预订 An Introduction to the Dramatic Works of Giacomo Meyerbeer: Operas, Ballets, Cantatas, Plays: 9781138257641
海外直订Famous Composers: Schubert. Louis Spohr. Meyerbeer. Mendelssohn. Schumann. Frédé 著名作曲家:舒伯特。路易Sp
海外直订Meyerbeer's Opera L'africaine 迈耶比尔在非洲工作
预订 The Meyerbeer Libretti, Volume 3: Italian Operas 2 (Emma Di Resburgo, Margherita D'Anjou) [9781443803212]
预订 Giacomo Meyerbeer: A Discography of Vintage Recordings 1889 - 1955 [9781443852746]
预订 Giacomo Meyerbeer: l'Africaine Deuxième Partie (22 Morceaux Et Fragments Inã(c)Dits) [9781443806152]
预订 Giacomo Meyerbeer: Music by Royal Command [9781443826686]
预订 Giacomo Meyerbeer Orchestral Works: The Incidental Music to Struensee, Fackeltänze, Overtures, ... [9781443809795]
预订 The Meyerbeer Libretti, Volume I: German Operas 1 (Jephthas Gelubde, Wirt Und Gast, Das Branderb... [9781847189615]
预订 Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Complete Libretti in Eleven Volumes (in the Original and in English Trans... [9781847189714]
预订 Giacomo Meyerbeer: A Guide to Research [9781847181251]
预订 Giacomo Meyerbeer: Reputation Without Cause? a Composer and His Critics [9781443829687]
预订 Giacomo Meyerbeer: Jephtas Gelã1/4bde (Jephtha's Vow) Â Vocal/Piano Score [9781443832205]
预订 The Meyerbeer Libretti: Italian Operas 1 (Romilda E Costanza, Semiramide, Emma Di Resburgo, Marg... [9781847189622]
预订 Giacomo Meyerbeer and Music Drama in Nineteenth-Century Paris [9781138375482]
预订 Giacomo Meyerbeer: Cantatas for Festive Occasions [9781443823234]
【4周达】An Introduction to the Dramatic Works of Giacomo Meyerbeer: Operas, Ballets, Cantatas, Plays... [9781138257641]
预订 The Meyerbeer Libretti: Grand Opã(c)Ra 4 l'Africaine [9781847189707]
【4周达】An Introduction to the Dramatic Works of Giacomo Meyerbeer: Operas, Ballets, Cantatas, Plays... [9780754660392]
预订 The Meyerbeer Libretti: Italian Operas 3 (l'Esule de Granata, Il Crociato in Egitto) [9781847189639]
预订 The Meyerbeer Libretti: German Operas 2 (Ein Feldlager in Schlesien, Vielka) [9781847189660]
预订 Giacomo Meyerbeer: A Reader [9781847183880]
预订 The Complete Libretti of Giacomo Meyerbeer, in the Original and in Translation, in Five Volumes [9781904303251]
预订 Giacomo Meyerbeer: Jephtas Gelã1/4bde (Jephtha's Vow) - Orchestral Score [9781443832199]
预订 The Meyerbeer Libretti: Opã(c)Ra Comique 1 l'Ã0/00toile Du Nord [9781847189684]
【4周达】The Operas of Giacomo Meyerbeer [9781611473285]
【4周达】The Diaries of Giacomo Meyerbeer: 1857-1864, the Last Years Volume 4 [9781611471854]
【4周达】The Diaries of Giacomo Meyerbeer: 1791-1839 [9781611471700]
【4周达】Der Fall Heyne-Meyerbeer : Neue Dokumente Revidieren Ein Geschichtsurteil [9783110029413]
预订 Giacomo Meyerbeer : A Critical Life and Iconography [9781527503960]
预订【德语】 Berlin, Meyerbeer 26[9783198717356]
预订 音乐Giacomo Meyerbeer and Music Drama in Nineteent
海外直订Meyerbeer's Opera L'africaine 梅耶比尔的非洲歌剧