【预订】Steric and Stereoelectronic Effects ...
【预订】Steric Effects in the Chemisorption of Vibrationally Excited Methane on Nickel
【预订】Steric Effects in the Chemisorption ...
【预售】Molecular Structure: Understanding Steric and E
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【预订】Steric and Stereoelectronic Effects in Organic Chemistry
【预订】Steric Fit in Quantitative Structure...
【预订】Steric Effects in Drug Design
海外直订Steric Effects in the Chemisorption of Vibrationally Excited Methane on Nickel 振动激发甲烷在镍上化学吸附的
【预订】Steric and Stereoelectronic Effects in Organic Chemistry 9783030756215
【预订】Steric and Stereoelectronic Effects in Organic Chemistry 9783030756246
海外直订Steric Fit in Quantitative Structure-Activity Relations
【预售】The Steric Factor in Medicinal Chemistry
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【4周达】Molecular Structure: Understanding Steric And Electronic Effects From Molecular Mechanics [W... [9780470195574]
【4周达】Steric Effects in the Chemisorption of Vibrationally Excited Methane on Nickel [9783642276781]
【4周达】Steric and Stereoelectronic Effects in Organic Chemistry [9783030756246]
【4周达】Steric and Stereoelectronic Effects in Organic Chemistry [9783030756215]
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