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预订 Philanthropy in Practice: Pragmatism and the Impact of Philanthropic Action: 9780367884147
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预售 按需印刷 A View of the Life Travels and Philanthropic Labors of the late John Howard
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海外直订Notes and Remarks of Patriotic and Philanthropic Men 爱国博爱人士备注
海外直订Philanthropic Foundations in Higher Education: Comparative Perspectives from the 高等教育中的慈善基金会:来
海外直订Effective Foundation Management: 14 Challenges of Philanthropic Leadership-And H 有效的基金会管理:慈善领导
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【预售】Philanthropic Venture Capital: Venture Capital for
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【预售】The Philanthropic Planning Companion: The
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【预订】How We Give Now: A Philanthropic Guide for the Rest of Us
海外直订Effective Foundation Management: 14 Challenges of Philanthropic Leadership-And H 有效的基金会管理:慈善领导
预订 Children as Change-Makers: Unleashing Children’s Real Philanthropic Power 儿童作为变革者:释放儿童真正的慈善力量: 9
【预售】Striving for Philanthropic Success: Effectiveness
预订How We Give Now:A Philanthropic Guide for the Rest of Us
海外直订Philanthropic Foundations and Social Welfare: A Comparative Study of Germany, Sw 慈善基金会与社会福利:德国
预订 Philanthropic Celebrity in the Age of Sensibility: A Historical-Comparative Study of the British, French, and Polis
海外直订The Future of Fundraising: Adapting to Changing Philanthropic Realities 筹款的未来:适应不断变化的慈善现实
【预订】Philanthropic Foundations and Social Welfare
海外直订American Philanthropic Foundations 美国慈善基金会
【预售】Private Philanthropic Trends in Academic Libraries
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海外直订Philanthropic Celebrity in the Age of Sensibility 感性时代的慈善名人
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海外直订A view of the Life, Travels, and philanthropic Labors: Of the late John Howard 对生活、旅行和慈善事业的看法
海外直订Philanthropic Response to Disasters: Gifts, Givers and Consequences 慈善对灾难的回应:礼物,给予者和后果
海外直订A View of the Life, Travels and Philanthropic Labors of the late John Howard 论已故约翰·霍华德的生平、游历
海外直订Unequal Partnerships: Beyond the Rhetoric of Philanthropic Collaboration 不平等的伙伴关系:超越慈善合作的修
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【4周达】How We Give Now: A Philanthropic Guide for the Rest of Us [9780262046176]
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