预售[2025新书]TECHNOLOGICAL REPUBLIC, THE[9780593798690]
Nanyang Technological University南洋理工大学冰箱贴NTU冰箱贴
技术奇点 MIT新概念丛书 英文原版 The Technological Singularity 计算机科学 人工智能 英文版进口原版英语书籍
现货 技术奇点 英文原版 The Technological Singularity (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series) 麻省理工学术书
英文原版 The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility and Other Writings on Media机械复制时代的艺术品
英文原版 Truth of the Technological World 技术世界的真相 弗里德里希·基特勒 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Truth of the Technological World 技术世界的真相 弗里德里希·基特勒
预订 The Impact of Rate-of-Return Regulation on Technological Innovation: 9781138263857
【预售 按需印刷】技术系统的社会建构 周年纪念版 The Social Construction of Technological Systems 进口英文正版书籍
[预订]Technological Analysis on Quartzite Exploitation / Études technologiques sur l’exploitation du qu 9781407305325
【预订】The Wakanda Files: A Technological Exploration of the Avengers and Beyond - Includes Content from 22 Movie...
预订 Digital and Technological Solutions: Exploring the Foundations of Digitization
【预售】The Truth of the Technological World: Essays on t
预订 Technological Diffusion and Industrialisation Before 1914 1914年之前的技术扩散与工业化: 9780815385929
预订 Champions of Technological Change: How Organizations Successfully Implement New Technology 技术变革的拥护者:组织如
预订 We, robots: Questioning the Neutrality of Technology, Ethical AI and Technological Determinism 我们、机器人:质疑技
[预订]Modern European Intellectual History: Individuals, Groupings, and Technological Change, 1800-2000 9781350105393
现货Upgrade Culture and Technological Change: The Business of the Future 文化升级与技术变革:未来的商业: 9781032045788
【预订】Leadership in a Time of Continuous Technological Change
【预售】The Innovators Behind Leonardo: The True Story of the Scientific and Technological Renaissance
【预售】Technological Medicine: The Changing World of Doc
【预售】The Measurement of Scientific and Technological
【预订】Innovation and Regional Technological Convergence 9783031245305
[预订]Geology of Victoria, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Specimens in the Industrial and Technological Mu 9781018118970
[预订]Technological advances, smart city policies, and environmental management: A case study of South Kor 9781952751219
【预订】The Lever as Instrument of Reason: Technological Constructions of Knowledge Around 1800
【预订】The Technological Indian 9780674504714
[预订]The Technological Introject 9780823278206
[预订]Technological Eco-Innovations for the Quality Control and the Decontamination of Polluted Waters and 9783039284641
【预订】Technological Innovation as an Evolutionary Process
[预订]The Technological Study of Books and Manuscripts as Artefacts 9781407307671
预订 Champions of Technological Change: How Organizations Successfully Implement New Technology 技术变革的*:组织如何成
【预售】Ground Stone Analysis: A Technological Approach
【预售】Technological Competition in Global Industries:
预订 Agricultural Supply Chains and Industry 4.0: Technological Advance for Sustainability
【预售】The Global Commons 2E - Environmental & Technological Governance
[预订]The Researcher Entrepreneur: Best Practices for Successful Technological Entrepreneurship 9783031443572
预订 The Researcher Entrepreneur: Best Practices for Successful Technological Entrepreneurship 研究企业家:成功技术创业
【预售】Society and Technological Change
【预订】The Technological Singularity: Manag...
【预订】Technological Innovation for Digitalization and Virtualization 9783031075193
[预订]Innovation, Sustainability, and Technological Megatrends in the Face of Uncertainties: Core Developm 9783031461880
[预订]Airborne Wind Energy: An Overview of the Technological Approaches 9783031199561
[预订]Technological Innovation for Digitalization and Virtualization: 13th Ifip Wg 5.5/Socolnet Doctoral C 9783031075223
[预订]Media Primitivism: Technological Art in Africa 9781478008835
【预售】Technological Innovation: Oversights and Foresights
[预订]Chemical and Technological Characterization of Dairy Products 9783036502182
【预售】Stages to Saturn: A Technological History of t...
【预售 按需印刷】Wiley出版 技术变革 Technological Change 进口英文正版书籍
预订 Designing a National Scientific and Technological Communication System: The SCATT Report: 9780812277166
预订 The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Technological Innovation: 9786207805662
预订 Technological Roadmaps to Net Zero Emissions Target by 2030 and 2050: 9786207809264
预订 Contribution of Professional and Technological Education: Improving women’s employability and income 專業技術教育
【预售】Beginnings Count: The Technological Imperative in
预订 Technological Change, Development and the Environment: Socio-Economic Perspectives 技术变革,发展与环境:社会经济观
预订 Technological Transformation in the Third World: Volume 5: The Historic Process 第三世界的技术转型:第5卷:历史进程
【预订】Creative Technological Change
预订 Inventing Ourselves Out of Jobs?: America’s Debate over Technological Unemployment, 1929–1981 失业问题会让我们自
【预售】Asbestos and Fire: Technological Tradeoffs and th
[预订]Modern European Intellectual History: Individuals, Groups, and Technological Change, 1800-2000 9781350105409
【预售】Stages to Saturn: A Technological History of the Apollo/Saturn Launch Vehicles
【预订】Green Technological Innovation for Sustainable Smart Societies 9783030732974
[预订]A Descriptive Catalogue of the Specimens in the Industrial and Technological Museum, Melbourne, Illu 9781013653483
[预订]Managing Extreme Technological Risk 9781800614819
预订 From Fountain to Moleskine: The Work of Art in the Age of its Technological Producibility 从Fountain 到Moleskine,
[预订]Frameworks for Scientific and Technological Research oriented by Transdisciplinary Co-Production 9781839986840
现货 英文原版 技术变革的微观动力(Routledge 政治经济学前沿)Microdynamics of Technological Change (Routl 9780415757607
预订 Entrepreneurship, Technological Innovation, and Economic Growth: Studies in the Schumpeterian Tradition: 9780472103
【预售】Coming Soon: A Technological History of the Film
【预售】Technological Advances in Exotic Pet Practice, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Ani...
【预订】Technological Advances in Denistry and Oral Surgery, An Issue of Dental Clinics
【预订】Lithic Technological Systems and Evolutionary Theory
预订 The Modern Law Firm: How to Thrive in an Era of Rapid Technological Change: 9781734576412
【预售】Studying Technological Change: A Behavioral
【预售】Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technological
预订 Common Circuits: Hacking Alternative Technological Futures 通用电路:破解替代技术的未来: 9781503640603
[预订]Minimally Invasive Urological Procedures and Related Technological Developments 9783036527086
【预订】Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Framework for K-12 Teacher Preparation
[预订]Technological Knowledge in the Production of Neolithic Majiayao Pottery in Gansu and Qinghai 9781407360317
[预订]Technological Trends and National Policy, Including the Social Implications of new Inventions. June, 9781017038842
预订 Technological Diffusion and Industrialisation Before 1914 1914年以前的技术扩散与工业化: 9780815385721
预订 Technological Change, Development and the Environment: Socio-Economic Perspectives 技术变革、发展与环境:社会经济展
【预订】Higher Education and Technological Acceleration
预订 Technological Change and the United States Navy, 1865–1945 技术变革与美国海军,1865 年至 1945 年: 9780801898181
【预订】Human Mobility and Technological Transfer in the Prehistoric Mediterranean
预订 Technological Dictionary; English Spanish, Spanish-English, Of Words And Terms Employed In The Applied Sciences, In
【预售】Economic Policy and Technological Performance