曲面的一般研究(1827年和1825年)(英文版) Carl Friedrich Gauss(高斯) 高等教育出版社
【预售】Gauss Sums and p-adic Division Algebras
【新华正版】Gauss散度定理Stokes定理和平面Green定理(精)/现代数学中的著名定理纵横谈丛书 刘培杰数学工作室 哈尔滨工业大学
[预订]Newton, Benjamin Franklin, and Gauss: A chronological and photographic documentary 9781939757616
【预订】Gauss Und Die Anfange Der Nicht-Eukl...
[预订]Gauss–Manin Connection in Disguise 9781571463432
【预订】Gauss: Eine Biographische Studie
预售 按需印刷Briefwechsel zwischen Gauss und Schumacher德语ger
预售 按需印刷Briefwechsel Zwischen C. F. Gauss Und H. C. Schumacher V2 (1860)德语ger
【预售 按需印刷】Gauss and Jacobi Sums vol 21
预售 按需印刷 Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke V4 (1873)德语ger
预售 按需印刷 Die Theorie der Parallellinien von Euklid bis auf Gauss德语ger
【4周达】The Mathematical Heritage of C F Gauss [9789810202019]
【预售 按需印刷】Some High Degree Gauss Legendre Quadrature Formulas For Triangles
【预订】Gauss: A Biographical Study
【预订】Differential Geometry of Varieties with Degenerate Gauss Maps
海外直订Gauss Diagram Invariants for Knots and Links 结点和连杆的高斯图不变量
海外直订The Shaping of Arithmetic After C.F. Gauss's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae 高斯论文《算术》后算术的形成
海外直订Biomedical and Life Physics: Proceedings of the Second Gauss Symposium, 2-8th Au 生物医学和生命物理学:第二
海外直订Precision Interferometry in a New Shape: Higher-Order Laguerre-Gauss Modes for G
预订 Grassmannians and Gauss Maps in Piecewise-Linear Topology
海外直订Value Distribution Theory of the Gauss Map of Minimal Surfaces in Rm Rm中极小曲面高斯映射的值分布理论
海外直订Differential Geometry of Varieties with Degenerate Gauss Maps 退化高斯映射变种的微分几何
海外直订The Shaping of Arithmetic After C.F. Gauss's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae 从C.F.高斯的算术研究看算术的形成
海外直订Two Millennia of Mathematics: From Archimedes to Gauss 两千年的数学:从阿基米德到高斯
【新华文轩】Gauss散度定理、Stokes定理和平面Green定理 正版书籍 新华书店旗舰店文轩官网 哈尔滨工业大学出版社
Gauss散度定理、Stokes定理和平面Green定理 博库网
【预售】Gauss Diagram Invariants for Knots and Links
【预售】The Shaping of Arithmetic After C.F. Gauss's
【预订】The Shaping of Arithmetic after C.F. Gauss’s Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
【预售】Singularites Des Systemes Differentiels de Gauss-
【预售】Gauss: A Memorial
【预售】Carl Friedrich Gauss
【预售】Wearing Gauss S Jersey
海外直订From Gauss to Painlevé: A Modern Theory of Special Functions 从高斯到潘列维:特殊函数的现代理论
海外直订Gauss Sums, Kloosterman Sums, and Monodromy Groups. (Am-116), Volume 116 Gauss和,Kloosterman和,和单偏
海外直订Grassmannians and Gauss Maps in Piecewise-Linear Topology 分段线性拓扑中的格拉斯曼和高斯映射
【预订】Wearing Gauss’s Jersey
【预售】Grundriss Der Generalisierten Gauss'schen
【预订】The Mathematical Heritage of C F Gauss
Dual Mode Gauss EMF Meter Electromagnetic Radiation
预订Gauss Sums, Kloosterman Sums, and Monodromy Groups. (AM-116), Volume 116
海外直订Tracking Filter Engineering: The Gauss-Newton and Polynomial Filters 跟踪滤波器工程:高斯-牛顿和多项式滤波器
海外直订Gauss: A Biographical Study 高斯:传记研究
海外直订The Mathematical Heritage of C F Gauss 高斯的数学遗产
【预售】From Gauss to Painleve: A Modern Theory of Spe...
海外直订Gauss Nodes Revolution: Numerical Integration Theory Radically Simplified And Ge 高斯革命:数值积分理论
海外直订Elliptic and Modular Functions from Gauss to Dedekind to Hecke 从高斯到Dedekind到Heke的椭圆函数和模块函数
海外直订Newton, Benjamin Franklin, and Gauss: A chronological and photographic documenta 牛顿,本杰明·富兰克林和高
正版图书 Gauss的遗产从等式到同余式冯贝叶哈尔滨工业大学出版社
【4周达】Elliptic and Modular Functions from Gauss to Dedekind to Hecke [9781107159389]
【4周达】Two Millennia of Mathematics: From Archimedes to Gauss [9780387950228]
【4周达】Gauss : A Biographical Study [9783642492099]
【4周达】Singularites Des Systemes Differentiels de Gauss-Manin [9781475714593]
【4周达】Newton, Benjamin Franklin, and Gauss: A chronological and photographic documentary [9781939757616]
【4周达】Precision Interferometry in a New Shape : Higher-order Laguerre-Gauss Modes for Gravitationa... [9783319347561]
【4周达】Value Distribution Theory of the Gauss Map of Minimal Surfaces in Rm [9783322802736]
【4周达】Grundriss Der Generalisierten Gauss'schen Fehlerrechnung [9783642178214]
【4周达】Gauss : Eine biographische Studie [9783642514449]
【4周达】The Econometricians : Gauss, Galton, Pearson, Fisher, Hotelling, Cowles, Frisch and Haavelmo [9781137341365]
【4周达】Tafeln Zur Berechnung Von Gauss-Krüger-Koordinaten Auf Dem Ellipsoid Von Krassowski [9783112730522]
【4周达】Gauss Hypergeometric Function: Special Matrix Functions, Q-Special Functions [9783111321455]
【4周达】Wearing Gauss's Jersey [9781466508644]
【4周达】Differential Geometry of Varieties with Degenerate Gauss Maps [9781441923394]
【4周达】Wearing Gauss's Jersey [9780367380113]
【4周达】Variationen UEber Ein Zahlentheoretisches Thema Von Carl Friedrich Gauss [9783034857635]
【4周达】Biomedical and Life Physics: Proceedings of the Second Gauss Symposium, 2-8th August 1993, M... [9783322850195]
【4周达】Gauss Diagram Invariants for Knots and Links [9780792371120]
【4周达】Precision Interferometry in a New Shape : Higher-order Laguerre-Gauss Modes for Gravitationa... [9783319013749]
【4周达】Gauss : A Biographical Study [9783540106623]
预订 Some High Degree Gauss Legendre Quadrature Formulas For Triangles [9786202006194]
【4周达】Gauss And Jacobi Sums [Wiley数学] [9780471128076]
【4周达】Gauss Und Die Anfange Der Nicht-Euklidischen Geometrie [9783211958223]
【4周达】Two Millennia of Mathematics : From Archimedes to Gauss [9781461270355]
【4周达】Gauss Sums and P-Adic Division Algebras [9783540122906]
【4周达】The Shaping of Arithmetic After C.F. Gauss's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae [9783642058028]
【4周达】Gauss Diagram Invariants for Knots and Links [9789048157488]
【4周达】Newton, Cotes, Gauss, Jacobi: Vier Grundlegende Abhandlungen Über Interpolation Und Genähe... [9783112669396]
【4周达】From Gauss to Painlevé : A Modern Theory of Special Functions [9783322901651]
【4周达】GAUSS fur statistische Berechnungen: Buch Mit CD-ROM [9783486256505]
【4周达】The Coordinate-Free Approach to Gauss-Markov Estimation [9783540053262]
【4周达】The Prince of Mathematics: Carl Friedrich Gauss [9781568814551]
【4周达】Materialien Fur Eine Wissenschaftliche Biographie Von Gauss [9783663156277]
【4周达】Tracking Filter Engineering: The Gauss-Newton and Polynomial Filters [9781849195546]
【4周达】Analytic Number Theory: A Tribute to Gauss and Dirichlet - Proceedings of the Gauss-Dirichle... [9780821843079]
【4周达】Die Wechselwirkung Zwischen Zahlenrechnen Und Zahlentheorie Bei C. F. Gauss [9783663154914]
【4周达】The Mathematical Heritage of C F Gauss [9789810237974]
【4周达】Carl Friedrich Gauss [9783322006820]