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【预 售】希腊铭文英文人文历史进口原版书平装14岁以上Greek Inscriptions Peter Liddel British Museum
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海外直订Visible Words: A Study of Inscriptions in and as Books and Works of Art 可见字:书画题词研究
预订 Monumenta Anglicana: Being Inscriptions on the Monuments of Several Eminent Persons Deceased in or Since the Year 1
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海外直订London Signs and Inscriptions 伦敦标志和铭文
海外直订The Greek and Latin Inscriptions on the Obelisk-crab in the Metropolitan Museum, 《纽约大都会博物馆方尖碑上
海外直订Roman Sepulcral Inscriptions 罗马墓葬铭文
海外直订Inscriptions from Burial Grounds of the Nashaway Towns Lancaster, Harvard, Bolto 纳沙韦城镇兰开斯特、哈佛、博尔
海外直订Kentish Monumental Inscriptions; Inscriptions at Tenterden 肯特纪念铭文;坦特登的铭文
海外直订Graven Stones: Inscriptions from Lower Accomack County, Virginia, Including Libe 石刻:弗吉尼亚州下阿科马克
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海外直订Inscriptions on Gravestones in the two old Cemeteries on the East Hill in Peterb 铭文在墓碑上的两个老墓地在
预订 Introduction to the study of the Greek dialects; grammar, selected inscriptions, glossary: 9789353864330
【预订】Latin Inscriptions
海外直订Scottish Record Society; Monumental Inscriptions In St. Cuthbert'S Churchyard, E 苏格兰记录社会;爱丁堡圣卡
预订 Latin Historical Inscriptions Illustrating the History of the Early Empire: 9781018135403