[预订]Antioxidant Extraction From Various Sorghum Cultivars and Their Use in Fruit Juice 9782853841573
【预售】Corn and Grain Sorghum Comparison: All Things Con
【中商原版】红高粱 英文原版 Red Sorghum by Mo Yan 红高粱*诺贝尔文学奖莫言作品
红高粱 英文原版书 Red Sorghum 诺贝尔文学奖莫言作品 Mo Yan 奥斯卡奖 进口英语电影原著小说 英文版原版书籍
【预订】Sorghum - State Of The Art And Future Perspectives 9780891186274
[预订]Trends in the Chemical Composition and Yield of Atlas Forage Sorghum as Affected by Stage of Maturit 9781014900647
预订 Handbook of Sorghum 高粱手册: 9789351302933
[预订]Advances in Sorghum Science 9781774637449
预订 Sorghum Molecular Breeding
预订 Response of Pre-Released Grain Sorghum Genotype to Feretilizer Level: 9786207806997
【预售 按需印刷】Sorghum and its Products
【预售按需印刷】Effect of Zinc on Sorghum Growth Yield and Seed Zinc Content
【预售 按需印刷】Diversity in Some Sorghum Germplasm in Ghana
【预售 按需印刷】Analysis of Stem Borers and Their Parasitoids in Maize and Sorghum
预售 按需印刷 Investigation of the Scientific and Economic Relations of the Sorghum Sugar Industry
预售 按需印刷 Seed setting behaviour of rabi sorghum
【预售 按需印刷】Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Sorghum Volume 1
预售 按需印刷 Bio-ecology and Management of Sorghum Aphid
预售 按需印刷Zinc Availability and Sorghum Growth
【预售 按需印刷】Analysis of Technical Efficiency in Sorghum Production
【预售 按需印刷】Phytotoxic of Chromium on Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor) Genotypes
【预售 按需印刷】Genetic Analysis of Quantitative Parameters in Sorghum
【预售 按需印刷】Extraction Characterization and Utilization of Sorghum Protein
【预售 按需印刷】Iron bioavailability from sorghum and millet foods
预售 按需印刷 Growth yield and quality of sorghum as influenced by nitrogen levels
【预售 按需印刷】Studies on Pathological and Biochemical Changes in Sorghum vulgare L
预售 按需印刷 The Effect of Bio-pesticides on Store pests of sorghum in South Sudan
【预售按需印刷】Sorghum response to N and P fertilizer with and without moisture cons
【预售 按需印刷】Effect of Legume Residue and Nitrogen Fertilizer in Sorghum Production
【预售 按需印刷】Sorghum
预售 按需印刷 Effect of Sowing method and Nitrogen level on multicut Sorghum Forage
预售 按需印刷Hybridisation to exploit heterosis in sorghum in Southern Africa
预售 按需印刷 Sweet Sorghum- Variability & Correlation Among the Different Traits
预售 按需印刷 Biocontrol of Maize Stalk Borers by the use of Sorghum bicolor
海外直订Sorghum: Its Culture and Manufacture Economically Considered as a Source of Suga 高粱的种植与生产:一种糖的
[预订]Iron bioavailability from sorghum and millet foods 9783838135649
海外直订Encouragement to the Sorghum and Beet Sugar Industry 对高粱和甜菜糖业的鼓励
海外直订Corn and Grain Sorghum Comparison: All Things Considered 玉米和谷物高粱的比较:所有考虑因素
海外直订Sorghum Hydrogen Cyanide 高粱氰化氢
【预订】Sorghum in the 21st Century: Food – Fodder – Feed – Fuel for a Rapidly Changing World
【预订】Sorghum in the 21st Century: Food – Fodder – Feed – Fuel for a Rapidly Changing World 9789811582516
海外直订Sorghum allelopathy: potential for controlling two weeds Sorghum allelopathy: potential for
海外直订Sorghum and its Products 高粱及其制品
【预订】Sorghum Biochemistry
【预订】Millets and Sorghum - Biology and Ge...
【预订】Advances in Sorghum Science 9781771889674
【预订】Breeding Sorghum for Diverse End Uses
【预订】The Sorghum Genome
【预售】The Sorghum Genome (Softcover Reprin...
海外直订Investigation of the Scientific and Economic Relations of the Sorghum Sugar Indu 高粱糖业科技与经济关系调查
海外直订Sweet, Sweet Sorghum: Kentucky's Golden Wonder 甜高粱:肯塔基州的黄金奇迹
[预订]Sorghum: Properties, Synthesis and Applications 9781536144055
【预订】Sorghum and Millets
预订 Omics and Biotechnological Approaches for Product Profile-Driven Sorghum Improvement
海外直订Advances in Sorghum Science: Botany, Production, and Crop Improvement 高粱科学进展:植物学、生产和作物改良
极速Sweeping house wibth sorghum cleaning cleaning learning
【预售】Genetic Enhancement of Rabi Sorghum
海外直订Investigation of the Scientific and Economic Relations of the Sorghum Sugar Indu 高粱糖业科技经济关系调查
红高粱 Red Sorghum 英文原版 Mo Yan 大音
海外直订The Sorghum Genome 高粱基因组
小米与高粱 生物学与遗传改良 Millets and Sorghum Biology and Genetic Improvement 英文原版 Jagannath Patil【中商原版?
海外直订Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Sorghum Volume 2: Sorghum Utilization Aroun 实现高粱的可持续种植第2卷
预订 Methods And Machinery For The Application Of Diffusion To The Extraction Of Sugar From Sugar Cane And Sorghum
海外直订Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Sorghum 高粱遗传学、基因组学与育种“,
海外直订Sorghum Biochemistry: An Industrial Perspective 高粱生物化学:工业前景
预订 "My" Signature Sorghum Molasses Syrup Cookbook: Highlighting "My" Hometown’s Black History -1849 -Present Time! Ce
海外直订Sorghum in the 21st Century: Food - Fodder - Feed - Fuel for a Rapidly Changing 21世纪的高粱:快速变化世界
【4周达】Sorghum and Millets: Chemistry, Technology, and Nutritional Attributes [9780128115275]
【4周达】Sorghum Biochemistry: An Industrial Perspective [9780128031575]
【4周达】Genetic Enhancement of Rabi Sorghum: Adapting the Indian Durras [9780128019269]
预订 Physiological Interventions for Improved Yield of Sorghum [9783330085930]
【4周达】Breeding Sorghum for Diverse End Uses [9780081018798]
【4周达】The Sorghum Genome [9783319838243]
【4周达】Sorghum: Food and Energy Source [9781619423725]
【4周达】Millets And Sorghum - Biology And Genetic Improvement [Wiley农业] [9781119123057]
预订 Mycorrhiza Assisted Remediation of Cadmium Toxicity in Sorghum [9783330332799]
预订 Characterisation of Sorghum Germplasm [9783330018730]
预订 Effect of Plant Extracts on Seed Quality of Sorghum [9786200275585]
【4周达】The Sorghum Genome [9783319477879]
【4周达】Characterization of Improved Sweet Sorghum Cultivars [9788132207825]
预订 Impact of Climate Change on Sorghum Production in the Shire Valley [9783330056138]
预订 Enhancing Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Kharif Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) [9783330334540]
预订 Combining Ability of Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L) Moench) Inbred Lines [9783330034327]
预订 Performance and Farmers' Evaluation of Sorghum genotypes in Ethiopia [9783330073807]
预订 Inheritance of Resistance to Spotted Stem Borer in Sorghum Genotypes [9786138347613]
预订 Sorghum Tissue Culture and Transformation [9781578082186]