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【预订】Corporate Process Architecture: Indu...
【预售 按需印刷】Complex Systems and Sustainability in the Global Auditing Consulting and Credit Rating Agency Indu
【4周达】Mathematical Approach to Multilevel, Multiscale Health Interventions, A: Pharmaceutical Indu... [9781848169968]
预订 按需印刷 食品工业的新兴技术 第3卷:信息通信技术在食品加工中的应用与未来趋势Emerging Technologies for the Food Indu
海外直订Transactions of the Rhode Island Society: for the Encouragement of Domestic Indu 罗德岛社刊:鼓励国内工业
海外直订Revenue Management, Cost Control, and Financial Analysis in the Hospitality Indu 酒店业的收入管理、成本控制
海外直订Modern Approaches in Applied Intelligence: 24th International Conference on Indu 应用智能的现代方法:第24届
海外直订The New Political Economy of United States-Caribbean Relations: The Apparel Indu 美国-加勒比关系的新政治经
海外直订Renold Chains: A History of the Company and the Rise of the Precision Chain Indu 雷诺德链条:公司历史与精密
【预订】The Internet as a Technology-Based Ecosystem: A New Approach to the Analysis of Business, Markets and Indu...
【预售】Exam Prep for Supervision in the Hospitality Indu
海外直订Essentials of Water Systems Design in the Oil, Gas, and Chemical Processing Indu 石油、天然气和化工行业水系
【预售】The Noodle Narratives: The Global Rise of an Indu
【预售】Job$ in the Drug Indu$try: A Career ...
【预订】Advances and Applications in Computer Science, Electronics, and Indu 9783030977184
海外直订Education, Work and Social Change: Young People and Marginalization in Post-Indu 教育、工作与社会变革:后工
海外直订The Contrary Forces of Innovation: An Ethnography of Innovation in the Food Indu 创新的反作用力:食品行业创
海外直订The Politics of Usability: A Practical Guide to Designing Usable Systems in Indu 政治可用性:工业中设计可用系统
海外直订Managing Food Safety Risks in the Agri-Food Indu... 农业食品行业的食品安全风险管理
海外直订International Environmental Labelling Vol.4 Health: For All Health & Beauty Indu 国际环境标签第4卷健康:适用
海外直订Investigation of the Scientific and Economic Relations of the Sorghum Sugar Indu 高粱糖业科技与经济关系调查
海外直订Rite Of Passage: A Photographic Introspective of the Canadian Tree Planting Indu 通过仪式:加拿大植树业的摄
【预订】Emerging Technologies for Innovation Management in the Software Indu 9781799890591
【预订】Non-Thermal Processing Technologies for the Fruit and Vegetable Indu 9781032080291
海外直订Women and the Labour Market in Japan's Industrialising Economy: The Textile Indu 日本工业化经济中的妇女和劳
【预订】Computer Vision in Robotics and Indu...
[预订]Project Management in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Practical Guide with Examples from Indu 9783658358846
【预售】Sustainability in the Hospitality Indu
【预订】Adaptive Control Strategies for Indu...
【预订】Guide to the Literature for the Indu...
【预订】Biomining: Theory, Microbes and Indu...
海外直订The Regulation of Expression of Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase in an Indu 末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶在诱导
【预订】Attrition in the Pharmaceutical Indu...
海外直订Designer Biochar Assisted Bioremediation of Indu... 设计生物炭辅助工业废水的生物修复
【预订】Werkstoff- Und Energiekennwerte Indu...
【预售】Correlation and Regression: Applications for Indu
[预订]Culture and Human Fertility: A Study of the Relation of Cultural Conditions to Fertility in Non-indu 9780837121529
预订 Be A Mortgage Sales Hero: Up Your Game, Close More Loans And Be a Borrower’s Hero in the Mortgage Call Center Indu
海外直订Health and Safety Accidents and The Causes Analysis within the Construction Indu 建筑业健康安全事故及原因分
预订 Connected Innovation and Technology X.0 1: Advancing Digital Transformation: Innovational Strategies For Smart Indu
【预订】21 Cfr Part 11: Complete Guide to International Computer Validation Compliance for the Pharmaceutical Indu...
【预订】Data-Driven Fault Detection for Indu...
海外直订Investigation of the Scientific and Economic Relations of the Sorghum Sugar Indu 高粱糖业科技经济关系调查
海外直订The Macroeconomics of Development Finance: A Kaleckian Analysis of the Semi-Indu 发展金融的宏观经济学:半工
海外直订Improving Sustainability in the Hospitality Indu... 提高酒店业的可持续性
海外直订Sustainability and Smart Manufacturing: The Transformation of the Steelwork Indu 可持续发展与智能制造:钢铁
现货 工业项目建设管理 项目经理模块方法 Construction Management For Indu【中商原版】
【预售】Heterogeneous Catalysis and Its Indu...
【预订】Heterogeneous Catalysis and its Indu...
海外直订Co-Creation, Innovation and New Service Development: The Case of Videogames Indu 共同创造、创新与新服务开发
海外直订Regulating Competition in Oil: Government Intervention in the U.S. Refining Indu 管制石油竞争:政府对美国炼
海外直订Catching Up and Leapfrogging: The New Latecomers in the Integrated Circuits Indu 追赶与跨越:集成电路行业的
海外直订Cost Analysis of Inadequate Interoperability in the U.S. Capital Facilities Indu 美国资本设施行业互操作性不
海外直订Indu's Home-Coming and Other Stories 印度人的回归和其他故事
海外直订Wireless Sensor Networks: Energy Harvesting and Management for Research and Indu 无线传感器:用于研究和
海外直订Employability and Skills Development in the Sports, Events, and Hospitality Indu 体育、赛事和酒店业的就业能
海外直订Architecting Networked Engineered Systems: Manufacturing Systems Design for Indu 构建化工程系统:面向工
海外直订The Fashion Hustle: How to Make Money in the Fashion Business as a Student, Indu 时尚热潮:作为一名学生、行
海外直订Relationship Between R&d and Financial Performance in Indian Pharmaceutical Indu 印度制药企业研发与财务绩效的关
【预订】On-Line Condition Monitoring in Indu...
【预订】Programmable Logic Controllers: Indu...
【预售】Plunkett's Chemicals, Coatings & Plastics Indu...
预订 Medical Monopoly: Intellectual Property Rights and the Origins of the Modern Pharmaceutical Indu... [9780226710228]
【4周达】Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and Other Indu... [9780081024263]
【4周达】Operational Safety Economics - A Practical Approach Focused On The Chemical And Process Indu... [9781118871126]
【4周达】Modern principles analysis of resource flows in crisis conditions: culture and creative indu... [9781494600181]
【4周达】Modern TRIZ Modeling in Master Programs : Introduction to TRIZ Basics at University and Indu... [9783030374167]
【4周达】Capital Disruption: The Stories of Nine Pioneers and Their Vision to Change the Lending Indu... [9781619847552]
【4周达】The Social Metabolism of Spanish Agriculture, 1900-2008 : The Mediterranean Way Towards Indu... [9783030209025]
预订 Facilitating Interdisciplinary Collaboration Among the Intelligence Community, Academy, and Indu... [9781527545526]
【4周达】Advances in the Domain of Environmental Biotechnology : Microbiological Developments in Indu... [9789811589980]
【4周达】Current Approaches in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 28th International Conference on Indu... [9783319190655]
【4周达】The Social Metabolism of Spanish Agriculture, 1900-2008 : The Mediterranean Way Towards Indu... [9783030208998]
【4周达】SIE Exam Prep 2024-2025: 5 Practice Tests and Study Guide Book for the FINRA Securities Indu... [9781637759578]
【4周达】A Day in the Life of Marcela the Millwright: Un Día en la Vida de Marcela la Mecánica Indu... [9798988204923]
【4周达】Ireland and the Industrial Revolution: The impact of the industrial revolution on Irish indu... [9780415448468]
【4周达】Making a Market for Acts of God: The Practice of Risk Trading in the Global Reinsurance Indu... [9780198783770]
【4周达】Making a Market for Acts of God: The Practice of Risk Trading in the Global Reinsurance Indu... [9780199664764]
预订 Responsible Fashion Business in Practice: Sustainable Concepts and Cases across the Fashion Indu... [9781032259178]
【4周达】Myth of Japanese Efficiency: The World Car Industry in a Globalizing Age: The World Car Indu... [9781845420413]
【4周达】Work Identity at the End of the Line? : Privatisation and Culture Change in the UK Rail Indu... [9781349520183]
【4周达】Job$ in the Drug Indu$try: A Career Guide for Chemists [9780122676451]
【4周达】The Future of Management in an AI World : Redefining Purpose and Strategy in the Fourth Indu... [9783030206826]
【4周达】Work Identity at the End of the Line? : Privatisation and Culture Change in the UK Rail Indu... [9781403939807]
【4周达】Shipping Performance Management: Performance Measurement and Management in the Shipping Indu... [9781138839229]
【4周达】Ireland and the Industrial Revolution: The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Irish Indu... [9781138803008]
【4周达】Handbuch Business-To-Business-Marketing: Grundlagen, Geschäftsmodelle, Instrumente Des Indu... [9783834946805]