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[预订]The Floral King: a Life of Linnaeus 9781014131522
[预订]Institutions of Entomology: Being a Translation of Linnaeus’s Ordines Et Genera Insectorum; or, Sy 9781014711892
[预订]Lives of Eminent Zoologists, From Aristotle to Linnaeus: With Introductory Remarks on the Study of N 9781013619953
[预订]An Index to the Generic and Trivial Names of Animals, Described by Linnaeus, in the 10th and 12th Ed 9781016410434
[预订]The Young Botanist, or, A Sketch of the Life of Linnaeus: designed for Young Persons. 9781013468711
【预 售】组织自然的人林奈的一生英文人文历史进口原版外版书精装The Man Who Organized Nature The Life of Linnaeus Gunnar B
[预订]Elements of the Science of Botany, as Established by Linnaeus; With Examples to Illustrate the Class 9781020785177
[预订]The Floral King: a Life of Linnaeus 9781015380929
预订 The Man Who Organized Nature: The Life of Linnaeus 自然组织者的人生轨迹:林奈的一生: 9780691248202
[预订]Linnaeus, natural history and the circulation of knowledge 9780729412056
[预订]Lives of Eminent Zoologists, From Aristotle to Linnaeus: With Introductory Remarks on the Study of N 9781013337123
【预售】Linnaeus: Nature and Nation
[预订]The Young Botanist, or, A Sketch of the Life of Linnaeus: designed for Young Persons. 9781014249036
[预订]Structural Adaptations of the Head and Neck in the Black Skimmer: Rynchops Nigra Linnaeus 9781014050601
[预订]Thirty-eight Plates, With Explanations, Intended to Illustrate Linnaeus’s System of Vegetables: an 9781015287730
[预订]A Selection Of The Correspondence Of Linnaeus, And Other Naturalists: From The Original Manuscripts 9781020993312
预订 ECO-FRIENDLY MANAGEMENT OF RICE WEEVIL, Sitophilus oryzae Linnaeus: 9786208116828
[预订]Elements of the Science of Botany, as Established by Linnaeus; With Examples to Illustrate the Class 9781022213869
【预售】Carolus Linnaeus
预售 按需印刷 An Inaugural Dissertation On The Eupatorium Perfoliatum Of Linnaeus (1813)
【预售 按需印刷】Argali Ovis Ammon Ammon Linnaeus 1758
【预售 按需印刷】Linnaeus Philosophia Botanica
【预售 按需印刷】A Revision Of The Forms Of The Hairy Woodpecker Dryobates Villosus Linnaeus (1911)
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海外直订A Life of Linnaeus 林奈的一生
海外直订The Taxonomy and Phylogenetics of the Coenosus Group of Hister Linnaeus: (coleop 毛鞘翅目(鞘翅目:毛鞘翅科)的
海外直订On the Species of Echinoidea Described by Linnaeus in His Museum Ludovicae Ulric On the Spe
海外直订A Selection of the Correspondence of Linnaeus, and Other Naturalists: From the O 林奈和其他博物学家的书信选
海外直订A General View of the Writings of Linnaeus 林奈著作概观:附《林奈日记》,由他自己撰写,现译成英文,出自年代
国图书店正版 、植物学与帝国:林奈与班克斯:the story of Carl Linnaeus and Joseph Banks (英)帕特里夏·法拉著 9787100121446
预订 Letters to Linnaeus [9780950620794]
【4周达】Linnaeus: Nature and Nation [9780674005655]
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【4周达】Linnaeus: Genius of Uppsala [9789173828253]
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【4周达】Linnaeus, Natural History and the Circulation of Knowledge [9780729412056]
预订 Bibliographia Discipuli Linnaei: Bibliographies of the 331 Pupils of Linnaeus [9788798645702]
【4周达】Collins Big Cat - A Biography of Linnaeus: Band 18/Pearl [9780008208974]
【4周达】Carolus Linnaeus : The Life and Works of the Father of Modern Taxonomy | Naming the World Gr... [9781541979543]
【4周达】Carolus Linnaeus : The Life and Works of the Father of Modern Taxonomy | Naming the World Gr... [9781541953871]
【4周达】Linnaeus: - Linnaeus [9781108037235]
现货 组织自然的人 The Man Who Organized Nature: The Life of Linnaeus [9780691213422]
【4周达】Linnaeus' Species Plantarum 1753, the Ray Society's Facsimile, volume 1: Ray Society volume ... [9780903874472]
【4周达】Linnaeus' Species Plantarum 1753, the Ray Society's Facsimile, volume 2: - Linnaeus' Species... [9780903874489]
【4周达】Index of the Books and Authors Cited in the Zoological Works of Linnaeus [9780903874335]
【4周达】Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica [9780198569343]
【4周达】A Selection of the Correspondence of Linnaeus, and Other Naturalists: From the Original Manu... [9781108069717]
【4周达】Selection of the Correspondence of Linnaeus, and Other Naturalists 2 Volume Set: From the Or... [9781108070225]
【4周达】A Selection of the Correspondence of Linnaeus, and Other Naturalists: From the Original Manu... [9781108069700]
【4周达】Large White Butterfly : The Biology, Biochemistry and Physiology of Pieris Brassicae (Linnaeus) [9789400986404]
预订 Phylogenetic Studies on Coccinella undecimpunctata Linnaeus, in Egypt [9783659200205]
【4周达】The Taxonomy and Phylogenetics of the Coenosus Group of Hister Linnaeus, Volume 119: (coleop... [9780520098312]
【4周达】General View of the Writings of Linnaeus: To Which is Annexed the Diary of Linnaeus, Written... [9781108037303]
【4周达】Collected Supernatural & Weird Fiction of Mrs G. Linnaeus Banks and Mrs Alfred Baldwin: Thro... [9781782825180]
【4周达】Collected Supernatural & Weird Fiction of Mrs G. Linnaeus Banks and Mrs Alfred Baldwin: Thro... [9781782825173]
【4周达】Finding Order in Nature: The Naturalist Tradition from Linnaeus to E. O. Wilson [9780801863905]
按需印刷An Inaugural Dissertation On The Eupatorium Perfoliatum Of Linnaeus (1813)[9781120151285]
预订Linnaeus Organising Nature:Band 18/Pearl
海外直订Linnaeus Organising Nature 林奈:组织自然
预订What Linnaeus Saw:A Scientist's Quest to Name Every Living Thing
按需印刷Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica[9780198569343]
【现货】 、植物学与帝国:林奈与班克斯:the story of Carl Linnaeus and Joseph Banks (英)帕特里夏·法拉著 9787100121446
正版 、植物学与帝国:林奈与班克斯:the story of Carl Linnaeus and Joseph Banks (英)帕特里夏·法拉著 商务印书馆
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