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海外直订The calculus of variations on fibre bundles and graded manifolds
海外直订Moduli Spaces and Vector Bundles 模空间与向量丛
海外直订Vector Bundles and Their Applications 矢量束及其应用
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海外直订Helices and Vector Bundles: Seminaire Rudakov 螺旋和矢量束:Seminaire Rudakov
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海外直订Manifolds, Groups, Bundles, and Spacetime
【预售】Betti Numbers of the Moduli Space of Rank 3 Parabolic Higgs Bundles
【预订】Smooth Manifolds and Fibre Bundles with Applications to Theoretical Physics
海外直订Ceremonial Bundles of the Blackfoot Indians (1912) 黑脚印第安人的礼包(1912)
海外直订Differential Geometry of Complex Vector Bundles 复向量丛的微分几何
预订 Differential Geometry: Manifolds, Bundles and Characteristic Classes (Book I-A) 微分几何:流形、束与特征类 第I-A册:
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