【预售】Jacques Lacan's Return to Freud: The Real, the
【预售】Lacan's Seminar on Anxiety: Roosevelt, Lindbergh
【预售】Reading Seminar XI: Lacan's Four Fundamental
【预售】Signifiers and Acts: Freedom in Lacan's Theory of
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海外直订医药图书Lacan's Seminar on Anxiety: An Introduction 拉康焦虑研讨会:导言
海外直订Transcribing Lacan's Seminars 抄录拉康的研讨会
海外直订Irrepressible Truth: On Lacan's 'The Freudian Thing' 不可否认的事实:关于拉康的《弗洛伊德的事》
海外直订Research on Becoming an English Teacher: Through Lacan's Looking Glass 从拉康的镜子看英语教师的成长
海外直订Research on Becoming an English Teacher: Through Lacan's Looking Glass 《从拉康的镜子看成为一名英语教师
预订 Lacan's Seminar on Anxiety: Roosevelt, Lindbergh, and America's Fight Over World War II, 1939-1941 [9781892746368]
【4周达】Jacques Lacan's Return to Freud: The Real, the Symbolic, and the Imaginary [9780814742266]
【4周达】Between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis : Lacan's Reconstruction of Freud [9780415906760]
【4周达】Lacanian Affects : The function of affect in Lacan's work [9780415715911]
【4周达】Between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Lacan's Reconstruction of Freud [9781138160002]
【4周达】Lacan On Love - An Exploration Of Lacan'S Seminar Viii, Transference [Wiley心理学] [9781509500499]
【4周达】Death and Desire (RLE: Lacan) : Psychoanalytic Theory in Lacan's Return to Freud [9781138967236]
【4周达】Reading Lacan's Seminar VIII : Transference [9783030327415]
【4周达】Subjectivity In-Between Times : Exploring the Notion of Time in Lacan's Work [9783030260972]
【4周达】Language and the Unconscious : Lacan's Hermeneutics of Psychoanalysis [9781573924092]
【4周达】Jacques Lacan's Return to Freud: The Real, the Symbolic, and the Imaginary [9780814741986]
预订 Reading Lacan's Écrits: From 'Logical Time' to 'Response to Jean Hyppolite' [9781032205779]
【4周达】Subjectivity In-Between Times : Exploring the Notion of Time in Lacan's Work [9783030261009]
【4周达】A Social Ontology of Psychosis: Genea-Logical Treatise on Lacan's Conception of Psychosis [9781032663531]
【4周达】Exploring Lacan's Encore Seminar XX: The Torus of Reason [9781032543772]
【4周达】Death and Desire (Rle: Lacan): Psychoanalytic Theory in Lacan's Return to Freud [9780415728584]
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【4周达】Lacan's Return to Antiquity: Between nature and the gods [9781138820388]
【4周达】A Social Ontology of Psychosis: Genea-Logical Treatise on Lacan's Conception of Psychosis [9781032663579]
【4周达】Studying Lacan's Seminar VI: Dream, Symptom, and the Collapse of Subjectivity [9780367752835]
【4周达】Lacan's Return to Antiquity: Between Nature and the Gods [9781138820371]
【4周达】Reading Lacan's Écrits: From 'Logical Time' to 'Response to Jean Hyppolite' [9781032205755]
【4周达】Research on Becoming an English Teacher: Through Lacan's Looking Glass [9781032090849]
【4周达】Lacan's Medievalism [9780816645169]
【4周达】Lacan's Clinical Technique : Lack(a)nian Analysis [9781782205500]
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【4周达】Reading Lacan's Écrits: From 'Overture to This Collection' to 'Presentation on Psychical Ca... [9781032437378]
【4周达】Exploring Lacan's Encore Seminar XX: The Torus of Reason [9781032543789]
【4周达】Irrepressible Truth: On Lacan's 'The Freudian Thing' [9783319861821]
【4周达】Against Adaptation: Lacan's Subversion of the Subject [9781892746658]
【4周达】Irrepressible Truth : On Lacan's 'The Freudian Thing' [9783319575131]
【4周达】Reading Lacan's Seminar VIII : Transference [9783030327446]
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【4周达】Lacan's Cruelty : Perversion beyond Philosophy, Culture and Clinic [9783031062407]
【4周达】A Reading of Anxiety: Lacan's Seminar X [9781032762760]
【4周达】The Law of Desire: On Lacan's 'Kant with Sade' [9783319856148]
【4周达】A Reading of Anxiety: Lacan's Seminar X [9781032762777]
【4周达】Lacan on Desire: Reading Lacan's Seminar VI [9783031763854]
现货 Reading Seminar XI: Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis: The Paris Seminars in E... [9780791421482]
预订 Reading Seminars I and II : Lacan's Return to Freud [9780791427804]
预订 Research on Becoming an English Teacher : Through Lacan's Looking Glass [9780367077006]
【4周达】Lacan On Love - An Exploration Of Lacan'S Seminar Viii, Transference [Wiley心理学] [9781509500505]
【4周达】Studying Lacan's Seminar VI: Dream, Symptom, and the Collapse of Subjectivity [9780367353445]
按需印刷Reading Lacan's Ecrits:From 'Logical Time' to 'Response to Jean Hyppolite'[9781032205779]
按需印刷Research on Becoming an English Teacher:Through Lacan's Looking Glass[9780367077006]
预订 Lalangue, Sinthome, Jouissance, and Nomination: A Reading Companion and Commentary on Lacan’s Seminar XXIII on the
Reading Lacan’s Écrits: From ‘The Freudian Thing’ to ’Remarks on Daniel Lagache’
预订 Lacan’s Clinical Technique: Lack(a)nian Analysis: 9781782205500
现货Reading Lacan’s Écrits: From ‘Overture to this Collection’ to ‘Presentation on Psychical Causality’ 阅读拉康著
预订 Lacan’s Return to Antiquity: Between nature and the gods 拉康之回到古代:自然与神之间: 9781138820388
预订 Studying Lacan’s Seminar VII: The Ethics of Psychoanalysis: 9780367420338
预订 Lacan’s Return to Antiquity: Between nature and the gods 拉康之回到古代:自然与神之间: 9781138820371
预订 Lacan’s Clinical Technique: Lack(a)nian Analysis 拉康的临床技术:缺乏(a)年分析: 9780367104306
【预售】Reading Lacan’s Écrits: From ‘Signification of the Phallus’ to ‘Metaphor of the Subject’
海外直订Brunelleschi, Lacan, Le Corbusier: Architecture, Space and the Construction of S 布鲁内莱斯基、拉康、柯布西
预订 A Psychoanalytic Reading of Brookner's Novels in the Light of Lacan [9786202306225]
预订 A Reading of Anxiety: Lacan’s Seminar X 解读焦虑:拉康研讨会 X / 会议录: 9781032762760
【预订】Research on Becoming an English Teacher: Through Lacan’s Looking Glass 9781032090849
预订 Psychoanalysis and the New Rhetoric: Freud, Burke, Lacan, and Philosophy's Other Scenes [9781032101835]
【预订】Reading Lacan’s Écrits: From ‘The Freudian Thing’ to ’Remarks on Daniel Lagache’
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【4周达】Psychoanalytic Politics, Second Edition, with a New Preface: Jacques Lacan and Freud's Frenc... [9780262548175]
【4周达】Psychoanalysis and the New Rhetoric: Freud, Burke, Lacan, and Philosophy's Other Scenes [9781032101811]
预售 按需印刷 Reading Lacan s ?crits: From ‘The Freudian Thing’ to Remarks on Daniel Lagache
【预订】The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: Freud’s Papers on Technique
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[预订]Studying Lacan’s Seminar VII 9781032586038
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【预订】Studying Lacan’s Seminars IV and V
【预订】Reading Lacan’s Seminar VIII: On Transference
【4周达】Lacan: A Beginner's Guide [9781851686377]
【预订】Reading Lacan’s Seminar VIII 9783030327446
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预售 按需印刷Lacan s Seminar on Anxiety
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