【预售】Regularly Varying Functions
【预售】Weighted Approximation with Varying Weight
【预售】The Method of Layer Potentials for the Heat Equation in Time-Varying Domains
预订 Dysfunction and Deviance Across Family Firms: Varying Reflections of the Dark Side 家族企业的功能失调与偏差:黑暗面
[预订]Estimation of Multiple, Time-Varying Motions Using Time-Frequency Representations and Moving-Objects 9781952751912
【预售 按需印刷】Texture Recognition under Varying Imaging Geometries
【预售 按需印刷】Linear Parameter-Varying System Identification
【预售 按需印刷】Optimum Accelerated Life Testing Models with Time-Varying Stresses
【预售 按需印刷】Binary System with Varying Mass
【预售 按需印刷】Linear Time-Varying System Identification
预售 按需印刷 Navigation in Time-Varying Scientific Data
预售 按需印刷 Evaluation of Federal Marketing Orders for Fruits and Vegetables Using Time Varying Parameters
预售 按需印刷 H-Infinity Control of Time Delay System with Time Varying Uncertainty
【4周达】Optimum Accelerated Life Testing Models with Time-Varying Stresses [9789813141254]
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【4周达】Linear Parameter-Varying System Identification: New Developments and Trends [9789814355445]
【预售 按需印刷】Microwave Filter Design by Continuously Varying Transmission Line
【预售 按需印刷】Time-Varying Frequency/Spectral Estimation Extraction
【预售 按需印刷】Identification of Time-Varying Processes
预售 按需印刷 Effect of varying water regimes on the growth of mustard
预售 按需印刷 Performance Evaluation of Microsprinklers for Varying Spacing and Head
【预售 按需印刷】Effects of Time Varying Moments on a Large Tethered Satellite in Orbit
【预售 按需印刷】Genotypic variation in pigeonpea at varying phosphorus levels
【预售 按需印刷】Reliability Analysis of a System with Time Varying Failure Rates
【预售】Time-Varying Network Optimization
【预售】Linear Parameter-Varying Control for Engineering ...
【预订】Energy Methods in Time-Varying Syste...
【预订】Time-Varying Vector Fields and Their Flows
【预订】Varying Gravity
【预售】Varying Gravity: Dirac’s Legacy in C...
慢变振荡和波动 从基础到现代 Slowly Varying Oscillations From Basics To Modernity 英文原版 Lev Ostrovsky【中商原版】
预订 The Christmas Elf’s Sudoku Book for Adults: A fun and challenging mix of puzzle types with varying difficulty leve
预订 Mandalas Coloring Book: Stress Relieving Coloring Book for Adults 50 Designs Beautiful Designs Varying Difficulty f
海外直订Discontinuous Dynamical Systems on Time-Varying Domains 时变域上的不连续动力系统
海外直订Linear Parameter-Varying and Time-Delay Systems: Analysis, Observation, Filterin 线性变参数时滞系统:分析、
海外直订Time-Varying Discrete Linear Systems: Input-Output Operators. Riccati Equations. 时变离散线性系统:输入-输出
海外直订Dynamics on and of Complex Networks, Volume 2: Applications to Time-Varying Dyna 复杂上的动力学,卷2:时
海外直订Minimum Entropy Control for Time-Varying Systems 时变系统的最小熵控制
海外直订The Cosmology of Extra Dimensions and Varying Fundamental Constants: A Jenam 200 额外维度和变化基本常数的宇
海外直订Linear Parameter-Varying and Time-Delay Systems: Analysis, Observation, Filterin 线性变参数和时滞系统:分析
海外直订Robust Control and Linear Parameter Varying Approaches: Application to Vehicle D 鲁棒控制与线性参数变化方法
海外直订Stability of Time Dependent and Spatially Varying Flows: Proceedings of the Symp 时变与空间变化流的稳定性:
海外直订The Rational Expectation Hypothesis, Time-Varying Parameters and Adaptive Contro 理性预期假设、时变参数和自
海外直订Dynamics on and of Complex Networks, Volume 2: Applications to Time-Varying Dyna 复杂上及其动力学,卷2:
海外直订Analysis and Identification of Time-Invariant Systems, Time-Varying Systems, and 用正交混合函数分析和辨识时
海外直订Language Development and Education: Children with Varying Language Experiences 语言发展与教育:具有不同语言
海外直订Weighted Approximation with Varying Weight 变权加权逼近
海外直订Language Development and Education: Children with Varying Language Experiences 语言发展与教育:不同语言经历
海外直订Estimation of Multiple, Time-Varying Motions Using Time-Frequency Representation 使用时频表示和运动对象估计
[预订]The Vitamin A Content of Milk as Affected by Varying Amounts of Shark Liver Oil in the Ration 9781014859396
[预订]Routine and Varying Practice as Preparation for Adjustment to a New Situation 9781015249059
海外直订Varying Gravity: Dirac's Legacy in Cosmology and Geophysics 变化的引力:狄拉克在宇宙学和地球物理学方面的遗产
海外直订Digital Repetitive Control Under Varying Frequency Conditions 变频率条件下的数字重复控制
海外直订Constrained Control of Uncertain, Time-Varying, Discrete-Time Systems: An Interp 不确定时变离散系统的约束控
海外直订Linear Parameter-Varying Control for Engineering Applications 工程应用的线性变参数控制
[预订]New Approaches to Reliability Qualification of Semiconductor Components under Varying and Progressiv 9783736975200
[预订]Advanced Theoretical and Numerical Electromagnetics: Static, Stationary and Time-Varying Fields 9781839535642
海外直订Constrained Optimal Control: Piecewise Affine and Linear Parameter-Varying Syste 约束最优控制:分段仿射和线
海外直订Analysis of Periodically Time-Varying Systems 周期时变系统分析
【预售】Pseudo-Regularly Varying Functions and Generalized Renewal Processes
【预订】Beginning Sonatinas: Five Original Works in Varying Styles for the Early Grades
海外直订Time-Varying Network Optimization 时变优化
预订 Networked Nonlinear Stochastic Time-Varying Systems: Analysis and Synthesis: 9781032038803
预订 Recursive Filtering for 2-D Shift-Varying Systems with Communication Constraints: 9781032038223
海外直订The Affect of Varying Arousal Methods upon Vigilance and Error Detection in an A 自动指挥控制环境中不同唤醒
海外直订Robust Control of Linear Systems Subject to Uncertain Time-Varying Parameters 不确定时变参数线性系统的鲁棒控制
预售 按需印刷 Antioxidants in Systems of Varying Complexity
预订 The Glutened Human: Real stories from a medical practice and the science of how gluten causes ailments varying from
【预售】Identification Of Time-Varying Processes
【预订】Modeling Time-Varying Unconditional Variance by Means of a Free-Knot 9783658386177
海外直订Photosynthesis: Regulation Under Varying Light Regimes 光合作用:不同光照条件下的调节
预订 Neural Dynamics for Time-varying Problems: Advances and Applications 时变问题的神经动力学:进展与应用: 978303168593
海外直订An Analysis of Nonlinear Elastic Deformations for a Homogeneous Beam at Varying 变端载变节距均质梁的非线性
预订 Optimization of Engine Cylinder Fins of Varying Geometry and Materials 不同几何形状和材料的发动机气缸翅片优化: 9786
【预售】Minimum Entropy Control for Time-Varying Systems
【预售】Time-Varying Sliding Modes for Second and Third
【预售】The Cosmology of Extra Dimensions and Varying
预订 Robust Control and Linear Parameter Varying Approaches
【预售】Time-Varying Discrete Linear Systems: Input-Ou...
【预订】Nonlinear Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs with Time-Varying and Unstructured Uncertainties
【预订】Robust Control of Linear Systems Subject to Uncertain Time-Varying Parameters
【预订】Linear Parameter-Varying and Time-De...
【预订】Time-Varying Discrete Linear Systems...
【预订】Nonlinear Control of Fixed-Wing Uavs with Time-Varying and Unstructured Uncertainties
【预售】The Rational Expectation Hypothesis, Time-Varying
按需印刷Evaluation of Federal Marketing Orders for Fruits and Vegetables Using Time Varying Parameters[9780530006512]
【预订】Time-Varying Image Processing and Moving Object Recognition, 3
【预订】Antioxidants in Systems of Varying Complexity: Chemical, Biochemical 9781774634899
【预售】Electromagnetics of Time Varying Complex Media