预订 On the Way Home: Conversations Between Writers and Psychoanalysts: 9781855756830
预订 Writing on the Moon: Stories and Poetry from the Creative Unconscious by Psychoanalysts and Others 在月球上写作:心
预订 The “Here and Now” of French Psychoanalysis: Conversations with Contemporary Psychoanalysts 法国精神分析的“此时
【预订】Psychoanalysts in Session
【预订】Psychoanalysts, Psychologists and Psychiatrists Discuss Psychopathy and Human Evil
预订 Mindbrain, Psychoanalytic Institutions, and Psychoanalysts: A New Metapsychology Consistent with Neuroscience: 9781
预售 按需印刷 Psychoanalysts in Session
预售 按需印刷 Psychoanalysts Psychologists and Psychiatrists Discuss Psychopathy and Human Evil
【预订】The Work of Psychoanalysts in the Public Health Sector
海外直订What Do Psychoanalysts Want? 精神分析师想要什么?
海外直订Movies and the Mind: Theories of the Great Psychoanalysts Applied to Film 电影与心灵:伟大精神分析学家的理论在电
【预售】What Do Psychoanalysts Want?: The Problem of Aims
预售 按需印刷 Psychoanalysts, Psychologists and Psychiatrists Discuss Psychopathy and Human Evil
【预售】The Work of Psychoanalysts in the Public Health
预订 Knowing What Psychoanalysts Do and Doing What Psychoanalysts Know 知道精神分析师做什么,做精神分析师知道的事情: 978
海外直订Psychoanalysts in Session 精神分析学家正在开会
[预订]Developments in Field Theory for Psychotherapists, Psychoanalysts and Counsellors 9781032513997
预订 Early Women Psychoanalysts: History, Biography, and Contemporary Relevance 早期妇女精神分析学家:历史、传记与当代相
预订 Mindbrain, Psychoanalytic Institutions, and Psychoanalysts: A New Metapsychology Consistent with Neuroscience Mindb
预订 Changing Notions of the Feminine: Confronting Psychoanalysts’ Prejudices 改变妇女观念:面对心理分析师的偏见: 97811
预订 Writing on the Moon: Stories and Poetry from the Creative Unconscious by Psychoanalysts and Others: 9780367329938
预订 On the Way Home: Conversations Between Writers and Psychoanalysts: 9780367325824
海外直订Work of Psychoanalysts in the Public Health Sect... 精神分析学家在公共卫生部门的工作
海外直订On the Way Home: Conversations Between Writers and Psychoanalysts 《在回家的路上:作家与精神分析学家的对话
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预订 In the Shadow of Freud's Couch: Portraits of Psychoanalysts in Their Offices [9780367206000]
【4周达】On Deaths and Endings: Psychoanalysts' Reflections on Finality, Transformations and New Begi... [9780415396639]
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【4周达】Trauma and Countertrauma, Resilience and Counterresilience: Insights from Psychoanalysts and... [9781138860919]
预订 Psychoanalysts in Session: Clinical Glossary of Contemporary Psychoanalysis [9780367185398]
【4周达】Trauma and Countertrauma, Resilience and Counterresilience: Insights from Psychoanalysts and... [9781138860902]
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【4周达】The Work of Psychoanalysts in the Public Health Sector [9780415484282]
【4周达】Myths of Termination : What patients can teach psychoanalysts about endings [9780415823883]
【4周达】What Do Psychoanalysts Want?: The Problem of Aims in Psychoanalytic Therapy [9780415135153]
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【4周达】Structure and Spontaneity in Clinical Prose : A writer's guide for psychoanalysts and psycho... [9780415881999]
【4周达】The Work of Psychoanalysts in the Public Health Sector [9780415484299]
【4周达】Changing Notions of the Feminine : Confronting Psychoanalysts' Prejudices [9781138360518]
【4周达】Mindbrain, Psychoanalytic Institutions, and Psychoanalysts : A New Metapsychology Consistent... [9780367104214]
【4周达】Early Women Psychoanalysts: History, Biography, and Contemporary Relevance [9781032596938]
【4周达】Developments in Field Theory for Psychotherapists, Psychoanalysts and Counsellors [9781032513997]
【4周达】Changing Notions of the Feminine : Confronting Psychoanalysts' Prejudices [9781138360501]
预订 Lacanian Psychoanalysis in Practice: Insights from Fourteen Psychoanalysts [9781138362475]
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【4周达】Early Women Psychoanalysts: History, Biography, and Contemporary Relevance [9781032595351]
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预订 Lacanian Psychoanalysis in Practice: Insights from Fourteen Psychoanalysts [9781138362468]
【4周达】Knowing What Psychoanalysts Do and Doing What Psychoanalysts Know [9781538188101]
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【4周达】Living and Containing Psychoanalysis in Institutions: Psychoanalysts Working Together [9781032295121]
【4周达】Writing on the Moon: Stories and Poetry from the Creative Unconscious by Psychoanalysts and ... [9781782204602]
预订 Psychoanalysts at Work: More Selected Papers of Arnold D. Richards, Volume 3 [9781949093704]
【4周达】Mindbrain, Psychoanalytic Institutions, and Psychoanalysts: A New Metapsychology Consistent ... [9781782205159]
【4周达】Writing on the Moon: Stories and Poetry from the Creative Unconscious by Psychoanalysts and ... [9780367329938]
【4周达】On the Way Home : Conversations Between Writers and Psychoanalysts [9781855756830]
【4周达】On the Way Home: Conversations Between Writers and Psychoanalysts [9780367325824]
【4周达】On Deaths and Endings: Psychoanalysts' Reflections on Finality, Transformations and New Begi... [9780415396622]
预订Changing Notions of the Feminine:Confronting Psychoanalysts' Prejudices
按需印刷Lacanian Psychoanalysis in Practice:Insights from Fourteen Psychoanalysts[9781138362475]
按需印刷Psychoanalysts in Session:Clinical Glossary of Contemporary Psychoanalysis[9780367185435]
按需印刷Psychoanalysts at Work[9781949093704]