[预订]Innovating for Diversity
英文原版 Innovating Out of Crisis 灵魂经营 富士胶片的二次创业神话 商业管理 富士原CEO Shigetaka Komori 英文版 进口英语书
【预订】Building A Digital Future - A Transformational Blueprint For Innovating With Microsoft 9781119747116
【预售】Innovating for Patient Safety in Medicine
【预售】Innovating: A Doer’s Manifesto for S...
【预售】Innovating Analytics: Word of Mouth In
【预售】Innovating Organization and Management: New Sources
【预售】Shipping Strategy: Innovating for Success
预订 Fostering Interpersonal Skills in a Healthcare Context: Innovating in Specialized Education for Preceptors and Resi
预订 Lean Startup: How to Work Smarter and Not Harder While Innovating Faster and Satisfying Customers: 9781647482985
预订 Crochet Visionary: Innovating Patterns for Next-Level Crafting: 9798876094568
[预订]Improving Nurse Retention and Healthcare Outcomes: Innovating With the IMPACT Model 9781646480463
预售【外图英文原版】Innovating Business with Art 用艺术创新商业:埃曼诺 卡索利基金会的方法
预订 Managing Using the Diamond Principle: Innovating to Effect Organizational Process Improvement 使用钻石原则进行管理
【预售】The Business of Innovating Online
【预订】Innovating the Design Process: A Theatre Design Journey 9781032121185
预订 DreamMakers: Innovating for the Greater Good 造梦人: 9781783535682
预订 Innovating Professional Services: Transforming Value and Efficiency 创新专业服务:转换价值与效率: 9781032837147
【预订】Innovating Counseling for Self- and Career Construction
[预订]Innovating Counseling for Self- and Career Construction 9783030486501
预订 Design Thinking for Strategy: Innovating Towards Competitive Advantage 战略设计思维:创新以获得竞争优势 第2版: 9783
[预订]Mom Magic, Moms in STEM: From Nurturing To Innovating: A Guide For Mothers In STEM 9781960136138
【预订】Innovating Minds
灵魂经营 英文原版 Innovating Out of Crisis 富士胶片的二次创业神话 商业管理 富士原CEO Shigetaka Komori 英文版 进口英语书
【预售】The Innovating Organization
[预订]Innovating Ideas for 3D Electromagnetics 9789679398687
[预订]Innovating Assessment and Feedback Design in Teacher Education 9781032554051
预订 Innovating from Within: Intrapreneurship and Innovation Within the Organization
[预订]Innovating in the Open Lab 9783110628210
【预订】Innovating Climate Governance
预订 Innovating Intelligence: AI’s Journey from Concept to Reality 创新智能:人工智能从概念到现实的旅程: 9786207477623
【预订】Innovating Healthcare: The Role of Political, Managerial and Clinical Leadership 9781032085074
预订 Regional Cultures, Economies, and Creativity: Innovating Through Place in Australia and Beyond: Innovating Through
【预售 按需印刷】Innovating Like A Startup Executing Like A Corporation
【预售 按需印刷】The Innovating Organization
【预售 按需印刷】Innovating Women
【预售 按需印刷】Innovating organizational and technological strategies to improve our society
【预售 按需印刷】Innovating research in two fields
预订 DreamMakers: Innovating for the Greater Good dreammakers: 9781783533954
【预订】Innovating with Augmented Reality 9781032008127
[预订]Organizational Change in an Urban Police Department: Innovating to Reform 9780367530907
海外直订医药图书Emerging Technologies for Diagnosing Alzheimer's Disease: Innovating with Care 诊断阿尔茨海默病的新
海外直订Innovating Victory: Naval Technology in Three Wars 创新胜利:三次战争中的海军技术
【预订】Theory and Practices on Innovating for Sustainable Development
【预订】Innovating with Concept Mapping
预订 Innovating From Within
海外直订Innovating Talent Attraction: A Practitioner's Guide for Cities, Regions and Cou 创新人才吸引:城市、地区和
海外直订Design Thinking for Strategy: Innovating Towards Competitive Advantage 战略设计思维:创新竞争优势
[预订]Design for Care: Innovating Healthcare Experience 9781933820231
海外直订Innovating Faculty Development: Entering the Age of Innovation 创新师资建设:进入创新时代
预订 Innovating for Trust 为信任而创新: 9781785369476
[预订]Conceptualizing and Innovating Education and Work with Networked Learning 9783030852405
【预售】Optimizing, Innovating, and Capitalizing on Infor
[预订]Conceptualizing and Innovating Education and Work with Networked Learning
预订 Market-Oriented Technology Management: Innovating for Profit in Entrepreneurial Times
海外直订Shipping Strategy: Innovating for Success 航运战略:创新求成功
【预售】Innovating for Sustainability: Green Entrepreneur
海外直订Innovating with Augmented Reality: Applications in Education and Industry 增强现实的创新:在教育和工业中的应
【预售】Innovating EFL Teaching in Asia
[预订]Innovating Like A Startup Executing Like A Corporation 9781734181456
海外直订Theory and Practices on Innovating for Sustainable Development 可持续发展创新的理论与实践
海外直订The New Public Management: Lessons from Innovating Governors and Mayors 新公共管理:创新州长和市长的经验教训
海外直订Measures for Innovating Business Models: An Empirical Study of German Smes 商业模式创新措施:对德国中小企业
[预订]Innovating for The Circular Economy
【预售】Innovating Science Teacher Education
【预售】Innovating Science Teacher Education: A History a
【预订】Innovating Construction Law
海外直订Innovating Construction Law: Towards the Digital Age 创新建设规律:迈向数字时代
海外直订Innovating for Sustainability: Green Entrepreneurship in Personal Mobility 为可持续发展而创新:个人出行中的
海外直订医药图书Innovating for Patient Safety in Medicine 创新医疗患者安全
海外直订Innovating Science Teacher Education: A History and Philosophy of Science Perspe 创新科学教师教育:科学史观
【预售】Innovating in Urban Economies: Economic Transform
海外直订Can Business Save the Earth?: Innovating Our Way to Sustainability 商业能拯救地球吗?:创新实现可持续发展之路
预售 按需印刷 Innovating Healthcare
预售【外图英文原版】Updating and Innovating Health Professions Education: Post-Pandemic Perspectives
预订 Closing the Care Gap with Wearable Devices: Innovating Healthcare with Wearable Patient Monitoring 利用可穿戴设备缩
海外直订Design Science Research Methods and Patterns: Innovating Information and Communi 设计科学研究方法与模式:创
【预售】Innovating in Product/Process Development: Gaining
【预售】Innovating in Practice: Perspectives and Experiences
【预订】Innovating in Product/Process Develo...
【预订】Innovating in Practice
【预订】Innovating Education in Technology-Supported Environments 9789811565939
海外直订Looking Beyond the Runway: Airlines Innovating with Best Practices While Facing 超越跑道:航空公司在面对现
【预订】Elon Musk: Life Lessons with Billionaire CEO & Successful Entrepreneur. How Elon Musk is Innovating the Fu...
英文原版 Innovating Out of Crisis CEO Shigetaka Komori
海外直订Emergence of Cross-Innovation Systems: Audiovisual Industries Co-Innovating with 交叉创新系统的出现:视听产
预订 Digital Transformation of SME Marketing Strategies: Innovating for the 4.0 Era 中小企业营销策略的数字化转型:适合4.