Theatricality 戏剧性 剑桥戏剧与表演理论
【预售】Absorption and Theatricality: Painting and Behold
【预售】Chaucerian Theatricality
英文原版 Theatricality 戏剧性 剑桥戏剧与表演理论 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Theatricality 戏剧性 剑桥戏剧与表演理论进口英文原版书籍
戏剧性 英文原版 Theatricality 剑桥戏剧与表演理论 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预售】Men in Women's Clothing: Anti-Theatricality and
英文原版 Absorption and Theatricality 专注性与剧场性 狄德罗时代的绘画与观众 Michael Fried 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预售】Theatricality In Early Modern Art And Architecture
预订 Theatricality, Playtexts and Society 戏剧、戏剧文本与社会: 9781009506281
[预订]Theatricality as Medium 9780823224166
预订 Afterlives of Endor: Witchcraft, Theatricality, and Uncertainty from the"Malleus Maleficarum" to Shakespeare 恩多的
【预售】Pacific Performances: Theatricality and
【预订】The Theatricality of Greek Tragedy 9780226477572
正版英语原版 Absorption and Theatricality Michael Fried
【预售】Stages of Reality: Theatricality in Cinema
【预售】On Flinching: Theatricality and Scientific Lookin
预订 Alienation and Theatricality: Diderot After Brecht 异化与戏剧化:布莱希特之后的狄德罗: 9780367602147
预售 按需印刷 The Theatricality of the Baroque City
预订 Transgressive Theatricality, Romanticism, and Mary Wollstonecraft 越界的戏剧性、浪漫主义与玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特: 978
海外直订Theatricality 夸张
【预售】Transgressive Theatricality, Romanticism, and Mary Wollstonecraft
海外直订Drama on Drama: Dimensions of Theatricality on the Contemporary British Stage 戏剧对戏剧:当代英国舞台戏剧
【预售】Stage Fright: Modernism, Anti-Theatricality, and
预订 Theatricality, Playtexts and Society 戏剧、戏剧文本与社会: 9781009506298
海外直订Caught in the ACT: Theatricality in the Nineteenth-Century English Novel 陷入了行动中
海外直订The Theatricality of Greek Tragedy: Playing Space and Chorus 希腊悲剧的戏剧性:演奏空间与合唱
海外直订Chaucerian Theatricality 乔叟式的夸张
海外直订The Theatricality of the Baroque City 巴洛克城市的戏剧性
【预售】Alienation and Theatricality: Diderot After Brecht
预订 Alimentary Performances: Mimesis, Theatricality and Cuisine 消化道的作用:模仿、戏剧与美食: 9781138569690
【预订】Early Modern Theatricality
海外直订The Dancing Body in Renaissance Choreography: Kinetic Theatricality and Social I
【预订】Chaucerian Theatricality
海外直订Alimentary Performances: Mimesis, Theatricality, and Cuisine 饮食表演:模仿、戏剧和烹饪
海外直订Alienation and Theatricality: Diderot After Brecht 异化与戏剧化:布莱希特之后的狄德罗
海外直订Michael Fried and Philosophy: Modernism, Intention, and Theatricality 迈克尔·弗里德和哲学:现代主义、意图和
海外直订Alimentary Performances: Mimesis, Theatricality, and Cuisine 食物表演:模仿,戏剧性和烹饪
海外直订Beckett's Breath: Anti-Theatricality and the Visual Arts 《贝克特的呼吸:反戏剧性与视觉艺术》
【4周达】On Flinching: Theatricality and Scientific Looking from Darwin to Shell Shock [9780198700937]
【4周达】Caught in the ACT: Theatricality in the Nineteenth-Century English Novel [9780520074545]
【4周达】Chaucerian Theatricality [9780691601434]
预订 Incapacity and Theatricality : Politics and Aesthetics in Theatre Involving Actors with Intellec... [9780815349204]
【4周达】Comic Business: Theatricality, Dramatic Technique, and Performance Contexts of Aristophanic ... [9780198152712]
【4周达】Transgressive Theatricality, Romanticism, and Mary Wollstonecraft [9780754667889]
【4周达】Roman Tragedy: Theatre to Theatricality [9780292722200]
【4周达】Stages of Reality : Theatricality in Cinema [9781442612051]
【4周达】The Theatricality Of Mary Wroth's Pamphilia to Amphilanthus : Unmasking Conventions in Context [9781575911571]
【4周达】Alimentary Performances : Mimesis, Theatricality, and Cuisine [9781138569706]
【4周达】Chaucerian Theatricality [9780691631141]
【4周达】Stage Fright: Modernism, Anti-Theatricality, and Drama [9781421403991]
预订 Metadrama, Theatricality and Performativity in Beckett's Late Plays [9783659779541]
【4周达】Theatricality and Performativity : Writings on Texture from Plato's Cave to Urban Activism [9783319732251]
【4周达】Theatricality and Performativity : Writings on Texture from Plato's Cave to Urban Activism [9783030103378]
【4周达】Actors in the Audience: Theatricality and Doublespeak from Nero to Hadrian [9780674280984]
预订 Michael Fried and Philosophy : Modernism, Intention, and Theatricality [9780367667191]
【4周达】Theatricality as Medium [9780823224159]
预订 Michael Fried and Philosophy: Modernism, Intention, and Theatricality [9781138679801]
【4周达】Jurisdictional Battlefields: Political Culture, Theatricality, and Spanish Expeditions in Ch... [9781835537091]
【4周达】Theatricality as Medium [9780823224166]
【4周达】Catullus and Roman Comedy: Theatricality and Personal Drama in the Late Republic [9781108813747]
【4周达】Catullus and Roman Comedy: Theatricality and Personal Drama in the Late Republic [9781108839815]
【4周达】A Dutch Republican Baroque: Theatricality, Dramatization, Moment and Event [9789462982123]
【4周达】The Politics of Romantic Theatricality, 1787-1832 : The Road to the Stage [9780230518025]
【4周达】Men in Women's Clothing: Anti-theatricality and Effeminization, 1579–1642 - Men in Women's ... [9780521466271]
【4周达】Incapacity and Theatricality: Politics and Aesthetics in Theatre Involving Actors with Intel... [9780367732233]
【4周达】Theatricality: - Theatricality [9780521812696]
预订 Absorption and Theatricality: Painting and Beholder in the Age of Diderot [9780226262130]
【4周达】Alimentary Performances: Mimesis, Theatricality, and Cuisine [9781138569690]
【4周达】Drama on Drama: Dimensions of Theatricality on the Contemporary British Stage [9780312165413]
预订 Staging Ben: A Collection of Essays on the Theatricality of Jonson's Plays [9781443883856]
【4周达】Performing Glam Rock: Gender and Theatricality in Popular Music [9780472068685]
【4周达】Theatricality: - Theatricality [9780521012072]
预订 The Theatricality of Greek Tragedy: Playing Space and Chorus [9780226477572]
【4周达】Pacific Performances : Theatricality and Cross-Cultural Encounter in the South Seas [9781403985989]
【4周达】Acting Naturally: Victorian Theatricality and Authenticity [9780813922690]
【4周达】Drama on Drama : Dimensions of Theatricality on the Contemporary British Stage [9781349254453]
【4周达】Theatricality in the Horror Film : A Brief Study on the Dark Pleasures of Screen Artifice [9781785271281]
【4周达】Theatricality and the Arts: Film, Theatre, Art [9781399511650]
【4周达】Architectonics of Theatricality : Theatre Performance in a Semiotic Perspective [9783631666845]
【4周达】The Dancing Body in Renaissance Choreography : Kinetic Theatricality and Social Interaction [9781785278013]
【4周达】Mimesis, Masochism and Mime: The Politics of Theatricality in Contemporary French Thought [9780472066353]
【4周达】Pacific Performances : Theatricality and Cross-Cultural Encounter in the South Seas [9781349540518]
【4周达】Theatricality, Playtexts and Society [9781009506281]
【4周达】The Politics of Romantic Theatricality, 1787-1832 : The Road to the Stage [9781349355693]
【4周达】Theatricality, Dark Tourism and Ethical Spectatorship : Absent Others [9781349458479]
预订 Education to Theatricality [9783659767524]
【4周达】Theatricality, Playtexts and Society [9781009506298]
【4周达】Early Modern Theatricality [9780199641352]
【4周达】Alienation and Theatricality: Diderot After Brecht [9780367602147]
【4周达】The Diva's Gift to the Shakespearean Stage: Agency, Theatricality, and the Innamorata [9780198867838]