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【正版书籍】英文原版 如何知足:古代诗人的过剩时代指南 How to Be Content: An Ancient Poet's Guide for an Age of Excess
海外直订The Poet's Defence 诗人的辩护
海外直订Ari's Poetics: How One Young Poet Learned the Secrets of Creative Writing, Got A 《阿里的诗学:一个年轻诗人如何
海外直订The Poet's Pen: Writing Poetry with Middle and High School Students 诗人的笔:与中学生一起写诗
海外直订Rationalism and Poetry: Giuseppe Terragni's Asilo D'Infanzia Sant'Elia Rationalism and Poet
海外直订The Poet's Craft: A Course in the Critical Appreciation of Poetry 诗人的技艺:诗歌批评鉴赏课程
海外直订Byron's Single Difference with Homer and Virgil: and other essays on the poet's 拜伦的《与荷马和维吉尔的单
海外直订The Works of Robert Burns; With Dr. Currie's Memoir of the Poet, and an Essay on 罗伯特·伯恩斯的作品;与柯
海外直订Poet's Guide to Britain 英国诗人指南
海外直订Presentation of the problem of racial and gender equality in Maya Angelou's poet 玛雅·安杰洛诗歌中种族与性
How to Be Content: An Ancient Poet's Guide for an Age of Excess 英文原版如何满足:一个古代诗人对过度时代的指导
【4周达】T. S. Eliot : The Making of an American Poet, 18881922 [9780271027623]
海外直订医药图书The Poet's Voice in the Making of Mind 诗人在心灵意识中的声音
【4周达】Poet's Pub [9780143106661]
预订 A Poet's Craft: A Comprehensive Guide to Making and Sharing Your Poetry [9780472033645]
【4周达】Words Alone: The Poet T. S. Eliot [9780300097191]
【4周达】Words and the Poet: Characteristic Techniques of Style in Vergil's Aeneid [9780198152613]
预订 Prelude: or Growth of a Poet's Mind (Text of 1805) [9780192810748]
海外直订Dante and Beatrice: The Poet's Life and the Inve... 但丁与比阿特丽斯:诗人的生命与诗歌的创造
【4周达】The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry [9780393316544]
【4周达】Closure of Space in Roman Poetics: Empire's Inward Turn - The Closure of Space in Roman Poet... [9781107079267]
【4周达】The Poet's Handbook [9781582971360]
【4周达】The Poet's Voice in the Making of Mind [9780415572347]
【4周达】A Poet's Journey: Emotions [9780984005123]
【4周达】A Poet's Notebook [9781448200269]
【4周达】Messiah's Poem: A Young Poet's Dream [9780228848332]
【4周达】Penguin Classics a Poet's Guide to Britain [9780141192840]
【4周达】Walking Home: A Poet's Journey [9780871407436]
【4周达】Image of the Poet in Ovid's Metamorphoses [9780299231408]
预订 The Cure of Poetry in an Age of Prose: Moral Essays on the Poet's Calling [9780226437361]
【4周达】A Poet's Journey [9780971055872]
【4周达】Poet's Odyssey: Joachim Du Bellay and the Antiquitez de Rome [9780198158653]
【4周达】Nothing in New England is New: The Poet's Experiences in New England, America [9780982058459]
【4周达】The Poet's Voice in the Making of Mind [9780415572330]
【4周达】The Poet's Mistake [9780691203478]
预订 The Modern Poet: Poetry, Academia, and Knowledge Since the 1750s [9780198186779]
【4周达】Poet's Prose: The Crisis in American Verse - Poet's Prose: The Crisis in American Verse [9780521399944]
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【4周达】Messiah's Poem: A Young Poet's Dream [9780228848349]
【4周达】Being Shelley : The Poet's Search for Himself [9780099507895]
【4周达】Marianne Moore, the Poet's Advance [9780691605692]
【4周达】Marianne Moore: The Poet's Advance [9780691634623]
【4周达】The Poet's Craft: A Course in the Critical Appreciation of Poetry [9781107601277]
【4周达】A Poet's Journey: Bon Voyage [9780998640006]
【4周达】Soul and Substance: A Poet's Examination Papers [9780691245959]
【4周达】A Poet's Haggadah: Passover Through the Eyes of Poets [9780972755580]
【4周达】Chameleon Poet: R.S. Thomas and the Literary Tradition [9780199687336]
【4周达】The Poet's Notebook: Excerpts from the Notebooks of 26 American Poets [9780393316551]
【4周达】Goethe's Path to Creativity: A Psycho-Biography of the Eminent Politician, Scientist and Poet [9781138626041]
【4周达】Romanticism, Medicine, and the Poet's Body [9781138269316]
【4周达】The Modern Poet: Poetry, Academia, and Knowledge Since the 1750s [9780199269327]
【4周达】Death of a Mauve Bat: The poet's experiences in and on the way to and from Toronto, Ontario,... [9780982058442]
【4周达】Romanticism, Medicine, and the Poet's Body [9780754658917]
预订 Wordsworth Before Coleridge: The Growth of the Poet's Philosophical Mind, 1785-1797 [9781138486447]
【4周达】Philip Larkin : The Poet's Plight [9781403918345]
预订 My Life, My Light: A Poet's Path [9781329405707]
【4周达】Dante and Beatrice: The Poet's Life and the Invention of Poetry: Dante: The Critical Complex [9780415940948]
【4周达】The Poet's Pen: Writing Poetry with Middle and High School Students [9781563081118]
【4周达】Poet to Poet : Edward Thomas's Letters to Walter de la Mare [9781854115805]
【4周达】Time Cries: A Poet's Response to 9/11/01 [9781571580009]
【4周达】Frauenlob's Song of Songs: A Medieval German Poet and His Materpiece [With CD] [9780271029252]
【4周达】Horseshoes, Cowsocks & Duckfeet: More Commentary by NPR's Cowboy Poet & Former Large Animal ... [9781400049431]
【4周达】A Landscape of the Soul: One Poet's Journey Through Loss, Grief and Transformation [9780983988311]
【4周达】Ari's Poetics: How One Young Poet Learned the Secrets of Creative Writing, Got Accepted into... [9781952967023]
【4周达】Ethel J. David's Poet-Tree: A Memoir in Poetry, Rhyme and Wordplay [9781609101589]