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正版 广义概率论发展前景:关于趣味数学与置信函数实际应用的一些原创观点:some original perspectives on the Intriguing mathem
【预订】Methods of Small Parameter in Mathem...
【预订】Introduction to Computational Mathem...
【预售】Mathematical Analysis and the Mathem...
【预售】A Defence of Free-Thinking in Mathem...
【预售】Die Keplersche Vermutung: Wie Mathem...
【预订】Electricity and Magnetism for Mathem...
【预订】A Beginner’s Further Guide to Mathem...
【预售】Philosophy’s Loss of Logic to Mathem...
【预售】A Readable Introduction to Real Mathem
【预订】Implicit Curves and Surfaces: Mathem...
【预订】Mathematical Analysis and the Mathem...
【预订】Advances in Interdisciplinary Mathem...
【预订】Problem-Solving Strategies in Mathem...
【预订】A Formal Background to Higher Mathem...
【预订】Biological Growth and Spread: Mathem...
【预订】Spin Glasses: A Challenge for Mathem...
【预售】Math Tools, Grades 3 12: 60+ Ways to Build Mathem
【预订】Arbeiten Zur Analysis Und Zur Mathem...
按需印刷 Optimal Enterprise:Structures, Processes and Mathem
【预订】Investigating the Pedagogy of Mathem...
【预售】Final Exam Review: Elementary Mathem...
[预订]Elementary Mathematics Specialists: Developing, Refining, and Examining Programs That Support Mathem 9781681238227
【4周达】Saved from the Cellar : Gerhard Gentzen's Shorthand Notes on Logic and Foundations of Mathem... [9783319421193]
【4周达】Diophantine Analysis: Proceedings at the Number Theory Section of the 1985 Australian Mathem... [9780521339230]
【4周达】Saved from the Cellar : Gerhard Gentzen's Shorthand Notes on Logic and Foundations of Mathem... [9783319825021]
【4周达】Mathematical Creativity and Mathematical Giftedness: Enhancing Creative Capacities in Mathem... [9783319731551]
【4周达】Mit Den Mathemädels Durch Die Welt [9783662480984]
【4周达】A Delicate Balance: Global Perspectives on Innovation and Tradition in the History of Mathem... [9783319120294]
【4周达】Mathematical Creativity and Mathematical Giftedness: Enhancing Creative Capacities in Mathem... [9783030103262]
【4周达】Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics: - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathem... [9780521826020]
预订【德语】 Neues System der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundriss. Bd.2:Mathem
【4周达】Probability and Statistical Inference : Proceedings of the 2nd Pannonian Symposium on Mathem... [9789027714275]
预订 Ergänzungsheft Zur 24. Und Den Früheren Auflagen Von Mehlers Hauptsätzen Der Elementar-Mathem... [9783112664490]
【4周达】Wandlungen Des Mathematischen Denkens : Eine Einf hrung in Die Grundlagenprobleme Der Mathem... [9783322980076]
NEW Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics: Probability & Statistics 2 Coursebook with Cambridge Online Mathem
【4周达】Cambridge International Examinations - Cambridge International as and a Level Further Mathem... [9780008271893]
【4周达】Cambridge International Examinations - Cambridge International as and a Level Further Mathem... [9780008271886]
预订 Aspects of Complexity: Minicourses in Algorithmics, Complexity and Computational Algebra. Mathem... [9783110168105]
【4周达】Chasles and the Projective Geometry: The Birth of a Global Foundational Programme for Mathem... [9783031542657]
【4周达】Gender Equity Right From the Start: Instructional Activities for Teacher Educators in Mathem... [9780805823370]
【4周达】Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics: - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathem... [9780521533416]
【4周达】Grundkurs Stochastik : Eine integrierte Einführung in Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Mathem... [9783519120698]
【4周达】Descriptive Topology and Functional Analysis II : In Honour of Manuel López-Pellicer Mathem... [9783030173784]
【4周达】Modellierung und Bewertung von IT-Kosten : Empirische Analyse mit Hilfe multivariater mathem... [9783824421770]
【4周达】Implizitheit und Explizitheit : Praxeologische und institutionskritische Analysen zum Mathem... [9783658139087]
【4周达】Matrices and Graphs Stability Problems in Mathematical Ecology: Stability Problems in Mathem... [9781315895222]
【4周达】Algorithmen von Hammurapi bis Gödel : Mit Beispielen aus den Computeralgebrasystemen Mathem... [9783658123628]
【4周达】Industrial Mathematics: Case Studies in the Diffusion of Heat and Matter - Industrial Mathem... [9780521807173]
【4周达】Invariant Wave Equations : Proceedings of the Ettore Majorana International School of Mathem... [9783540086550]
【4周达】Industrial Mathematics: Case Studies in the Diffusion of Heat and Matter - Industrial Mathem... [9780521001816]
【4周达】Exploiting Symmetry in Applied and Numerical Analysis: 22nd Summer Seminar in Applied Mathem... [9780821811344]
【4周达】Gender Equity Right From the Start: Instructional Activities for Teacher Educators in Mathem... [9781138428782]
【4周达】Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing: International Conference on Advances in Mathem... [9783030011222]
【4周达】Die Mathematik als Denkwerk : Eine Studie zur kommunikativen und visuellen Performanz mathem... [9783658114091]
【4周达】Mathematik für Physiker Band 2 : Gewöhnliche und partielle Differentialgleichungen, mathem... [9783658004767]
【4周达】Einführung in die klassische und moderne Zahlentheorie : Skriptum für Studenten der Mathem... [9783528033132]
【4周达】Mathematische Fingerübungen Zum Weiterspielen: Ein Streifzug Durch Viele Gebiete Der Mathem... [9783662653890]
【4周达】Instructional Strategies for Improving Students' Learning: Focus on Early Reading and Mathem... [9781617356308]
【4周达】Angewandte Mathematik, Insbesondere Informatik: Beispiele Erfolgreicher Wege Zwischen Mathem... [9783528057206]
【4周达】Matrizen und ihre Anwendungen 1 : Grundlagen Für Ingenieure, Physiker und Angewandte Mathem... [9783642175428]
【预售】Bifurcation Theory, Mechanics and Physics: Mathem...
【4周达】Aufgabensammlung Und Klausurentrainer Zur Optimierung: Für Die Bachelorausbildung in Mathem... [9783834808783]
【预售】Distributed Control of Robotic Networks: A Mathem
预订 Adversus dogmaticos:Libros quinque (Adv. mathem. VII-XI) continens [9783110256284]
[预订]Elementary Mathematics Specialists: Developing, Refining, and Examining Programs That Support Mathem 9781681238234
书籍正版 数学思维:用数学思考万物:simplify life's mathem 玛丽安·里伯格 中国科学技术出版社有限公司 自然科学 9787523600443
正版数学思维:用数学思考万物:simplify life's mathem玛丽安·里伯格书店自然科学中国科学技术出版社有限公司9787523600443
海外直订ASVAB Math Practice Book with 275 Questions: 5 Arithmetic Reasoning and 5 Mathem ASVAB数学练习册
海外直订Geometric Optics: Theory and Design of Astronomical Optical Systems Using Mathem 几何光学:利用Mathemat
海外直订Spectral Theory and Analysis: Conference on Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathem 光谱理论与分析:算子理论、
海外直订Intelligent Routines: Solving Mathematical Analysis with Matlab, Mathcad, Mathem 智能例程:使用Matlab、M
海外直订Cambridge Primary Ready to Go Lessons for Mathem... 剑桥小学准备去课程数学3第二版与Boost订阅
海外直订Electrotechnical Systems: Calculation and Analysis with Mathematica and PSPICE 电工系统:用Mathem
海外直订Introduction to Scientific Programming: Computational Problem Solving Using Math 科学编程导论:使用Mathem
海外直订Gender Differences on College Admission Test Items: Exploring the Role of Mathem 大学入学考试项目的性别差异
海外直订Spectral Theory and Analysis: Conference on Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathem 谱理论与分析:算子理论、分
海外直订Applications and Computation of Orthogonal Polynomials: Conference at the Mathem 正交多项式的应用和计算:在
海外直订Series and Products in the Development of Mathem... 数学发展中的级数与乘积
海外直订Cambridge Primary Ready to Go Lessons for Mathem... 剑桥小学准备去课程数学1第二版与Boost订阅
海外直订CLEP College Mathematics Math Prep 2019 - 2020: Step-By-Step CLEP College Mathem 克莱普大学数学预科2
海外直订Raspbian OS Programming with the Raspberry Pi: Iot Projects with Wolfram, Mathem 用覆盆子Pi进行Ra
海外直订Fostering Children's Mathematical Power: An Investigative Approach to K-8 Mathem 培养儿童的数学能力:对中小
海外直订Dual-Fuel Gas-Steam Power Block Analysis: Methodology and Continuous-Time Mathem 双燃料气-蒸汽动力块分析:方法
海外直订Applications and Computation of Orthogonal Polynomials: Conference at the Mathem 正交多项式的应用与计算:19
海外直订Inspirational Untold Stories of Secondary Mathem... 中学数学教师的励志故事
海外直订Non-Trivial Mathematics Librarian: The Non Trivial Mathem 非平凡数学图书管理员:非平凡数学
海外直订Dual-Fuel Gas-Steam Power Block Analysis: Methodology and Continuous-Time Mathem 双燃料燃气-蒸汽动力块分析:
The American Mathematical Monthly: Devoted to the Interests of Collegiate Mathem 《美国数学月刊:致力于大学【中商原版】