi... [9789401063722]
【4周达】Black Holes in Binaries and Galactic Nuclei, Diagnostics, Demography and Formation: Proceedi... [9783540415817]
【4周达】3rd International Conference on Radiation Safety & Security in Healthcare Services: Proceedi... [9789811340147]
【4周达】Managing Service, Education and Knowledge Management in the Knowledge Economic Era: Proceedi... [9781138035171]
【4周达】Urbanization: Challenge and Opportunity for Soil Functions and Ecosystem Services : Proceedi... [9783030078133]
【4周达】Lepton and Baryon Number Violation in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology: Proceedi... [9780750306164]
海外直订IUTAM Symposium on Discretization Methods for Evolving Discontinuities: Proceedi IUTAM关于演化不连续离散化
海外直订医药图书Anaesthesia, Pain, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine -- A.P.I.C.E.: Proceedi 麻醉、疼痛、重症监
海外直订Green Chemistry in Environmental Sustainability and Chemical Education: Proceedi
海外直订Advances in Characterization and Analysis of Expansive Soils and Rocks: Proceedi 膨胀土和岩石的表征和分析进
海外直订Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation in Semiconductors and Devices: Proceedi 半导体和器件中的非线性动力
海外直订Electronic Properties of High-Tc Superconductors and Related Compounds: Proceedi
海外直订New Approaches for Security, Privacy and Trust in Complex Environments: Proceedi 复杂环境中安全、隐私和信任
【4周达】Advanced Characterisation of Pavement and Soil Engineering Materials, 2 Volume Set: Proceedi... [9780415448826]
海外直订医药图书The Cultured Cell and Inherited Metabolic Disease: Monograph Based Upon Proceedi 培养细胞与遗传代谢
【4周达】Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: The Human-Data-Technology Nexus: Proceedi... [9783031176289]
【4周达】Going Global through Social Sciences and Humanities: A Systems and ICT Perspective: Proceedi... [9783030114725]
【4周达】Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy : Proceedi... [9789811659515]
【4周达】Nonlinear Optical Materials and Devices for Applications in Information Technology: Proceedi... [9780792334576]
【4周达】Cytotoxic Anticancer Drugs: Models and Concepts for Drug Discovery and Development: Proceedi... [9781461365488]
【4周达】IUTAM Symposium on Micromechanics of Plasticity and Damage of Multiphase Materials: Proceedi... [9789401072854]
【4周达】Cognitive Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction for Geographic Information Systems: Proceedi... [9780792335955]
【4周达】International Symposium on Earth and Environmental Sciences for Future Generations: Proceedi... [9783319887241]
【4周达】Innovative Superhard Materials and Sustainable Coatings for Advanced Manufacturing: Proceedi... [9781402034695]
【4周达】Topics in Experimental Dynamics Substructuring and Wind Turbine Dynamics, Volume 2: Proceedi... [9781489996664]
【4周达】IUTAM Symposium on New Applications of Nonlinear and Chaotic Dynamics in Mechanics: Proceedi... [9789401062350]
【4周达】Innovative Superhard Materials and Sustainable Coatings for Advanced Manufacturing: Proceedi... [9781402034701]
【4周达】Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy : Proceedi... [9789811599521]
【4周达】IUTAM Symposium on Micromechanics of Plasticity and Damage of Multiphase Materials: Proceedi... [9780792341888]
【4周达】3rd International Conference on Radiation Safety & Security in Healthcare Services: Proceedi... [9789811078583]
【4周达】Residual Stress, Thermomechanics & Infrared Imaging and Inverse Problems, Volume 6: Proceedi... [9783030301002]
【4周达】Energy Conserve in Industry - Combustion, Heat Recovery and Rankine Cycle Machines: Proceedi... [9789048183821]
【4周达】Dams and Reservoirs, Societies and Environment in the 21st Century, Two Volume Set: Proceedi... [9780415404235]
【4周达】Applications of Analytic and Geometric Methods to Nonlinear Differential Equations: Proceedi... [9780792324577]
【4周达】Topics in Experimental Dynamics Substructuring and Wind Turbine Dynamics, Volume 2: Proceedi... [9781461424215]
【4周达】IUTAM Symposium on New Applications of Nonlinear and Chaotic Dynamics in Mechanics: Proceedi... [9780792352761]
【4周达】Proceedings of The 9th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment : Proceedi... [9789819709472]
【4周达】Energy Conserve in Industry - Combustion, Heat Recovery and Rankine Cycle Machines: Proceedi... [9789027715814]
【4周达】Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials and Geotechnical Engineering: Select Proceedi... [9789811374791]
【4周达】Sustainable Increase of Marine Harvesting: Fundamental Mechanisms and New Concepts: Proceedi... [9781402011184]
【4周达】Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials and Geotechnical Engineering: Select Proceedi... [9789811374821]
【4周达】Sustainable Increase of Marine Harvesting: Fundamental Mechanisms and New Concepts: Proceedi... [9789048162178]
【4周达】Communications, Cyber Resilience, and the Future of the U.S. Electric Power System: Proceedi... [9780309676809]
【4周达】Developing Affordable and Accessible Community-Based Housing for Vulnerable Adults: Proceedi... [9780309459808]