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【4周达】Felony Probation: Problems and Prospects [9780275929930]
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【4周达】Walter Sherwood's Probation [9789358597011]
【4周达】Sociology for Social Workers and Probation Officers [9780415446211]
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【4周达】Desistance Transitions and the Impact of Probation [9780415642286]
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【4周达】PROBATION 2E, CANTON AND DOMINEY [9781138222779]
【4周达】Probation and Parole: Corrections in the Community [9780134548616]
【4周达】RISK IN PROBATION PRACTICE (1998) R [9780367000998]
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【4周达】Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections [9798823308007]
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【4周达】Probation Round the World: A Comparative Study [9780415115179]
【4周达】Probation and Parole [9780789037855]
【4周达】Rethinking What Works with Offenders: Probation, Social Context and Desistance from Crime [9780367698966]
【4周达】Reimagining Probation Practice: Re-forming Rehabilitation in an Age of Penal Excess [9780367775995]
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【4周达】Probation : 12 Essential Questions [9781137519801]
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【4周达】An Introduction to Penology: Punishment, Prisons and Probation (1) [9781526492838]
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【4周达】Dictionary of Probation and Offender Management [9781843922902]
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【4周达】Rethinking What Works with Offenders: Probation, Social Context and Desistance from Crime [9781843921028]
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【4周达】Desistance Transitions and the Impact of Probation [9781138922372]
【4周达】What Matters in Probation [9781843920526]
【4周达】Anti-Racist Probation Practice [9781857422801]
【4周达】What Works in Probation and Youth Justice: Developing Evidence-Based Practice [9781138150119]
【4周达】Thinking Skills Workbook [Probation Series] [9781909125308]
【4周达】Handbook of Probation [9781843921905]
预订 Victim Awareness Workbook [Probation Series] [9781909125186]
【4周达】Transforming Probation: Social Theories and the Criminal Justice System [9781447327660]
【4周达】Parole on Probation : Parole Decision-Making, Public Opinion and Public Confidence [9783031193842]
【4周达】Transforming Probation: Social Theories and the Criminal Justice System [9781447327653]
【4周达】PROBATION 2E, CANTON AND DOMINEY [9781138222786]
【4周达】The Honest Politician's Guide to Prisons and Probation [9780367773069]
【4周达】Mass Supervision : Probation, Parole, and the Illusion of Safety and Freedom [9781620978177]
【4周达】Privatising Probation: Is Transforming Rehabilitation the End of the Probation Ideal? [9781447327288]
【4周达】Working with Violent Men: From Resistance to Change Talk in Probation Domestic Abuse Programmes [9781032151663]
【4周达】Punishment, Probation and Parole: Mapping Out 'Mass Supervision' in International Contexts [9781837531950]
【4周达】An Introduction to Penology: Punishment, Prisons and Probation (1) [9781526492845]
【4周达】The Long Road to the Straight and Narrow: The challenges of a life in the Probation Service [9781861517777]
【4周达】Dictionary of Probation and Offender Management [9781843922896]
【4周达】Rethinking What Works with Offenders: Probation, Social Context and Desistance from Crime [9780367699000]
预订 Alcohol Awareness Workbook [Probation Series] [9781909125261]
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【4周达】Redemption, Rehabilitation and Risk Management: A History of Probation [9781843922506]
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预订 Breaking Free: From Probation Officer to Psychic Medium. [9781504387217]
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【4周达】Four Mystery Dramas: The Portal of Initiation - The Soul's Probation - The Guardian of the T... [9780880105811]
【4周达】Sociology for Social Workers and Probation Officers [9780415446228]
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【4周达】Term of Probation: Book 2 of the Yashmea Trilogy [9781490847429]
【4周达】Badge 411: Based on the Actual Experiences of a Probation Officer [9781956780239]
海外直订Walter Sherwood's Probation 沃尔特·舍伍德的缓刑
现货 缓刑服务心理学 Psychology In Probation Services 英文原版 David Crighton 中商原版
海外直订Elinor Dryden's Probation. [A Novel.] 埃莉诺·德莱登的缓刑。【小说】
海外直订Probation. a Novel. by the Author of the First Violin.. 试用期一本小说。由第一小提琴的作者。。