【预售】Short Wave Radiation Problems in Inhomogeneous
【预售】Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models
预订 Magnetostatic Waves in Inhomogeneous Fields
【预售】Scalar Fields in Numerical General Relativity: Inhomogeneous Inflation and Asymmetric Bubble Collapse
【预订】Light Scattering in Inhomogeneous Atmospheres 9783642644177
英文原版 The Equilibrium Theory of Inhomogeneous Polymers 不均匀聚合物的平衡理论 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
不均匀聚合物的平衡理论 英文原版 The Equilibrium Theory of Inhomogeneous Polymers 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预订】Electronic Properties of Inhomogeneous Semiconductors
[预订]Surface Acoustic Waves in Inhomogeneous Media 9783540584605
[预订]80 Years of Professor Wigner’s Seminal Work "On Unitary Representations of the Inhomogeneous Loren 9783036521978
【4周达】Inhomogeneous Waves in Solids and Fluids [9789810208042]
【4周达】Numerical Simulation of Waves and Fronts in Inhomogeneous Solids [9789812832672]
【预售 按需印刷】Modeling Methods of Optical Inhomogeneous Structures
海外直订Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models 不均匀宇宙学模型
【预售】Seismic Waves in Laterally Inhomogeneous Media
预订 Seismic Surface Waves in a Laterally Inhomogeneous Earth 横向非均匀地球中的地震面波: 9789401068857
【预订】Inhomogeneous Optical Waveguides
海外直订Surprises in Theoretical Casimir Physics: Quantum Forces in Inhomogeneous Media 理论卡西米尔物理学的惊喜:
海外直订Scalar Fields in Numerical General Relativity: Inhomogeneous Inflation and Asymm 数值广义相对论中的标量场:
海外直订Surface Acoustic Waves in Inhomogeneous Media 非均匀介质中的声表面波
海外直订Seismic Waves in Laterally Inhomogeneous Media 横向非均匀介质中的地震波
海外直订Inhomogeneous Optical Waveguides 非均匀光波导
海外直订Seismic Surface Waves in a Laterally Inhomogeneous Earth 横向非均匀地球中的地震表面波
海外直订Ultrasonic Methods in Evaluation of Inhomogeneous Materials 非均匀材料评价中的超声方法
【预订】Invariant Imbedding T-Matrix Method for Light Scattering by Nonspherical and Inhomogeneous Particles
【预订】Inhomogeneous Random Evolutions and Their Applications 9781032082295
海外直订Inhomogeneous Random Evolutions and Their Applications 非齐次随机演化及其应用
【预订】The Equilibrium Theory of Inhomogeneous Polymers
海外直订A Particular Solutions Formula For Inhomogeneous Arbitrary Order Linear Ordinary 非齐次任意阶线性常微分方程
海外直订Artificial Inhomogeneous Tapered Impedance Sheet Characterization and Applicatio 人工非均匀锥形阻抗片的特性
海外直订Nonlinear Waves in Inhomogeneous and Hereditary Media 非均匀遗传介质中的非线性波
海外直订Light Scattering in Inhomogeneous Atmospheres 非均匀大气中的光散射
【预订】Inhomogeneous Random Evolutions and Their Applications
海外直订Study of the Radiative Properties of Inhomogeneous Stratocumulus Clouds 非均匀层积云的辐射特性研究
海外直订Piezoelectric Response of Bone and Tendon Subjected to Inhomogeneous Stress, Cha 骨和肌腱在非均匀应力下的压
海外直订Parametric Instabilities in Inhomogeneous Plasma 非均匀等离子体中的参量不稳定性
预订 Liquid Dielectrics in an Inhomogeneous Pulsed Electric Field (Second Edition): Dynamics, cavitation and related phe
海外直订Local Limit Theorems for Inhomogeneous Markov Chains 非齐次马尔可夫链的局部极限定理
海外直订Electromagnetic Performance Analysis of Graded Dielectric Inhomogeneous Radomes 梯度介质非均匀天线罩电磁性
【预售】Acoustics in Moving Inhomogeneous Media, Second Edition
【预订】Eigenvalues of Inhomogeneous Structures
海外直订Acoustics in Moving Inhomogeneous Media 移动非均匀介质中的声学
[预订]Local Limit Theorems for Inhomogeneous Markov Chains 9783031326004
【预订】Acoustics in Moving Inhomogeneous Media
【预订】Magnetostatic Waves in Inhomogeneous Fields 9780367494476
【预售】Theory of the Inhomogeneous Electron Gas
【预售】Trsprt Theo Inhomogeneous Fluids
预售 按需印刷 Inhomogeneous Random Evolutions and Their Applications
海外直订Eigenvalues of Inhomogeneous Structures: Unusual Closed-Form Solutions 非齐次结构的特征值:异常闭型解
海外直订Nonequilibrium Green's Functions Approach to Inhomogeneous Systems 非均匀系统的非平衡格林函数逼近
海外直订Electromagnetic Instabilities in an Inhomogeneous Plasma 非均匀等离子体中的电磁不稳定性
海外直订Seismic Waves in Laterally Inhomogeneous Media: Part 1 横向非均匀介质中的地震波:第一部分
【预售】Inhomogeneous Superconductors: Granular and Quantum
【预订】Electromagnetic Instabilities in an Inhomogeneous Plasma
预订 Radio Wave Propagation in an Inhomogeneous Atmosphere; NBS Technical Note 24
海外直订Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models 非齐次宇宙学模型
【预售】Electromagnetic Instabilities in an Inhomogeneous
海外直订Electromagnetic Scattering in Disperse Media: Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic Part
海外直订The factorization method for inverse scattering from periodic inhomogeneous medi 周期非均匀介质逆散射的因式
海外直订Surface Acoustic Waves in Inhomogeneous Media 非均匀介质中的表面声波
【预订】Inhomogeneous Waves in Solids and Fl...
海外直订Geometrical Optics of Inhomogeneous Media 非均匀介质的几何光学
海外直订Seismic Waves in Laterally Inhomogeneous Media Part II: Part II 横向非均匀介质中的地震波第二部分
【预售】Fundamentals of Inhomogeneous Fluids
海外直订Ultrasonic Methods in Evaluation of Inhomogeneous Materials 评价非均匀材料的超声方法
海外直订Inhomogeneous Random Evolutions and Their Applic... 非齐次随机演化及其应用
预订 Eigenvalues of Inhomogeneous Structures: Unusual Closed-Form Solutions [9780367454272]
【4周达】Acoustics in Moving Inhomogeneous Media [9780415564168]
预订 Inhomogeneous Random Evolutions and Their Applications [9781138313477]
【4周达】Short Wave Radiation Problems in Inhomogeneous Media : Asymptotic Solutions [9783540076988]
【4周达】Seismic Waves in Laterally Inhomogeneous Media [9783764366773]
【4周达】Scalar Fields in Numerical General Relativity : Inhomogeneous Inflation and Asymmetric Bubbl... [9783030064877]
【4周达】Surprises in Theoretical Casimir Physics : Quantum Forces in Inhomogeneous Media [9783319364001]
【4周达】Electromagnetic Scattering in Disperse Media : Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic Particles [9783540436492]
【4周达】Surface Acoustic Waves in Inhomogeneous Media [9783642633485]
【4周达】Scalar Fields in Numerical General Relativity : Inhomogeneous Inflation and Asymmetric Bubbl... [9783319926711]
【4周达】Electromagnetic Performance Analysis of Graded Dielectric Inhomogeneous Radomes [9789811078316]
预订 Inhomogeneous Asymmetric Exclusion Processes: Modeling and Simulations [9783845437361]
预订 Buckling and Natural Vibrations of Thin Elastic Inhomogeneous Shells [9786139857906]
【4周达】Magnetostatic Waves in Inhomogeneous Fields [9780367494490]
【4周达】Invariant Imbedding T-Matrix Method for Light Scattering by Nonspherical and Inhomogeneous P... [9780128180907]
【4周达】The Equilibrium Theory of Inhomogeneous Polymers [9780198567295]
【4周达】Inhomogeneous Superconductors: Granular and Quantum Effects [9780195078282]
【4周达】Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models [9780521481809]
【4周达】Magnetostatic Waves in Inhomogeneous Fields [9780367494476]
【4周达】The Equilibrium Theory of Inhomogeneous Polymers [9780199673797]
【4周达】Liquid Dielectrics in an Inhomogeneous Pulsed Electric Field (Second Edition): Dynamics, cav... [9780750323703]
【4周达】Eigenvalues of Inhomogeneous Structures: Unusual Closed-Form Solutions [9780849328923]