【预售】On Slavery's Border: Missouri's Small Slaveholding
【预售】Trafficking in Slavery's Wake: Law and
【预售】Mrs. Dred Scott: A Life on Slavery's Frontier
【预售】Slavery's Borderland: Freedom and Bondage Along t
海外直订The Concepts of Freedom and Equality in the American Constitution: Slavery's Imp 美国宪法中的自由和平等概念
【4周达】Mrs. Dred Scott: A Life on Slavery's Frontier [9780195366563]
【4周达】Archetypal Grief : Slavery's Legacy of Intergenerational Child Loss [9780415789066]
【4周达】Mrs. Dred Scott: A Life on Slavery's Frontier [9780199754083]
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【4周达】In Slavery's Wake: Making Black Freedom in the World [9781588347794]
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【4周达】Slavery's Fugitives and the Making of the United States Constitution [9780807182765]
【4周达】On Slavery's Border: Missouri's Small Slaveholding Households, 1815-1865 [9780820336367]
【4周达】On Slavery's Border: Missouri's Small Slaveholding Households, 1815-1865 [9780820336831]
【4周达】Slavery's Ghost: The Problem of Freedom in the Age of Emancipation [9781421402352]
【4周达】Setting Slavery's Limits : Physical Confrontations in Antebellum Virginia, 1801-1860 [9781498579476]
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【4周达】Slavery's Borderland: Freedom and Bondage Along the Ohio River [9780812224085]
【4周达】Archetypal Grief: Slavery's Legacy of Intergenerational Child Loss [9780415789059]
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【4周达】Slavery's Shadows [9798224528516]
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预订 Kulture’s Newest Crime [microform]: Restoration of Slavery in the XXth Century: is This the Climax?: 9781014522221
海外直订Slavery and Forced Migration in the Antebellum S... 南北战争前南方的奴隶制和被迫移民
海外直订A Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin or, An Essay on Slavery 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》或《论奴隶制》
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预订 Archetypal Grief: Slavery’s Legacy of Intergenerational Child Loss 典型的悲伤:奴隶制*下来的代际儿童流失: 97804
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海外直订Representations of Slavery in Children's Picture Books: Teaching and Learning ab 儿童绘本中奴隶制的表现:K-1
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预订 Representations of Slavery in Children’s Picture Books: Teaching and Learning about Slavery in K-12 Classrooms 如
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【4周达】Slavery in the Southern Colonies | North American Colonization Grade 3 | Children's American... [9781541980860]
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海外直订A Twelvemonth's Residence in the West Indies: During the Transition From Slavery 西印度群岛十二个月的居住:
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【预订】A Question of Freedom: The Families Who Challenged Slavery from the Nation’s Founding 9780300261509
海外直订"If Slavery Was Free, Then Who Is Paying for Today's Poverty?" “如果奴隶制是自由的,那么谁为今天的贫困买单
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【4周达】Representations of Slavery in Children's Picture Books: Teaching and Learning about Slavery ... [9780367441456]
【预售】Slavery and Antislavery in Spain's Atlantic Empir
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【4周达】Up From Slavery (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) [9781774762646]
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海外直订The Hantons, The Randolphs and Me: My family's journey from slavery in the deep 汉顿一家、伦道夫一家和我:
【4周达】When Slavery and Rebellion Are Destroyed: A Michigan Woman's Civil War Journal [9780820365602]
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【4周达】Stony the Road We Trod, Volume 1: The Grimké Family's Journey from Slavery to Suffrage [9798385222216]
【4周达】Stony the Road We Trod, Volume 1: The Grimké Family's Journey from Slavery to Suffrage [9798385222209]
【4周达】Stony the Road We Trod, Volume 2: The Grimke Family's Journey from Slavery to Suffrage [9798385222230]
【4周达】Stony the Road We Trod, Volume 2: The Grimke Family's Journey from Slavery to Suffrage [9798385222247]
【4周达】Up From Slavery (Collector's Edition) (Laminated Hardback with Jacket) [9781998736010]
预订 Authoritarianism in the American South: Beliefs That Led to Slavery and Civil War, 1606-1861: Beliefs That Led to S
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【4周达】Harriet Beecher Stowe's Story to End Slavery | Women's Biographies Grade 5 | Children's Biog... [9781541973244]
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【4周达】American Slavery, Atlantic Slavery, and Beyond: The U.S. Peculiar Institution in Internation... [9781594515842]
【4周达】In the True Blue's Wake: Slavery and Freedom Among the Families of Smithfield Plantation [9780813947235]
【4周达】Britain's History and Memory of Transatlantic Slavery: Local Nuances of a 'National Sin' [9781800348677]
【4周达】Freedom's Crescent: The Civil War and the Destruction of Slavery in the Lower Mississippi Va... [9781108424097]
【4周达】Freedom's Crescent: The Civil War and the Destruction of Slavery in the Lower Mississippi Va... [9781108439343]
【4周达】Reflections In The Night: A Survivor's Story of Total Mind Controlled Slavery and Torture [9781419636264]
【4周达】If Slavery Was Free, Then Who Is Paying for Today's Poverty? [9781737539797]
【4周达】Uncle Tom's Cabin: An anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe [9782382743744]
【4周达】Seward's Law: Country Lawyering, Relational Rights, and Slavery [9781501767333]
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【4周达】America's Forgotten First War for Slavery and Genesis of The Alamo Volume II [9781387244447]
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【4周达】From Slavery to Civil Rights: On the Streetcars of New Orleans 1830s-Present [9781800348554]
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【4周达】Bondsman's Burden: An Economic Analysis of the Common Law of Southern Slavery - The Bondsman... [9780521592383]
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【4周达】Recovering Scotland's Slavery Past: The Caribbean Connection [9781474408806]
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【4周达】Promised Land: Nun's Struggle Against Landlessness, Lawlessness, Slavery, Poverty, Corruptio... [9780985628468]
【预售】Darwin's Sacred Cause: Race, Slavery and the Quest