【预售 按需印刷】Among The Great Masters Of Oratory
预售 按需印刷Wiley s Elocution and Oratory
预售 按需印刷A Greek Prose Course: Unit 1: Forensic Oratory
预售 按需印刷 Aristotle s Rhetoric Or The True Grounds And Principles Of Oratory
预售 按需印刷 The Making of Identities in Athenian Oratory
【预售 按需印刷】Ancient Rhetoric Oratory
按需印刷 Lectures On Rhetoric And Oratory V2
预售 按需印刷 Cicero on Oratory and Orators
【预售 按需印刷】Ancient Rhetoric and Oratory
【预订】The Trial of Warren Hastings: Classical Oratory and Reception in Eighteenth-Century England
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【预售】A Course of Lectures on Oratory and Cr
【预售 按需印刷】American Oratory Selections From The Speeches Of Eminent Americans
【预售】Funeral Oratory and the Cultural Ideals of Italian
【预售】Ancient Rhetoric and Oratory
【预订】Right Thinking and Sacred Oratory in Counter-Reformation Rome
【预订】Public Speaking and the New Oratory: A Guide for Non-Native Speakers
【预订】Form and Function in Roman Oratory
【预售】Philosophy, History and Oratory, Part 3
【预售】Form and Function in Roman Oratory
【预售】The Greeks and Their Past: Poetry, Oratory and
【预售】Greek Oratory: Tradition and Originality
[预订]Comic Invective in Ancient Greek and Roman Oratory 9783111271040
【预订】Hellenistic Oratory
预订 Studies on Greek Law, Oratory and Comedy 希腊法律、演讲和喜剧研究: 9780367594343
预订 The Making of Identities in Athenian Oratory 雅典演说中身份的形成: 9781032337630
预订 Hippocratic Oratory: The Poetics of Early Greek Medical Prose 希波克拉底演讲术:早期希腊医学散文的诗学: 97803675941
现货Drama, Oratory and Thucydides in Fifth-Century Athens
【预订】Political Oratory and Cartooning
[预订]Comic Invective in Ancient Greek and Roman Oratory 9783110738964
预订 Brill’s Companion to Cicero: Oratory and Rhetoric 博睿西塞罗研究指南: 9789004121478
【预售】Oratory in the New South
【预订】Public Speaking and the New Oratory
【预售】Reading Republican Oratory
【预订】Oratory and Political Career in the Late Roman Republic
预订 Understanding Public Speaking: A Learner’s Guide to Persuasive Oratory 解读公众演讲:有说服力演说学习指南: 9780367
预订 The Making of Identities in Athenian Oratory 雅典演说的身份塑造: 9780367228200
预订 Drama, Oratory and Thucydides in Fifth-Century Athens: Teaching Imperial Lessons 5世纪雅典戏剧、演说与修昔底德:教
预订Voices of Aotearoa:25 Years of Going West Oratory
预订 Oratory Volume 2: The Hilarious Public Speaking Game: 9798700661607
按需印刷Oratory and Political Career in the Late Roman Republic[9781107051935]
预订The Trial of Warren Hastings:Classical Oratory and Reception in Eighteenth-Century England
海外直订The Greeks and Their Past: Poetry, Oratory and History in the Fifth Century Bce 希腊人及其过去:公元前五世
海外直订A Concept of Oratory 演讲术的概念
按需印刷Drama, Oratory and Thucydides in Fifth-Century Athens:Teaching Imperial Lessons[9780815365921]
按需印刷Studies on Greek Law, Oratory and Comedy[9781472458179]
海外直订The Science and Art of Elocution and Oratory 演讲与演讲的科学与艺术
预售 按需印刷 Lectures On Rhetoric And Oratory V2
海外直订Public Speaking and the New Oratory: A Guide for Non-Native Speakers 公众演讲与新演说术:非母语人士指南
海外直订The Book of Oratory, Collage, Academies 演讲书,拼贴,学院
预订Understanding Public Speaking:A Learner's Guide to Persuasive Oratory
海外直订Reading Republican Oratory: Reconstructions, Contexts, Receptions 阅读共和党演讲:重建,语境,接受
海外直订The Book of Oratory 《演讲书》
海外直订Philosophy, History and Oratory, Part 3 哲学,历史和演说术,第三部分
预售 按需印刷 The Spirit And Genius Of St. Philip Neri Founder Of The Oratory
【预售 按需印刷】Specimens Of Australian Oratory
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【4周达】Athenian Political Oratory: Sixteen Key Speeches [9780415966092]
【4周达】Oratory and Rhetoric in the Nineteenth-Century South: A Rhetoric of Defense [9780275962234]
海外直订Athenian Political Oratory 雅典政治演说
海外直订Funeral Oratory and the Cultural Ideals of Italian Humanism 葬礼演讲与意大利人文主义的文化理想
【4周达】Haa Tuwunáagu Yís, for Healing Our Spirit: Tlingit Oratory [9780295968506]
【4周达】Greek Oratory: Tradition and Originality [9780198150749]
预订 Drama, Oratory and Thucydides in Fifth-Century Athens: Teaching Imperial Lessons [9780815365921]
预订 Studies on Greek Law, Oratory and Comedy [9781472458179]
【4周达】Comic Invective in Ancient Greek and Roman Oratory [9783110738964]
【4周达】The Greeks and Their Past: Poetry, Oratory and History in the Fifth Century Bce [9781107656284]
【4周达】The Political Rhetoric and Oratory of Margaret Thatcher [9781137453839]
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按需印刷Among The Great Masters Of Oratory[9781430461913]
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海外直订The Art of Rhetoric Made Easy: Or, the Elements of Oratory Briefly Stated, and F 《使修辞学的艺术变得简单》
海外直订Quintilian Institutionis Oratoriae Vol. II Quintilian Institute of Oratory 卷。二
海外直订Practicing Linguistics Without a License: Multimodal Oratory in Legal Performanc 没有执照的语言学实践:法律
【4周达】The Oratory Project [9780578867649]
海外直订The Greeks and Their Past: Poetry, Oratory and History in the Fifth Century Bce 希腊人和他们的过去:公元前五
【4周达】Practicing Linguistics Without a License: Multimodal Oratory in Legal Performance [9783111023526]
【4周达】Frederick Douglass: Oratory from Slavery [9780313302879]
【4周达】Mass Oratory and Political Power in the Late Roman Republic [9780521066785]
【4周达】Greek Literature in the Classical Period: The Prose of Historiography and Oratory : Greek Li... [9780815336860]
【4周达】Greek Oratory: Tradition and Originality [9780199250028]
【4周达】Oratory in the New South [9780807125168]
海外直订Oratory and Rhetoric in the Nineteenth-Century South: A Rhetoric of Defense 19世纪南方的演讲和修辞:一种防
【4周达】The Trial of Warren Hastings: Classical Oratory and Reception in Eighteenth-Century England [9781350190627]
海外直订Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory V2 修辞演讲
【4周达】Defender of the Union: The Oratory of Daniel Webster [9780313258602]
【4周达】Ancient Rhetoric And Oratory [Wiley古典研究] [9780631235156]
【4周达】Representations: Images of the World in Ciceronian Oratory [9780520201781]
【4周达】Community and Communication: Oratory and Politics in the Roman Republic [9780199641895]
【4周达】Hippocratic Oratory: The Poetics of Early Greek Medical Prose [9781472474155]
【4周达】Hellenistic Oratory: Continuity and Change [9780199654314]
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海外直订Wiley's Elocution and Oratory 威利的口才和演说
海外直订Delsarte System of Oratory 德尔萨特演讲系统
【4周达】The Trial of Warren Hastings: Classical Oratory and Reception in Eighteenth-Century England [9781784539221]