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海外直订Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 11th International Conference, La 语言与自动机理论与应用:第11
海外直订Belief Functions: Theory and Applications: 5th International Conference, Belief 信念功能:理论与应用:第五
海外直订State-Of-The-Art Theories and Empirical Evidence: Selected Papers from the 6th I 新理论和经验证据:第六届治
海外直订Quantum Theory and Symmetries: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium, 量子理论与对称性:第11届国
海外直订Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: 14th Annual Conference, Tamc 2 计算模型理论与应用:第14届
海外直订Gauge Theories - Past and Future: In Commemoration of the 60th Birthday of M Vel 规范理论——过去与未来:纪
海外直订Queueing Theory and Network Applications: 14th International Conference, Qtna 20 排队理论和应用:第14届
海外直订Theory of Cryptography: 12th International Conference, Tcc 2015, Warsaw, Poland, 密码学理论:第12届国际会议
海外直订Rational Number Theory in the 20th Century: From Pnt to Flt 20世纪的有理数理论:从PNT到FLT
海外直订Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 9th International Conference, Lat 语言与自动机理论与应用:第
海外直订Intelligent Computing Theories and Application: 16th International Conference, I 智能计算理论与应用:第16届
海外直订Algorithmic Learning Theory: 20th International Conference, ALT 2009 Porto, Port 算法学习理论:第20届国际会
海外直订Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 10th International Conference, La 语言与自动机理论与应用:第
海外直订Intelligent Computing Theories and Application: 12th International Conference, I 智能计算理论与应用:第12届
海外直订Coding Theory and Applications: 4th International Castle Meeting, Palmela Castle 编码理论与应用:第四届国际
海外直订Computer Science - Theory and Applications: 16th International Computer Science 计算机科学-理论与应用:第16
海外直订Theoretical Aspects of Computing - Ictac 2018: 15th International Colloquium, St 计算的理论方面——Ictac
海外直订Algorithm Theory - Swat 2008: 11th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, Go 算法理论-Swat 2008:
海外直订Cyclostationarity: Theory and Methods - IV: Contributions to the 10th Workshop o 循环平稳性:理论和方法-四:对
海外直订Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2021: 24th International 可满足性测试的理论和应用—
海外直订Algorithmic Learning Theory: 11th International Conference, Alt 2000 Sydney, Aus 算法学习理论:第11届国际会
海外直订Determinant Theories and Philosophies in Architecture: Ten Chapters Examining th 建筑中的决定性理论和哲学:十章
海外直订Theory of Cryptography: 19th International Conference, Tcc 2021, Raleigh, Nc, Us 密码学理论:第19届国际会议,
海外直订10th International Conference on Theory and Application of Soft Computing, Compu 第十届“软计算理论与应用”
海外直订Automation Control Theory Perspectives in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of th 智能系统中的自动化控制理论
海外直订Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 15th International Conference, La 语言与自动机理论与应用:第
海外直订Cyclostationarity: Theory and Methods III: Contributions to the 9th Workshop on 循环平稳性:理论与方法III
海外直订Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence. from Theory to Practice: 34th In 人工智能的发展与趋势。从理论到
海外直订Theory of Cryptography: 16th International Conference, Tcc 2018, Panaji, India, 密码学理论:第16届国际会议
海外直订Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter - Proceedings of the 24th Solvay Conference o 凝聚态物质的量子理论——第
海外直订Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography: 4th Workshop, TQ 量子计算、通讯与密码学理论
海外直订Spectral Theory in Inner Product Spaces and Applications: 6th Workshop on Operat 内积空间中的谱理论及其应用
海外直订Standard Theory of Particle Physics, The: Essays to Celebrate Cern's 60th Annive 粒子物理学的标准理论
海外直订Developments in Language Theory: 9th International Conference, DLT 2005, Palermo 语言理论的发展:第九届国际会议
海外直订Algorithmic Decision Theory: 5th International Conference, ADT 2017, Luxembourg, 算法决策理论:第五届国际会
海外直订Mathematical Theory and Computational Practice: 5th Conference on Computability 数学理论与计算实践:第五届
海外直订Advances in Artificial Intelligence: From Theory to Practice: 30th International 人工智能的进展:从理论到实
海外直订Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications: 15th International Conference 生物仿生计算:理论与应用:第十
海外直订Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications: 14th International Conference 生物启发计算:理论与应用:第十
海外直订Spatial Information Theory: 9th International Conference, Cosit 2009, Aber Wrac' 空间信息理论:第九届国际会
海外直订Modern Perspectives in Theoretical Physics: 80th Birthday Festschrift in Honor o 理论物理的现代视角:纪念K.
海外直订Theory and Application of Satisfiability Testing: 14th International Conference, 可满足性测试的理论与应用:
海外直订System Modelling and Optimization: Methods, Theory and Applications. 19th Ifip T 系统建模和优化:方法、理论
海外直订Optical Absorption Spectra Calculated Using Linear-Scaling Density-Functional Th 用线性标度密度泛函理论计算
海外直订Rational Number Theory in the 20th Century: From Pnt to Flt 20世纪的有理数理论:从Pnt到Flt
海外直订Neural Information Processing. Theory and Algorithms: 17th International Confere 神经信息处理。理论与算法:第1
海外直订Extending the Boundaries of Design Science Theory and Practice: 14th Internation 拓展设计科学理论与实践的界
海外直订Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research: 20th International Con 数学优化理论与运筹学:第20
海外直订Coding Theory and Applications: 5th International Castle Meeting, Icmcta 2017, V 编码理论与应用:20
海外直订Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: 12th Annual Conference, Tamc 2 计算模型理论与应用:第12届
海外直订Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency: 39th International Confere Petri网与并发的应用与理论
海外直订Theory and Applications in Mathematical Physics: In Honor of B Tirozzi's 70th Bi 数学物理的理论与应用:纪念
海外直订Mathematics of the 19th Century: Geometry, Analytic Function Theory 19世纪的数学:几何、解析函数理论
海外直订Verified Software. Theories, Tools, and Experiments: 9th International Conferenc 验证过的软件。理论、工具和
海外直订Mathematical Modeling in Diffraction Theory: Based on a Priori Information on th 衍射理论中的数学建模:基于
海外直订Theoretical Aspects of Computing - Ictac 2017: 14th International Colloquium, Ha 计算的理论方面- I
海外直订Computer Science - Theory and Applications: 5th International Computer Science S 计算机科学——理论与应用:20
海外直订Theoretical Computer Science: 36th National Conference, Nctcs 2018, Shanghai, Ch 理论计算机科学:第36届全国
海外直订Verified Software: Theories, Tools, Experiments: 4th International Conference, V 验证软件:理论,工具,实验
海外直订Spatial Information Theory: 12th International Conference, Cosit 2015, Santa Fe, 空间信息理论:第12届国际会
海外直订Algorithmic Decision Theory: 6th International Conference, ADT 2019, Durham, Nc, 算法决策理论:第六届国际会
海外直订Computer Science - Theory and Applications: 12th International Computer Science 计算机科学——理论与应用:
海外直订Theory and Practice of Natural Computing: 6th International Conference, Tpnc 201 自然计算理论与实践:第六届
海外直订Computer Science -- Theory and Applications: 10th International Computer Science 计算机科学——理论与应用:
海外直订Computer Science - Theory and Applications: 11th International Computer Science 计算机科学——理论与应用: