预订 Imaginings of Time in Lydgate and Hoccleve’s Verse 利德盖特与霍克克利夫诗歌中的时间想象: 9781032928050
预订 Education, Affect, and Film: Visual Imaginings and Global Explorations Through a Comparative Lens 教育、情感与电影
【预订】Deictic Imaginings: Semiosis at Work and at Play
【预售】Storied Cities: Literary Imaginings of Florence
预订 Managing Emotion in Byzantium: Passions, Affects and Imaginings 拜占庭管理情绪:激情、影响与想象: 9781138561618
预订 Africanfuturism: African Imaginings of Other Times, Spaces, and Worlds 非洲未来主义:非洲对其他时代、空间和世界的想
【预售】Adapting Poe: Re-Imaginings in Popular Culture
【预售】Ungoverned Imaginings
[预订]Blockbuster Architecture & Urbanism: How the imaginings of cinema and other media reshape urban real 9781320400480
预订 The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Spain: Ideas, Practices, Imaginings:
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预订 Collective Imaginings
预订 Epimethean Imaginings: Philosophical and Other Meditations on Everyday Light 厄庇墨透斯的想象:哲学和其他日常冥想:
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预售 按需印刷 Imaginings 25th Anniversary Collection
海外直订Narratives and Imaginings of Citizenship in Lati... 拉丁美洲公民身份的叙事与想象
海外直订Deictic Imaginings: Semiosis at Work and at Play 指示想象:工作和游戏中的符号化
海外直订Deictic Imaginings: Semiosis at Work and at Play 指示想象:工作和游戏中的符号症
海外直订Collective Imaginings 集体想象
海外直订Virtual Imaginings 虚拟的想象
海外直订Windows & Doors: Imaginings 门窗:想象
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海外直订Ecce Puella: And Other Prose Imaginings 埃切·普埃拉:还有其他散文想象
海外直订The Lazy Lays and Prose Imaginings 懒散的谎言和散文想象
【预售】A Night in Tunisia: Imaginings of Africa in Jazz
海外直订The Horrendous Imaginings Book 2: Maestro of Gold 可怕的想象书2:黄金大师
【预售】Virtual Imaginings
海外直订Epimethean Imaginings 埃皮米修斯的想象
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【4周达】The Neoliberal State, Recognition and Indigenous Rights: New paternalism to new imaginings [9781760462208]
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【4周达】Adapting Poe : Re-Imaginings in Popular Culture [9781349298983]