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【预售 按需印刷】Shakespeare and the Spanish Comedia
【预售】The Comedia of Virginity: Mary and the Politics of
【预售】Role-Play and the World as Stage in the Comedia
【预售】The Comedia in English: Translation and Performance
[预订]Gil Vicente and the Development of the Comedia 9780807892343
海外直订The Comedia in English: Translation and Performance 英语喜剧:翻译与表演
海外直订Remaking the Comedia: Spanish Classical Theater in Adaptation 重制喜剧:改编中的西班牙古典戏剧
【4周达】Gendering the Crown in the Spanish Baroque Comedia [9781409439639]
【4周达】Gendering the Crown in the Spanish Baroque Comedia [9781138109995]
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【4周达】Shakespeare and the Spanish Comedia : Translation, Interpretation, Performance: Essays in Ho... [9781611485172]
海外直订Objective Methods for Testing Authenticity and the Study of Ten Doubtful Comedia 目的洛佩·德·维加创作的十部
【4周达】Golden Age Drama in Contemporary Spain : The Comedia on Page, Stage and Screen [9780708324745]
【4周达】Remaking the Comedia - Spanish Classical Theater in Adaptation: Spanish Classical Theater in... [9781855662926]
【4周达】The Comedia in English: Translation and Performance [9781855661691]
海外直订Gil Vicente and the Development of the Comedia 吉尔·维森特与喜剧的发展
预订 Gil Vicente and the Development of the Comedia [9780807892343]
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【4周达】Golden Age Drama in Contemporary Spain : The Comedia on Page, Stage and Screen [9780708324738]
【4周达】A Star-Crossed Golden Age: Myth and the Spanish Comedia [9781611480986]
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【预售 按需印刷】La Floria Comedia dell Arsiccio
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预售 按需印刷 Comedia Do Campo Scenas Do Minho V3
预售 按需印刷 Tudo No Mundo E Comedia
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【预售】La Divina Comedia de Dante, Coleccion La Critica
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【4周达】El Conde Don Pero Vélez Y Don Sancho El Deseado: Comedia En Tres Actos [9780816671823]
【4周达】Performance Reconstruction and Spanish Golden Age Drama: Reviving and Revising the Comedia [9781137439758]
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海外直订En Esta Vida Todo Es Verdad Y Todo Mentira: Comedia En Tres Actos Y En Verso 在这一生中,一切都是真的,一切
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海外直订Castelvines Y Monteses, Tragi-Comedia, Tr. by F.W. Cosens Castelvines Y Monteses, Tragi-Com
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按需印刷Comedia Do Campo, Scenas Do Minho V3[9781104024161]
按需印刷La Floria Comedia dell'Arsiccio[9783742874757]