正版包邮 Lyric Poems 济慈抒情诗 Dover Thrift Editions 英文版 英文原版 Keats, John Dover
英文原版Greek Lyric Volume V The New School of Poetry and Anonymous Songs and Hymns古希腊抒情诗卷5 新派诗歌 原文希英对照
英文原版 Greek Lyric Poetry 希腊抒情诗 牛津世界经典系列 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Greek Lyric Poetry 希腊抒情诗 牛津世界经典系列进口原版英文书籍
英文原版 Lyric Time 抒情时光 狄金森与体裁的局限 诗歌文本文学分析 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学教授Sharon Cameron 进口英语原版书籍
The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric 剑桥文学指南 古希腊抒情诗
Lyric Poems 济慈抒情诗 Dover Thrift Editions进口原版英文书籍
【4周达】希腊抒情诗 Greek Lyric Poetry [9780199540396]
我们隐秘的法则:叶芝与抒情形式:yeats and lyric form海伦·文德勒普通大众叶芝抒情诗诗歌研究文学书籍
海外直订The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric 剑桥的希腊抒情诗伴侣
海外直订The Lyric Poem: Formations and Transformations 抒情诗
预订 Lyric Poetry by Women of the Italian Renaissance 意大利文艺复兴时期女性的抒情诗: 9781421408873
预订 Lyric Poetry by Women of the Italian Renaissance 意大利文艺复兴时期女性的抒情诗: 9781421408880
海外直订Arion's Lyre: Archaic Lyric Into Hellenistic Poetry 阿利昂的竖琴:变成希腊诗歌的古代抒情诗
海外直订Greek Lyric Poetry: A Commentary on Selected Larger Pieces (Alcman, Stesichorus, 希腊抒情诗:大段诗选评注(阿
海外直订The English Lyric from Wyatt to Donne: A History of the Plain and Eloquent Style 《从怀亚特到多恩的英语抒情诗:
海外直订Greek Lyric: A Selection 希腊抒情诗
海外直订More Lyric Odes to the Royal Academicians, by Peter Pindar, Esq. a Distant Relat 《给皇家院士的更多抒情诗》
海外直订Dante's Style in his Lyric Poetry 但丁抒情诗中的风格
海外直订Romantic Fiat: Demystification and Enchantment in Lyric Poetry 浪漫的菲亚特:抒情诗中的脱神秘与迷人
海外直订English Lyric from Wyatt to Donne 从怀亚特到多恩的英语抒情诗
海外直订A Miscellany of Lyric Poems, the Greatest Part Written for, and Performed in the 抒情诗杂集,最伟大的部分写
海外直订Polyhymnia: The Rhetoric of Horation Lyric Discourse 多赞美诗:贺拉斯抒情话语的修辞
海外直订Lyric Generations: Poetry and the Novel in the Long Eighteenth Century 抒情诗的世代:漫长18世纪的诗歌与小说
预售 古希腊抒情诗 萨福 卷1 洛布古典丛书 原文希英对照版 Greek Lyric Volume I 英文原版 David A Campbell【中商原版】
海外直订Poems, Lyric and Pastoral. In two Volumes. By Edward Williams, ... of 2; Volume 诗歌,抒情诗和田园诗。分两
海外直订Hor] Lyric]. Poems, Chiefly of the Lyric Kind: In Three Books. ... by I. Watts, 贺南洪]抒情]。诗,主要是抒
预订 Lyric Generations: Poetry and the Novel in the Long Eighteenth Century 抒情世代:十八世纪的诗歌与小说: 978080187379
海外直订Hor? Lyric?. Poems, Chiefly of the Lyric Kind: In Three Books. ... By I. Watts, 何珥吗?歌词?。诗,主要是抒
海外直订Short Lyric Poems of Jean Froissart 简·弗洛萨特的抒情诗
剑桥文学指南 英文原版 The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric 古希腊抒情诗 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
海外直订Poems, Lyric and Pastoral. in Two Volumes. by Edward Williams, ... Volume 2 of 2 诗歌,抒情诗和田园诗。分两
海外直订Poems, Lyric and Pastoral. in Two Volumes. by Edward Williams, ... Volume 1 of 2 诗歌,抒情诗和田园诗。分两
Exploring Lyric Poetry by Scholastic平装Scholastic抒情诗探索
海外直订Philosophy of Lyric Voice: The Cognitive Value of Page and Performance Poetry 抒情声音的哲学:页诗与表演诗的
海外直订Dante's Lyric Poetry 但丁的抒情诗
海外直订The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric 希腊抒情诗的剑桥伴奏
预订 Poetic Resistance: English Women Writers and the Early Modern Lyric 诗意的抵抗:英国女作家与早期现代抒情诗: 9781138
海外直订Lyric Composition Through Improvisation - An Exposition and Synthetic Use of the 通过即兴创作的抒情诗
海外直订Poems: Dramatic and Lyric 诗
海外直订Figures of Repetition in the Old Proven?al Lyric: A Study in the Style of the Tr 旧抒情诗中的重复图形:对游吟
海外直订A Lyric of the Morning Land 晨间的抒情诗
海外直订The Romanesque Lyric: Studies in Its Background and Development from Petronius t 罗马式抒情诗:从彼得罗尼乌
海外直订Poems, lyric and pastoral: Vol. II 诗歌、抒情诗和田园诗:第二卷
古希腊抒情诗 卷2 洛布古典丛书 原文希英对照版 Greek Lyric Volume II 英文原版 David A Campbell【中商原版】
海外直订The Lyric Poems of Thomas Campion 托马斯·坎皮恩的抒情诗
海外直订Greek Lyric Poetry; A Complete Collection Of The Surviving Passages From The Gre 希腊抒情诗;希腊词曲作家现
海外直订The Anthropocene Lyric: An Affective Geography of Poetry, Person, Place 人类世抒情诗:诗歌、人物、地点的情
海外直订Narrative and Lyric Poems (Second Series) for Use in the Lower School 低年级叙事诗和抒情诗(第二辑)
海外直订Brazil, Lyric, and the Americas 巴西、抒情诗和美洲
古希腊抒情诗 卷5 洛布古典丛书 原文希英对照版 Greek Lyric Volume V 英文原版 David A Campbell【中商原版】
海外直订Lyric Complicity: Poetry and Readers in the Golden Age of Russian Literature 抒情诗的同谋:俄罗斯文学黄金时
海外直订English Lyric Poetry: 1500-1700 英国抒情诗:1500-1700
英文原版 Theory of the Lyric 抒情诗理论 乔纳森·卡勒 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
海外直订Poems, Chiefly Of The Lyric Kind, In Three Books 三本书中主要是抒情诗
海外直订Poems Without Names: The English Lyric, 1200-1500 没有名字的诗:英语抒情诗,1200-1500年
海外直订An Essay on the Lyric Poetry of the Ancients 论古人的抒情诗
海外直订Greek Lyric Poetry: A Complete Collection of the Surviving Passages From the Gre 希腊抒情诗:《希腊》现存段
海外直订English Lyric Poetry, V3: John Donne, William Wordsworth, John Keats, William Bu 英国抒情诗,第3版:约翰·唐
海外直订Narrative and Lyric Poems (first series) for use in the Lower School 供低年级学生使用的叙事诗和抒情诗(第一
海外直订More Lyric Odes to the Royal Academicians; By Peter Pindar. 更多皇家院士抒情诗;由彼得·品达。
英文原版 The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric 剑桥文学指南 古希腊抒情诗 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
海外直订The Short Lyric Poems of Jean Froissart: Fixed Forms and the Expression of the C 简·弗洛萨特的抒情诗:固定的
海外直订Ashtaroth; a Dramatic Lyric 阿斯塔罗斯;戏剧性的抒情诗
Greek Lyric Poetry 希腊抒情诗 牛津世界经典系列
海外直订Narrative and Lyric Poems (first series) for use in the Lower School 初中叙事抒情诗
海外直订Revelations of Egyptian Mysteries and Allegories of the Greek Lyric Poets Clearl 埃及奥秘的揭示与希腊抒情诗
海外直订Odes from the Greek Dramatists: Translated into Lyric Metres by English Poets an 希腊剧作家的颂歌:由英国诗
海外直订The Poetry of Clare, Hopkins, Thomas, and Gurney: Lyric Individualism 克莱尔、霍普金斯、托马斯和格尼的诗歌:
海外直订Poems, lyric and pastoral: Vol. I 诗歌、抒情诗和田园诗:第一卷
海外直订The Nature of Early Greek Lyric: Three Preliminary Studies 希腊早期抒情诗的性质:三个初步研究
海外直订English Lyric Poetry, 1500-1700 英国抒情诗,1500-1700年
预订 The Song of Songs and Its Tradition in Renaissance Love Lyric 《雅歌》及其在文艺复兴时期爱情抒情诗中的传统: 9780192
海外直订The Lyric of Life 生命的抒情诗
现货 拉丁挽歌和抒情诗指南 A Guide To Latin Elegy And Lyric Barbara Gold 英文原版 中商原版 wiley
Lyric Poems 济慈抒情诗 Dover Thrift Editions
英文原版 Lyric Poems 济慈抒情诗 Dover Thrift Editions 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
海外直订The Lyric Touch: Essays on the Poetry of Excess 抒情之触:关于过度诗歌的散文
海外直订Anthology of Catalan Lyric Poetry 加泰罗尼亚抒情诗歌选集
海外直订English Lyric Poetry 英语抒情诗