【预售】An Introduction to Performance Problems with Asphalt and Portland Cement Concrete Pavements
【预售】Evaluation and Response of Aged Flexible Airfield Pavements at Ambient Temperatures Using the Falling Weig...
[预订]A Treatise On Roads and Pavements 9781018024608
[预订]Socio-Economic Aspects of Late Roman Mosaic Pavements in Phoenicia and Northern Palestine 9781407311487
【预售】The Nicolson Pavement, and Pavements Generally, by
包邮 正版专辑 阿黛尔CD Adele 19 Daydreamer Chasing Pavements
[预订]The Mosaics of Alexandria: Pavements of Greek and Roman Egypt 9781649030740
【预售】Brick for Street Pavements; An Account of Tests Made
【预售】Drainage of Highway Pavements
预售 按需印刷 Design and Construction of Pavements and Rail Tracks
【预售】City Roads and Pavements Suited to Cities of
[预订]A Treatise On Roads and Pavements 9781018019765
预订 Applications of Coconut Shell and Coconut Fibre in Flexible Pavements: 9786207995240
【预售 按需印刷】Truck Configurations and Highway Pavements
【预售 按需印刷】Characterisations of Base Course Materials For Flexible Pavements
【预售 按需印刷】A Text Book On Brick Pavements (1917)
【预售 按需印刷】Behaviour of concrete under fatigue loading in concrete pavements
【预售 按需印刷】A Practical Treatise On Roads Streets And Pavements
【预售 按需印刷】Pavements and Roads
预售 按需印刷 Pavements And Roads
预订 Climate Change, Energy, Sustainability and Pavements
【预订】Design and Construction of Pavements and Rail Tracks
海外直订An Introduction to Subsurface Drainage for Pavements for Professional Engineers 专业工程师路面地下排水导论
海外直订An Introduction to Soil Stabilization for Pavements
海外直订An Introduction to Aggregate Surface Pavements
【预订】Functional Pavements
海外直订The Nicolson Pavement, and Pavements Generally 尼科尔森人行道和一般人行道
海外直订An Introduction to Repair of Rigid Pavements for Professional Engineers 面向专业工程师的刚性路面修复导论
海外直订An Introduction to Concrete Pavements for Professional Engineers 专业工程师混凝土路面导论
【预订】Structural Behavior of Asphalt Pavements
【预订】Reflective Cracking in Pavements
[预订]Functional Pavements 9780367741396
预订 Structural Design of Interlocking Concrete Block Pavements 互锁混凝土砌块路面结构设计: 9781032485799
【预售】Mechanisms of Cracking and Debonding in Asphalt and Composite Pavements: State-Of-The-Art of the Rilem Tc ...
海外直订Functional Pavements 功能性人行道
海外直订Performance and Cost Effectiveness of Permeable Friction Course (PFC) Pavements 透水摩擦层(PFC)路面的性能
海外直订Sustainable Highways, Pavements and Materials: An Introduction 可持续发展的公路、路面和材料:简介
【预售】Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & Environment (APE)
【预订】Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & Environment (APE)
【预订】Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements—Mairepav9
海外直订Structural Design of Interlocking Concrete Block Pavements Structural Design of Interlockin
海外直订Paving Our Ways: A History of the World's Roads and Pavements 《铺路:世界道路和人行道的历史》
海外直订Evaluation and Response of Aged Flexible Airfield Pavements at Ambient Temperatu 基于Falling Weigh
海外直订Truck Configurations and Highway Pavements 卡车配置和公路路面
预订 Axle Overloading and High Tire Pressure Effects on Flexible Pavements 柔性路面的轴超载和高胎压效应: 9786207468577
预订 Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements MAIREPAV10 - Volu
海外直订An Introduction to Asphalt Concrete Flexible Pavements 沥青混凝土柔性路面介绍
海外直订An Introduction to Subsurface Drainage for Pavements
海外直订An Introduction to Concrete Pavements
海外直订An Introduction to Repair of Rigid Pavements 刚性路面修复介绍
海外直订An Introduction to Construction Methods for Soil Stabilized Pavements 土稳定路面施工方法简介
海外直订An Introduction to Flexible Asphalt Concrete Pavements 柔性沥青混凝土路面介绍
海外直订An Introduction to Soil Stabilization for Pavements 路面土壤稳定技术导论
海外直订An Introduction to Repair of Rigid Pavements 刚性路面修复导论
海外直订An Introduction to Subsurface Drainage for Pavements 路面地下排水导论
海外直订An Introduction to Construction Methods for Soil Stabilized Pavements 土稳定路面施工方法介绍
海外直订An Introduction to Aggregate Surface Pavements 集料路面导论
海外直订An Introduction to Asphalt Concrete Flexible Pavements 沥青混凝土柔性路面简介
海外直订An Introduction to Soil Stabilization for Pavements 路面土壤稳定导论
海外直订An Introduction to Flexible Pavements 柔性路面介绍
海外直订An Introduction to Construction Methods for Soil Stabilized Pavements for Profes An Introdu
海外直订Romano-British Mosaic Pavements: A History of Their Discovery and a Record and I 罗马-英国马赛克人行道:他们
海外直订Pavements and Roads 人行道和道路
海外直订Pavements and Roads: Their Construction and Maintenance, Reprinted from The Engi 人行道和道路
海外直订Mechanisms of Cracking and Debonding in Asphalt and Composite Pavements: State-O 沥青和复合路面的开裂和脱胶
海外直订Mechanisms of Cracking and Debonding in Asphalt and Composite Pavements: State-O 沥青和复合路面的开裂和脱粘
海外直订Soil Stabilization for Pavements 路面土壤稳定
海外直订Design and Construction of Pavements and Rail Tr... 人行道和轨道的设计与施工
【预订】Asphalt Pavements: A Practical Guide to Design, Production and Maintenance for Engineers and Architects
【预订】Prevention of Reflective Cracking in Pavements
海外直订A Text-book on Roads and Pavements 道路及行人路教材
【预售】Pavements Unbound: Proceedings of the 6th
【预订】Asphalt Pavements
海外直订Advancement in the Design and Performance of Sustainable Asphalt Pavements: Proc 可持续沥青路面的设计和性能
海外直订Prevention of Reflective Cracking in Pavements 防止路面反光裂缝
海外直订Design and Construction of Pavements and Rail Tr... 路面及轨道的设计及建造
海外直订Quieter Pavements Guidance Document 更安静行人指引文件
海外直订Drainage of Highway Pavements 公路路面排水
海外直订Permeable Pavements for Urban Stormwater Runoff Enhancement and Reuse 城市雨水径流增强与再利用的透水路面
海外直订Probabilistic Performance Prediction of Flexible Pavements 柔性路面的概率性能预测
海外直订Rational Structural Design of Highway/Airport Pavements: New Evapave, the Strong 公路/机场路面的合理结构设
预订 Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements VIII
【预订】Porous Pavements
海外直订Functional Pavements: Proceedings of the 6th Chinese-European Workshop on Functi 功能路面:第六届中欧功能路
预订 2nd International Workshop on the Use of Biomaterials in Pavements: Workshop Biomaterials 2024 第2届生物材料的路面
【预订】Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements VII
【预售】Prevention of Reflective Cracking in Pavements
【预订】7th RILEM International Conference on Cracking in Pavements
海外直订Climate Change, Energy, Sustainability and Pavements 气候变化、能源、可持续性和人行道
【预售】Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements VI
海外直订Caltrans Thin Lift Study: Effects of Asphalt Pavements on Wayside Noise 公路薄提升研究:沥青路面对路边噪声的
【4周达】Evaluation and Response of Aged Flexible Airfield Pavements at Ambient Temperatures Using th... [9780530008028]