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预售 按需印刷 Internet of Drones
【预售 按需印刷】Drones and the Creative Industry
预售 按需印刷 Drones in IoT enabled Spaces
【预售 按需印刷】Ethics and Civil Drones
【预售 按需印刷】Drones
【预售 按需印刷】Pest monitoring and management using drones
【预售 按需印刷】Drones for Biodiversity Conservation and Ecological Monitoring
【预售】Building Smart Drones with ESP8266 a...
预订 Drones for Good: How to Bring Sociotechnical Thinking Into the Classroom
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【预售】Drones and the Creative Industry: Innovative Strategies for European Smes
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【预订】Intelligent Autonomous Drones with Cognitive Deep Learning 9781484268025
【预售】Drones. the Future of Autonomous Del...
【预售】Aerial Photography and Videography Using Drones
预订 Dinosaurs to Drones: Investigating Change and Grit Through Paleontology 从恐龙到无人机:通过古生物学研究变化与勇气:
【预订】Development and Future of Internet of Drones (IoD): Insights, Trends and Road Ahead
【预订】Development and Future of Internet of Drones (IoD): Insights, Trends and Road Ahead 9783030633417
[预订]A First Course in Aerial Robots and Drones 9780367640828
预订 Armed Drones and the Ethics of War: Military virtue in a post-heroic age 武装无人驾驶飞机与战争伦理:后英雄时代的军
预订 The Cybernetic Border: Drones, Technology, and Intrusion 控制论边界: 9781478024859
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[预订]The Internet of Drones 9781774639856
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【预订】Robots, Drones, UAVs and UGVs for Operation and Maintenance
【预订】Advances in Human Factors in Robots, Drones and Unmanned Systems
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【预订】Muse - Drones
【预订】Conservation Drones
预订 Agricultural Drones: A Peaceful Pursuit
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【预订】A First Course in Aerial Robots and Drones 9780367631383
【预订】Drones for Biodiversity Conservation and Ecological Monitoring
【预订】Drones in Smart-Cities
【预订】Drones to Go
【预售】Designing Purpose-Build Drones for A...
预订 Drones, Tones, and Timbres: Sounding Place among Nomads of the Inner Asian Mountain-Steppes 无人机、音调和音色:亚
预订 Design and Structural Analysis of Heavy Weight Carrying Drones 重载无人机的设计与结构分析: 9786207471027
预订 Beyond Borders: Harnessing Drones for Global Sanitation *国界:利用无人机实现全球卫生: 9786207473250
预订 Aviation Law and Drones: Unmanned Aircraft and the Future of Aviation 航空法与无人机:无人机与航空的未来: 978036766
【预订】Ethics and Civil Drones
[预订]Adaptive Hybrid Control of Quadrotor Drones
【预订】Drones in Society: Exploring the Strange New World of Unmanned Aircraft
【预订】Drones for Good: How to Bring Sociotechnical Thinking Into the Classroom
【预售】Drones and the Future of Air Warfare: The Evolution of Remotely Piloted Aircraft
[预订]UAV or Drones for Remote Sensing Applications in GPS/GNSS Enabled and GPS/GNSS Denied Environments 9783036515908
【预订】New Developments and Environmental Applications of Drones 9783030778620
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【预订】The Big Book of Drones 9781032062815
[预订]Internet of Drones 9781032171685
预订 New Developments and Environmental Applications of Drones
[预订]Plunkett’s Aerospace, Aircraft, Satellites & Drones Industry Almanac 2022 9781628315981
【预订】Honey Bee Drones: Specialists in the Field
【预订】Drones in IoT-enabled Spaces
[预订]New Developments and Environmental Applications of Drones 9783031446061
【预订】Drones for Dummies
【预订】Make: Drones: How to Teach an Arduin...
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【预售】Small Flying Drones
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【预订】Drones in Society
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