【预售】Sentential Negation in French
【预售】The Syntax of Sentential Stress
预售 按需印刷 Sentential Complementation
海外直订A General Algebraic Semantics for Sentential Logics 句子逻辑的一般代数语义
海外直订Complements and Constructions: Corpus-Based Studies on Sentential Complements in 补语与结构:基于语料库的近
【预售】Configurations of Sentential Complementation
海外直订Clauses Without 'that': The Case for Bare Sentential Complementation in English 不带“that”的从句:英语裸
海外直订A General Algebraic Semantics for Sentential Logics 句子逻辑的一般代数语义学
[预订]Sentential Complementation 9783110131130
[预订]Sentential Complementation and the Lexicon 9783110131215
【预售】Configurations of Sentential Complementation:
【预售】Clauses Without 'That': The Case for Bare Sentential
海外直订Clauses Without 'that': The Case for Bare Sentential Complementation in English 无“that”从句:英语中的裸
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【4周达】Configurations of Sentential Complementation: Perspectives from Romance Languages [9780415646895]
【4周达】Sentential Negation in French [9780195125917]
【4周达】Clauses Without 'That' : The Case for Bare Sentential Complementation in English [9781138991392]
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【4周达】The Syntax of Sentential Stress [9780199219247]
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【4周达】Configurations of Sentential Complementation : Perspectives from Romance Languages [9780415187794]
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按需印刷The Syntax of Sentential Stress[9780199219247]
按需印刷A General Algebraic Semantics for Sentential Logics[9781107167971]