预订 Prosodic Phrase in Spoken Czech 歌谣语词在斯洛伐克语中的韵律表达: 9788024657981
【预订】Prosodic Patterns in English Conversation
英语韵律系统及语调 英文原版 Prosodic Systems and Intonation in English 剑桥语言学研究系列 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
英文原版 Prosodic Systems and Intonation in English 英语韵律系统及语调 剑桥语言学研究系列 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预售】Accent and Rhythm: Prosodic Features of Latin and
【预售】Onsets: Suprasegmental and Prosodic Behaviour
【预订】Intonation and Prosodic Structure
韵律类型学 卷二 英文原版 Prosodic Typology II 语调与措辞的音系学 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
英文原版 Prosodic Typology II 韵律类型学 卷二 语调与措辞的音系学 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Prosodic Typology II 韵律类型学 卷二 语调与措辞的音系学进口原版英文书籍
【预订】Syllable Theory in Prosodic Phonology
【预订】The Phonetics and Phonology of Korean Prosody: Intonational Phonology and Prosodic Structure
预订 Sonority Constraints on Prosodic Structure 韵律约束韵律结构。: 9781138346895
【预售】Prosodic Categories: Production, Perception and
【预售】English Prosodic Morphology
【预订】Categoriality and continuity in prosodic prominence
【预售】Prosodic Orientation in English Conversation
[预订]Systems of Prosodic and Paralinguistic Features in English 9783112414972
预订 Prosodic Interfaces: New Studies on Brazilian Portuguese and Beyond 韵律界面:巴西葡萄牙语及其他领域的新研究: 97831
【预订】Prosodic Constituency in the Lexicon
【预订】Prosodic Weight
【预售】Prosodic Typology II: The Phonology of Intonation
[预订]Prosodic Phonology of the Fuzhou Dialect: Domains and Rule Application
预订 Prosodic Syntax in Chinese: Theory and Facts 汉语韵律句法:理论与事实: 9780367729400
[预订]Prosodic Studies 9781032401157
海外直订Accent and Rhythm: Prosodic Features of Latin and Greek: A Study in Theory and R 口音和节奏:拉丁语和希腊语
预售 按需印刷 Prosodic Phonology
预售 按需印刷 Word Learning with Prosodic information
【预售 按需印刷】The Phonology of English a Prosodic Optimality-Theoretic Approach
【预售 按需印刷】Canonical Forms in Prosodic Morphology
预售 按需印刷 The Prosodic Word in European Portuguese
【预售 按需印刷】Prosodic Features and Prosodic Structure
【预订】Language Identification Using Spectral and Prosodic Features
海外直订Prosodic Constituency in the Lexicon 词汇中的韵律选区
预订 The Meaning of Korean Prosodic Boundary Tones 韩国韵律边界铃声的意义: 9789004243576
海外直订English Prosodic Morphology 英语韵律形态学
海外直订Intonation and Prosodic Structure 语调与韵律结构
海外直订Prosodic Morphology in Mandarin Chinese 普通话的韵律形态
海外直订Prosodic Orientation in English Conversation 英语会话中的韵律定向
【预售】Syllable Theory in Prosodic Phonology
海外直订Prosodic Systems and Intonation in English 英语韵律系统与语调
海外直订Prosodic Orientation in English Conversation 英语会话中的韵律取向
【预售】Sonority Constraints on Prosodic Structure
海外直订Robust Emotion Recognition Using Spectral and Prosodic Features 基于光谱和韵律特征的鲁棒情感识别
海外直订Prosodic Typology 韵律类型
【预订】The Prosodic Word in European Portuguese 9783110177138
【预订】Prosody and Prosodic Interfaces 9780198869740
【预售】Prosodic Constituency in the Lexicon
海外直订Prosodic Categories: Production, Perception and Comprehension 韵律范畴:产生,知觉和理解
【预售】Development in Prosodic Systems
【预售】Yearbook of Morphology 1993: Theme: Prosodic
【预订】Canonical Forms in Prosodic Morphology
【预售】The Phonology of English 'a Prosodic
英文原版 Prosodic Systems and Intonation in English
海外直订Quantity and Prosodic Asymmetries in Alemannic 阿勒曼尼语的数量与韵律不对称
海外直订Syllable Theory in Prosodic Phonology 韵律音系学中的音节理论
【预售】Prosodic Phonology: With a New Foreword
海外直订Language Identification Using Spectral and Prosodic Features 基于光谱和韵律特征的语言识别
海外直订Sonority Constraints on Prosodic Structure 韵律结构的响度约束
海外直订Prosodic Typology II 韵律类型学2
海外直订Prosodic Structure and French Morphophonology 韵律结构与法语形态语音学
【预订】Prosodic Morphology in Mandarin Chinese
【预订】Prosodic Phonology of the Fuzhou Dialect
【预订】Prosodic Studies
预订 Prosodic Syntax in Chinese: History and Changes 汉语韵律句法学:历史与变化: 9781138578920
预订 Prosodic Syntax in Chinese: Theory and Facts 汉语韵律句法学:理论与事实: 9781138578913
【预订】Prosodic Theory and Practice 9780262543170
海外直订Syllable Theory in Prosodic Phonology 韵律音韵学中的音节理论
【预售】Prosodic Features and Prosodic Structure: The
海外直订Sonority Constraints on Prosodic Structure 韵律结构的声约束
【预订】Prosodic Typology II
海外直订Prosodic Weight: Categories and Continua 韵律重量:类别和连续性
【预订】Prosodic Phonology
海外直订Prosodic Markers and Utterance Boundaries in American Sign Language Interpretati 美国手语翻译中的韵律标记与
海外直订Prosodic Phonology 韵律音韵学
【预售】Canonical Forms in Prosodic Morphology
海外直订Protomusic: The role of Prosodic Modulation in the Emergence of Language 原音乐:韵律调节在语言出现中的作用
海外直订The Prosodic Word in European Portuguese 欧洲葡萄牙语中的韵律词
海外直订Prosodic Syntax in Chinese: Theory and Facts 汉语韵律句法:理论与事实
海外直订Prosodic detail in Neapolitan Italian 那不勒斯式意大利语的韵律细节
海外直订Prosodic Syntax in Chinese: History and Changes 汉语韵律句法的历史与变迁
海外直订Ethnic Dialect Identification in New Zealand - The Role of Prosodic Cues 新西兰民族方言识别——韵律线索的作
Prosodic Typology II 韵律类型学 卷二 语调与措辞的音系学