预售 按需印刷 A Somaesthetics of Performative Beauty
预订 按需印刷 难民和移民的表演性语言学习:Sorgente 项目中的身体化研究与实践Performative Language Learning with Refugees
预售 按需印刷 Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture
预售 按需印刷 European Performative Theatre
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【预售 按需印刷】Performative Memoir
预售 按需印刷 The Performative Power of Vocality
预订 The Allyship Challenge: How to Move Beyond Performative Allyship and Become a Genuine Accomplice
预售 按需印刷 Performative Approaches in Arts Education
预订 Scenographic Design Drawing: Performative Drawing in an Expanded Field 舞台设计绘图:扩展领域的表演性绘图: 97813504
预订 Gadamer’s Hermeneutical Aesthetics: Art as a Performative, Dynamic, Communal Event 伽达默尔的诠释学美学:论艺术作
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预订 Teaching Writing Through Theatre: A Performative Approach to Pedagogy 通过戏剧的写作教学:表演教学法: 9783031733017
预订 The Performative Structure: Ritualizing the Pyramid of Pepy I 表演结构:佩皮一世金字塔的仪式化: 9789004372368
【预售】Playing with Purpose: Adventures in Performative
【预订】Shakespeare, Jonson, and the Claims of the Performative
预订 Geography Speaks: Performative Aspects of Geography 地理学讲述:地理的表述行为因素: 9781409420095
预订 Visualizing Difference: Performative Audiencing in the Intersectional Classroom 可视化差异:交叉课堂的表演听众: 978
【预订】Writing Performative Shakespeares
【预订】Scenographic Design Drawing: Performative Drawing in an Expanded Field
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预订 Performative Approaches in Arts Education: Artful Teaching, Learning and Research 艺术教育中的表演方法:艺术教学、
[预订]Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture 9783110222463
【预售】Performative Approaches in Arts Education
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【预订】The Performative Enterprise 9783030814946
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预订 Education and Cultural Studies: Toward a Performative Practice: 9780415919142
预订 Mapping : la ricerca : una mappa sull’estetica delle arti performative per la prima infanzia / [a cura di Manon va
【预订】Experiential and Performative Anthropology in the Classroom
预订 Performative Representation of Working-Class Laborers: They Work Hard for the Money 工人*劳动者的表演表现:他们
【预售】Hysteria, Trauma and Melancholia: Performative
预订 Performative Approaches to Education Reforms: Exploring Intended and Unintended Effects of Reforms Morphing as they
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预订 The Performative Power of Vocality 声乐的表现力: 9781032082585
预订 Shakespeare, Jonson, and the Claims of the Performative 莎士比亚、琼森与表演者的主张: 9780367864880
【预售】Performative Linguistics
预订 Geography Speaks: Performative Aspects of Geography: 9781138253742
预订 Gadamer’s Hermeneutical Aesthetics: Art as a Performative, Dynamic, Communal Event: Art as a Performative, Dynamic
[预订]A Somaesthetics of Performative Beauty 9781032409177
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预订 Performative Literary Culture: Literary Associations and the World of Learning, 1200-1700 表演文学文化:文学协会和
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[预订]The Performative Enterprise 9783030814915
预订 Performative Language Learning with Refugees and Migrants: Embodied Research and Practice in the Sorgente Project
[预订]A Performative Autoethnography of Five Black American Men 9781032303741
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预订 Doing Performative Social Science: Creativity in Doing Research and Reaching Communities 做表现性社会科学:做研究与
【预售】Performative Linguistics: Speaking and Translat
预订 European Performative Theatre: The issues, problems and techniques of crucial masterpieces 欧洲表演戏剧:关键杰作的
预订 Home and Away: Lived Experience in Performative Narratives 主客场:表演性叙事的生活经验: 9780367698782
【预订】The Phenomenology of a Performative Knowledge System: Dancing with Native American Epistemology
预订 Performative Architecture
预订【德语】 De/Sakralisierung:Die performative Dynamik
预订 After laughter comes tears : a performative book in four acts: 9791280579522
按需印刷TF Teacher Retention in an Age of Performative Accountability[9780367361389]
按需印刷TF A Somaesthetics of Performative Beauty
按需印刷DGYT Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture[9783110222463]
按需印刷Doing Performative Social Science:Creativity in Doing Research and Reaching Communities[9781032035239]
按需印刷Going Performative in Intercultural Education
【预订】Art Beyond Representation: The Performative Power of the Image
按需印刷图书European Performative Theatre:The issues, problems and techniques of crucial masterpieces[9780367137267]
按需印刷Excitable Speech:A Politics of the Performative[9780367705244]
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海外直订Performative Linguistics: Speaking and Translating as Doing Things with Words 行为语言学:说话和翻译就是用语
海外直订Teacher Retention in an Age of Performative Acco... 绩效问责时代的教师留任
海外直订A Performative Autoethnography of Five Black American Men 《五个美国黑人的表演自我民族志》
海外直订Hysteria, Trauma and Melancholia: Performative Maladies in Contemporary Anglopho 歇斯底里、创伤和忧郁:当代英语
海外直订Leap into Action: Critical Performative Pedagogies in Art & Design Education 行动起来;艺术与设计教育中的批
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【4周达】Performative Memoir : The Methodology of a Creative Process [9781793632975]
海外直订Performative Approaches in Arts Education: Artful Teaching, Learning and Researc 艺术教育中的表演方法:艺术
【4周达】Emerging Affinities - Possible Futures of Performative Arts: Possible Futures of Performativ... [9783837649062]
【4周达】Doing Performative Social Science: Creativity in Doing Research and Reaching Communities [9781032035215]
【4周达】Resisting Biopolitics : Philosophical, Political, and Performative Strategies [9781138789487]
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预订 Home and Away: Lived Experience in Performative Narratives [9780367698782]
海外直订Introducing Performative Pragmatics 介绍行为语用学
【4周达】A Multi-Modal Approach to Creative Art Therapy: Performative Communication [9781853022623]
【4周达】Performative Representation of Working-Class Laborers : They Work Hard for the Money [9783031548796]
预订 Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture [9783110222463]
【4周达】Performative Listening : Hearing Others in Qualitative Research [9781433126635]
【4周达】Performative Praxis : Teacher Identity and Teaching in the Context of HIV/AIDS [9783039116126]