预订 Schrödinger's Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics
按需印刷How Schr?dinger's Cat Escaped the Box[9789814644617]
按需印刷Schr?dinger's Mechanics[9781786344908]
海外直订From Brownian Motion to Schr?dinger's Equation 从布朗运动到Schr?丁格方程
海外直订From Brownian Motion to Schr?dinger's Equation 从布朗运动到薛丁格尔方程
海外直订Schr?dinger's Killer App: Race to Build the World's First Quantum Computer
海外直订Erwin Schr?dinger's Color Theory: Translated with Modern Commentary 埃尔文·施尔?丁格的色彩理论:翻译与现代评论
海外直订Erwin Schr?dinger's Color Theory: Translated with Modern Commentary 欧文薛定吗?丁格尔的色彩理论:兼译现代评论
海外直订Schr?dinger's Cat: Fifty Experiments That Revolutionized Physics 施罗德《丁格的猫:彻底改变物理学的50个实验
海外直订Numerical Grid Methods and Their Application to Schr?dinger's Equation 数值网格法及其在薛定谔方程中的应用
海外直订Numerical Grid Methods and Their Application to Schr?dinger's Equation 数值网格方法及其在Schr?谔方程
【4周达】Erwin Schrödinger's World View : The Dynamics of Knowledge and Reality [9789401050715]
【4周达】Schrödinger's Cat Smile [9789815049688]
【4周达】Schrödinger's Killer App : Race to Build the World's First Quantum Computer [9781439896730]
海外直订Schr?dinger's Web: Race to Build the Quantum Internet
海外直订Schr?dinger's Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics 施罗德丁格的量子力学哲学
海外直订Quantum Physics in the Nanoworld: Schr?dinger's Cat and the Dwarfs 纳米世界中的量子物理学:Schr?丁格猫和小矮
海外直订Erwin Schr?dinger's World View: The Dynamics of Knowledge and Reality 欧文薛定吗?丁格尔的世界观:知识与现实
【4周达】Living Cat: Review: Erwin Schrödinger's Living Cat [9781326884093]
【4周达】Introduction To Quantum Mechanics 2 - Wave-Corpuscle, Quantization & Schrödinger'S Equation... [9781786305015]
【4周达】Erwin Schrödinger's World View : The Dynamics of Knowledge and Reality [9780792316947]
【4周达】Erwin Schrödinger's Color Theory : Translated with Modern Commentary [9783319646190]
【4周达】Erwin Schrödinger's Color Theory : Translated with Modern Commentary [9783319878379]
【4周达】Schrödinger's City [9781628020212]
【4周达】Quantum Physics in the Nanoworld : Schrödinger's Cat and the Dwarfs [9783319342658]
【4周达】Quantum Physics in the Nanoworld : Schrödinger's Cat and the Dwarfs [9783642448409]
【4周达】Quantum Physics in the Nanoworld : Schrödinger's Cat and the Dwarfs [9783319146683]
预订 Schrödinger's Cat Paradox Resolution [9783659935435]
【4周达】Schrödinger's Goat: A Time Travel Love Story [9780988438088]
海外直订Schr?dinger's Cat Smile 薛定谔的猫笑
【4周达】Schrödinger's Cat: Fifty Experiments That Revolutionized Physics [9781627951890]
【4周达】Schrödinger's Frisbee [9798888602010]
【4周达】Schrödinger's Web : Race to Build the Quantum Internet [9780367322311]
爱因斯坦的骰子与薛定谔的猫 Einstein's Dice and Schrödinger's Cat 英文原版 Paul Halpern 理论物理学【中商原版】
海外直订Saving Schr?dinger's Cat 拯救薛定吗?谔的猫
海外直订Schr?dinger's Goat: A Time Travel Love Story
海外直订Macschr?dinger's Cat: The strange tale of the cat and the universe 麦克施尔?丁格尔的猫:猫与宇宙的奇怪故事
【4周达】Gradient Descent: Schrödinger's Dog [9781958855010]
【4周达】Schrödinger's Cabinet [9780473369613]
【4周达】Schrödinger's Cat [9789359206325]
【4周达】Schrödinger's Dog [9781635429985]
英文原版 A Student's Guide to the Schr?dinger Equation 剑桥学生指南系列 薛定谔方程 丹尼尔·弗雷希 英文版 进口英语书籍
海外直订Green's Function Estimates for Lattice Schr?dinger Operators and Applications. ( 格点薛定谔算子的格林函数估计
A Student’s Guide to the Schrödinger Equation
按需印刷Green's Function Estimates for Lattice Schr?dinger Operators and Applications. (AM-158)[9780691120980]
海外直订Bell's Theorem and Quantum Realism: Reassessment in Light of the Schr?dinger Par 贝尔定理与量子实在论:从Sch
[预订]Schrödinger’s Cat Smile 9789815049671
海外直订The Schr?dinger Equation: Proceedings of the International Symposium "50 Years S 那个笨蛋?丁格尔方程:50年
【预订】Introduction To Quantum Mechanics 2 - Wave-Corpuscle, Quantization & Schrödinger’S Equation
【预订】A Student’s Guide to the Schrödinger Equation
【4周达】A Student's Guide to the Schrödinger Equation [9781108834735]
【预订】Erwin Schrödinger’s Color Theory
剑桥学生指南系列 英文原版 A Student's Guide to the Schr?dinger Equation 薛定谔方程 丹尼尔·弗雷希 英文版 进口英语书籍
【4周达】Bell's Theorem and Quantum Realism : Reassessment in Light of the Schrödinger Paradox [9783642234675]
【预售】Schrödinger’s Killer App
【预售 按需印刷】Schr?dinger s Mechanics
预订 Chiara and Schrödinger’s Cat: A Kid’s Fun Adventure, Quantum Physics With Cute Drawings: 9798320914244
【预订】Schrödinger’s Web
现货 英文原版 A Student's Guide to the Schrödinger Equation 剑桥大学生指南系列:薛定谔方程 Daniel A. Fleisch
现货 格点薛定谔算子的格林函数估计及其应用 Green's Function Estimates for Lattice Schrödinger Operato... [9780691120980]
现货 薛定谔方程学生指南 A Student's Guide to the Schrödinger Equation [9781108819787]
预订【德语】In Search of Schrödinger?s Cat: