【预售】Monteverdi's Unruly Women: The Power of Song in
【4周达】From Madrigal to Opera: Monteverdi's Staging of the Self [9780520267688]
【4周达】Monteverdi's Unruly Women: The Power of Song in Early Modern Italy - Monteverdi's Unruly Wom... [9780521845298]
预订 Divining the Oracle: Monteverdi's Seconda Prattica [9780226638836]
【预订】Claudio Monteverdi’s Venetian Operas 9780367191962
[预订]Monteverdi’s Last Operas: A Venetian Trilogy 9780520249349
海外直订Claudio Monteverdi's Venetian Operas: Sources, Performance, Interpretation 克劳迪奥·蒙特威尔第的威尼斯歌剧:
预订 Orpheus in the Academy: Monteverdi's First Opera and the Accademia Degli Invaghiti [9781032061467]
海外直订Orpheus in the Academy: Monteverdi's First Opera and the Accademia degli Invaghi 学院里的奥菲斯:蒙特威尔第
【4周达】Monteverdi's Musical Theatre [9780300217261]
预订 Claudio Monteverdi’s Venetian Operas: Sources, Performance, Interpretation 克劳迪奥·蒙特威尔第的威尼斯歌剧:来源
【4周达】Monteverdi's Unruly Women: The Power of Song in Early Modern Italy - Monteverdi's Unruly Wom... [9780521120265]
【4周达】Claudio Monteverdi's Venetian Operas: Sources, Performance, Interpretation [9780367191962]
海外直订Monteverdi's Last Operas: A Venetian Trilogy 蒙特威尔第最后的歌剧:威尼斯三部曲
【4周达】Monteverdi's Last Operas: A Venetian Trilogy [9780520249349]
【4周达】Orpheus in the Academy: Monteverdi's First Opera and the Accademia Degli Invaghiti [9780367465964]
【4周达】Claudio Monteverdi's Venetian Operas: Sources, Performance, Interpretation [9781032291925]
预订 Orpheus in the Academy: Monteverdi’s First Opera and the Accademia degli Invaghiti 学院里的俄耳甫斯:蒙特威尔第的