【预订】Extraction of Quantifiable Informati...
【预订】Mobile Web and Intelligent Informati...
【预订】Design Science Research in Informati...
【预售】Object-Oriented Analysis and Design for Informati
【预售】Foundations of Library and Informati...
【预售】Meaningful Graphs: Converting Data Into Informati
预订 SIGITE 14/RIIT 14/ Ist Annual Conference on Information on Technology Education/ 3rd Annual Conference in Informati
【预订】Nanoscale Applications for Informati...
【预售】Introduction to Geospatial Informati...
【预订】Introduction to Geospatial Informati...
【预订】Innovative Applications of Informati...
预订 Designing Intelligent Healthcare Systems, Products, and Services Using Disruptive Technologies and Health Informati
预订 100 Minuten Für Konstruktive Teamarbeit: Gemeinsam Erfolgreich! Nicht Nur Für Techniker, Ingenieure Und Informati
【预售】Digital Literacy and Digital Inclusion: Informati
【预售】Contrasts and Positions in Informati...
【预售】Enterprise Integration and Informati...
【预订】Introduction to Geographic Informati...
【预售】Ih&mmsec 13 Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Informati...
【预订】Internet-Based Intelligent Informati...
【预订】Bio-Inspired Computing for Informati...
【预售】Loose Leaf Business Driven Informati...
【预售】Measuring Inconsistency in Informati...
预售 按需印刷 Global Shipbuilding Industry Handbook. Volume 4. Americas. Canada Shipbuilding - Strategic Informati
【预售 按需印刷】Norway Customs Trade Regulations and Procedures Handbook Volume 1 Strategic and Practical Informati
按需印刷 Global Shipbuilding Industry Handbook. Volume 4. Americas. Canada Shipbuilding - Strategic Informati
预售 按需印刷Global Shipbuilding Industry Handbook. Volume 4. Americas. Canada Shipbuilding - Strategic Informati
【预售 按需印刷】Latin American Countries Air Transportation and Civil Aviation Handbook Volume 1 Strategic Informati
【预售 按需印刷】Middle East and Arabic Countries Taxation Laws and Regulations Handbook Volume 1 Strategic Informati
海外直订Cognitively Informed Systems: Utilizing Practical Approaches to Enrich Informati 认知信息系统:利用实用方法
海外直订Towards Efficient Fuzzy Information Processing: Using the Principle of Informati 迈向高效的模糊信息处理:利
海外直订Towards Efficient Fuzzy Information Processing: Using the Principle of Informati 利用信息扩散原理实现有效的
海外直订The art of Blending and Compounding Liquors and Wines ... and Valuable Informati 混合和混合酒和葡萄酒的艺术
海外直订Fault-Tolerant Search Algorithms: Reliable Computation with Unreliable Informati 容错搜索算法:具有不可靠信
海外直订E-Science and Information Management: Third International Symposium on Informati 电子科学和信息管理:第三届
海外直订Omnidirectional Vision Systems: Calibration, Feature Extraction and 3D Informati 全方位视觉系统:标定,特征
【预售】Eam for Beginners: Nuclear Informati...
海外直订Deep Learning in Biomedical and Health Informati... 生物医学和健康信息学中的深度学习
海外直订International Aspects of Reference and Informati... 参考和信息服务的国际方面
海外直订NIST SP 800-128 Guide for Security-Focused Configuration Management of Informati NIST SP 80
海外直订Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Human Aspects of Informati 第十二届信息安全与保障人的
海外直订Purchasing and Financial Management of Informati... 信息技术采购与财务管理
海外直订Designing and Evaluating Symbols for Electronic Displays of Navigation Informati 导航信息电子显示符号的设计
海外直订Agent-Based Modelling and Geographical Informati... 基于智能体的建模与地理信息系统
海外直订Cairns City Travel Guide, North Queensland Australia: Cairns Touristic Informati 凯恩斯城市旅游指南,北昆士
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【4周达】Advances in Applied Logics : Applications of Logic for Philosophy, Mathematics and Informati... [9783031357589]
【4周达】Emerging Challenges for Security, Privacy and Trust: 24th IFIP TC 11 International Informati... [9783642012433]
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【4周达】Costa Rica Mineral, Mining Sector Investment and Business Guide Volume 1 Strategic Informati... [9781514505113]
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【4周达】Russia Energy Policy laws and Regulations Handbook Volume 1 Oil and Gas: Strategic Informati... [9781312950498]
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【4周达】Aruba Business and Investment Opportunities Yearbook Volume 1 Strategic, Practical Informati... [9781438776163]
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【4周达】Teaching Yourself to Teach: A Comprehensive guide to the fundamental and Practical Informati... [9781913871093]
【4周达】ICT for Promoting Human Development and Protecting the Environment: 6th IFIP World Informati... [9783319444468]
【4周达】Information ist Energie : Definition und Anwendung eines physikalisch begründeten Informati... [9783658312954]
【4周达】Combinatorial Search Problems : Lectures held at the Department for Automation and Informati... [9783211811696]
【4周达】Fundamental Generation Systems: Computer Science and Artificial Consciousness, the Informati... [9781786308733]
【4周达】Advances in Information Retrieval: Recent Research from the Center for Intelligent Informati... [9780792378129]
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海外直订Pearson REVISE BTEC Tech Award Digital Informati... 皮尔森修订BTEC技术奖数字信息技术修订指南公司在线版- 202
海外直订The Organization and Management of Construction: Managing construction informati 施工组织管理:施工信息管理
海外直订Applying SOA Principles in Informatica: Applying Service Oriented Architecture ( 在Informati
海外直订医药图书Water Retention. Water retention and its effects on the human body. An informati 保水性。保水及其对
海外直订Straight Outta Context: Why Google is No Substitute for College in The Informati 摘自上下文:在#假新闻和错误信
海外直订Understanding, Hiring, and Using Managed Services Providers (MSPs) for Informati 了解、雇佣和使用管理服务提
海外直订医药图书Handbook of Research on Patient Safety and Quality Care through Health Informati 通过健康信息学研究
按需印刷Chad Mineral, Mining Sector Investment and Business Guide Volume 1 Strategic Informati
预订【德语】 Sanktionen bei vorvertraglicher Informati
Metal filing cabinet business informati cabinet sets color