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[预订]The Zero Transaction Cost Entrepreneur: Powerful Techniques to Reduce Friction and Scale Your Busine 9781265399917
预订 The Forever Transaction:: How to Build a Subscription Model So Compelling, Your Customers Will Never Want to Leave
[预订]Transaction of the Academy of Science of St. Louis; Vol. VII, * 9781020922626
【预售】Transaction Costs, Markets And Hierarchies
【预订】Principles of Transaction Processing
预订 Paradoxe et contre-paradoxe : la thérapie systémique face aux familles à transaction schizophrénique 悖论与反悖
【预售】Due Diligence and the Business Transaction: Getti
预订 The Theory of Transaction in Institutional Economics: A History: A History 制度经济学的交易理论:历史: 978036753030
海外直订Forever Transaction (Pb) 永久交易(Pb)
预售 按需印刷 Fitting of Statistical Distribution for ATM and Other Bank Transaction
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预售 按需印刷 Folklore; A Quarterly Review Of Myth Tradition Institution & Custom Being The Transaction Of The
预售 按需印刷 Scalable transaction processing through data-oriented execution
预售 按需印刷 The Role of DM Technology in E-Transaction Expansion in Banking
预售 按需印刷 Designing a Secure Short Duration Transaction Network - Analysis and Design to Proof of Concept
预售 按需印刷 International Protection of the Environment. Transaction cost and property rights approach in contra
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海外直订Markets with Transaction Costs: Mathematical Theory 具有交易成本的市场:数学理论
海外直订Time-Constrained Transaction Management: Real-Time Constraints in Database Trans 时间约束事务管理:数据库事
海外直订Benchmarking Transaction and Analytical Processing Systems: The Creation of a Mi 基准事务和分析处理系统:混
海外直订Transcending Transaction: The Search for Self-Generating Markets 超越交易:寻找自我生成的市场
海外直订Transaction Banking Services 交易银行服务
海外直订Transaction-Level Power Modeling 事务级功率建模
海外直订Campus Power Struggle: Transaction/Society Book Series --1 校园权力斗争
预订 The Successful Game of Real Estate: The Transaction: 95% Psychology, 5% Contractual: 9781641111195
海外直订Transaction Banking and the Impact of Regulatory Change: Basel III and Other Cha 交易银行和监管变化的影响:
海外直订The Economics of Transaction Costs: Theory, Methods and Application 交易成本经济学:理论、方法与应用
海外直订The Economics of Transaction Costs: Theory, Methods and Application 交易成本经济学:理论、方法与应用
海外直订Vertical Integration and Technological Innovation: A Transaction Cost Approach 垂直整合与技术创新:交易成本
[预订]Further Observations in the Medicinal Leech: Including a Reprint, From The Philosophical Transaction 9781021352545
【预订】Transaction Banking and the Impact of Regulatory Change
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[预订]Transaction of the Academy of Science of St. Louis; Vol. VII, * 9781022164307
海外直订Portfolio Optimization under Transaction Costs 交易费用下的投资组合优化
海外直订The Uncertainty-Governance Choice Puzzle Revisited: Predictions from Transaction 不确定性-治理选择之谜:来自交
海外直订Secure Transaction Protocol Analysis: Models and Applications 安全事务协议分析:模型和应用
海外直订High Performance Transaction Systems: 2nd International Workshop, Asilomar Confe 高性能交易系统:1987年9月
海外直订German Mergers & Acquisitions in the USA: Transaction Management and Success 德国在美国的并购:交易管理与成功
海外直订Determinants and Management of Make-And-Buy: An Extension to Transaction Cost Ec 生产和购买的决定因素和管理:交
海外直订Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: Transaction Processing Performance Coun 性能评估和基准:事务处理性
【预售】Transaction of Free Men PB
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海外直订医药图书Men and Menstruation; A Social Transaction 男人与月经;社会交易
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预订 Vertical Integration and Technological Innovation: A Transaction Cost Approach 纵向整合与技术创新:交易成本法: 9781
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海外直订Transaction of the American Entomological Society 美国昆虫学会学报
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预订 Are Homeowners in Denial about their House Values? Comparing Owner Perceptions with Transaction-Based Indexes: 9781
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