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【预售】Convection in Ferro-Nanofluids: Expe...
【预售】Experience with Technology: Dynamics of User Expe...
【预售】African Dinosaurs Unearthed: The Tendaguru Expe
【预订】Synchrotron Radiation: Selected Expe...
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【预售】Contemporary Women's Poetry and Urban Space: Expe
预订 Indoor Electric Grill Recipes for Beginners: A Collection of Healthy Flavorful Recipes for the Indoor Grilling Expe
【预订】Radiometry in Modern Scientific Expe...
【预售】Measurement of the D0 Meson Production in Pb-Pb and p-Pb Collisions: A Study Performed with the ALICE Expe...
【预订】Stimulated Cerebral Blood Flow: Expe...
【预售】Advancement of Optical Methods in Expe
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[预订]The Personalization Paradox: Why Companies Fail (and How To Succeed) at Delivering Personalized Expe 9781937434724
【预售】Engineering Innovative Products: A Practical Expe
【预订】Grundzuge Der Elektrochemie Auf Expe...
【预售】The Coombes Approach: Learning Through an Expe...
【预订】Applied Mathematical Models and Expe...
【预订】The Solar Radiation and Climate Expe...
【预售】2016 International Symposium on Expe...
【预订】2016 International Symposium on Expe...
【预订】Stochastic Approach to Fatigue: Expe...
【预售】Monetary Policy Over Fifty Years: Expe
【预售】Impedance Spectroscopy: Theory, Expe...
【预订】Medical Statistics and Computer Expe...
【预售】Rutherford's Vascular Surgery, 2-Volume Set: Expe
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【预订】Round-Robin Test on Creep Behaviour in Cracked Sections of FRC: Expe 9783030727383
【预售】Energy Management in Industry: The Earthscan Expe
预订 Tincture Recipe Book: A Complete Guide to Crafting Natural Herbal Remedies for Beginners w/ Popular Herbs, and Expe
【预售】The Job-Getting Formula - For the Expe
预订 The Complete Scoliosis Surgery Handbook for Patients (2nd Edition): An In-Depth and Unbiased Look Into What to Expe
海外直订Institutional Structure of Financial Regulation: Theories and International Expe 金融监管制度结构:理论与国
海外直订Designing Research on Bilingual Development: Behavioral and Neurolinguistic Expe 双语发展的设计性研究:行为学和
海外直订Product Data Interfaces in Cad/CAM Applications: Design, Implementation and Expe Cad/CAM应用中的产品数据
预售 按需印刷 Every Wine Tells a Story - a collection of the most memorable provocative and emotive wines as expe
海外直订Stories Seen Through Screen Doors: The Roots and Branches of Black Southern Expe 透过纱门看到的故事:南方黑
现货速发SAE Lab Scie Kit with 0 Mag Scietif Expe
【4周达】Cloud Multi-phase Processes and High Alpine Air and Snow Chemistry : Ground-based Cloud Expe... [9783642638794]
【4周达】Showhouse Review: an Expe of Interior Decorating Events: An ExposA (c) of Interior Decoratin... [9780764328640]
【4周达】Society at War - The Experience of England and France during the Hundred Years War: The Expe... [9780851156729]
预订 IGI Impact of Digital Transformation on the Development of New Business Models and Consumer Expe... [9781799891802]
【4周达】Learning to Teach Design and Technology in the Secondary School : A Companion to School Expe... [9780367336783]
【4周达】Architectural, Construction, Environmental and Digital Technologies for Future Cities : Expe... [9783030947729]
预订 Development and Stabilization in Small Open Economies: Theories and Evidence from Caribbean Expe... [9781032162188]
【4周达】Cloud Multi-phase Processes and High Alpine Air and Snow Chemistry : Ground-based Cloud Expe... [9783540624967]
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【4周达】Quantifying and Managing Soil Functions in Earth's Critical Zone, Volume 142: Combining Expe... [9780128122228]
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【4周达】Integrating Yoga and Play Therapy: The Mind-Body Approach for Healing Adverse Childhood Expe... [9781785928123]
【4周达】Practical Operating Theatre Management: Measuring and Improving Performance and Patient Expe... [9781316646830]
【4周达】Combining DataOps, MLOps and DevOps: Outperform Analytics and Software Development with Expe... [9789355511911]
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海外直订Kaliningrad The Capital of The Westernmost Region of Russia: A Photo Travel Expe 加里宁格勒:俄罗斯最西端地
【4周达】Computational Approaches to Nuclear Receptors: From Computational Simulation to in Vivo Expe... [9781849733649]
【4周达】The Social Psychology of Expertise: Case Studies in Research, Professional Domains, and Expe... [9780415652766]
海外直订Sustainability Appraisal: A Sourcebook and Reference Guide to International Expe 《可持续发展评估:国际经验
【4周达】Nordic Perspectives on Nature-based Tourism - From Place-based Resources to Value-added Expe... [9781789904024]
【4周达】HowExpert Guide to Travel and Adventure: The Ultimate Handbook for Exploring the World, Expe... [9798895730591]
【4周达】Embroidery Stitches Step-by-Step : The Ideal Guide to Stitching, Whatever Your Level of Expe... [9780241593257]
【4周达】Impact of Digital Transformation on the Development of New Business Models and Consumer Expe... [9781799891796]
【4周达】Pregnancy Guide for Men: The Complete Week-By-Week Guide for First-time Dads on What to Expe... [9781088145081]
【4周达】Nature, Artforms, and the World Around Us : An Introduction to the Regions of Aesthetic Expe... [9783319570891]
【4周达】Information Communication Technology and Economic Development: Learning from the Indian Expe... [9781845421755]
【4周达】Development Induced Displacements in Zimbabwe: Learning from Colonial and Post-Colonial Expe... [9781779223869]
【4周达】Advances in Hydroinformatics: Models for Complex and Global Water Issues--Practices and Expe... [9789811915994]
海外直订The Campaign of the Cataracts: being a personal narrative of the great Nile expe 白内障运动
【4周达】Phenomenology of Thinking: Philosophical Investigations into the Character of Cognitive Expe... [9781138387171]
【4周达】Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives: Seventy-Sixth Meeting of the Joint Fao/Who Expe... [9789241660679]
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【4周达】The Transplant Imaginary: Mechanical Hearts, Animal Parts, and Moral Thinking in Highly Expe... [9780520277960]
【4周达】Voltages Induced on a Test Power Line From Artifically Initiated Lightening: Theory and Expe... [9780530005010]
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海外直订医药图书Immunological Aspects of Allergy and Allergic Diseases: Volume 2 Methods in Expe 过敏和过敏性疾病的
【4周达】Markenorientiertes Human-Resource-Management als Instrument der Internen Markenfuhrung: Expe... [9783658381950]
【4周达】Frugal Living: Learn Proven Strategies to Start Saving Money (Learn How to Cut Everyday Expe... [9781738641239]
【4周达】Invest in Real Estate: The Ultimate Guide on How to Make Money in Real Estate, Discover Expe... [9786069836880]
【4周达】Leadership in Integrative STEM Education : Collaborative Strategies for Facilitating an Expe... [9781475857368]
海外直订Santorini Travel Guide 2023: Expert Tips and Local Secrets for an Authentic Expe 圣托里尼旅游指南2023:专家
【4周达】From Sugar to Splenda : A Personal and Scientific Journey of a Carbohydrate Chemist and Expe... [9783642433276]
【4周达】Wave Dynamics, Mechanics and Physics of Microstructured Metamaterials : Theoretical and Expe... [9783030174729]
【4周达】Leadership in Integrative STEM Education : Collaborative Strategies for Facilitating an Expe... [9781475857351]
【4周达】Measuring Customer Experience : How to Develop and Execute the Most Profitable Customer Expe... [9781349477340]
海外直订Historical Dictionary of School Segregation and Desegregation: The American Expe
【4周达】Engineering Nature: Water, Development, and the Global Spread of American Environmental Expe... [9780807871768]
【4周达】The Social Psychology of Expertise: Case Studies in Research, Professional Domains, and Expe... [9780805837506]
【4周达】From Sugar to Splenda : A Personal and Scientific Journey of a Carbohydrate Chemist and Expe... [9783642227806]
【4周达】Wave Dynamics, Mechanics and Physics of Microstructured Metamaterials : Theoretical and Expe... [9783030174699]
预订 De Nederlandse Poolexpeditie van 1882-1883: Overwintering op een IJsschots [The Dutch Polar Expe... [9789050114318]
【4周达】Das Koerperlich-Seelische Zusammenwirken in Den Lebensvorgangen: An Hand Klinischer Und Expe... [9783662404959]
海外直订First Course in Linear Models and Design of Expe... 线性模型与实验设计第一课
【4周达】Braddock Road Chronicles, 1755 (From the Diaries and Records of Members of the Braddock Expe... [9780788412059]
【4周达】Being Black, Being Male on Campus : Understanding and Confronting Black Male Collegiate Expe... [9781438464008]