[预订]Dialects of the Tribe 9781936205301
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【预售】American Dialects: A Manual for Actors, Directors
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【预订】Grammar of the Dialects of the Vernacular Syriac
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[预订]The Dialects of British English in Fictional Texts
预订 A Structural Atlas of the English Dialects: 9781138890893
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[预订]The Dialects of Spanish 9781108927185
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预订 Urban Contact Dialects and Language Change: Insights from the Global North and South 城市交往方言与语言变迁:来自全
预售 按需印刷 The Dialects of Irish
预售 按需印刷 Dialects of the Motion Forms in Language
预售 按需印刷 The Dialects of British English in Fictional Texts
【预售 按需印刷】Accounting for the indefinite relative marker in Arabic dialects
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【预售 按需印刷】A Sanskrit Grammer Including Both The Classical Language And The Older Dialects Of Veda And Brahman
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【预售 按需印刷】Dialects of England 2e
预售 按需印刷 Reconstructing Prehistorical Dialects
【预售 按需印刷】Linguistic interference between L1 dialects and L2
【预售 按需印刷】Words and Descriptive Terms for Woman and Girl in French Proven?al and Border Dialects
【预售 按需印刷】 Gombo Zhebes. - Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs Selected from Six Creole Dialects
预售 按需印刷 Specimens Of Dialects Short Vocabularies Of Languages
预售 按需印刷 On The Origin Of The Celts And The Dialects Extant Of Their Language (1868)
【预售 按需印刷】Palatal Diphthongization Of Stem Vowels In The Old English Dialects (1903)
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【预售 按需印刷】Nine Specimens Of English Dialects
【预售】Tone Sandhi: Patterns Across Chinese Dialects
海外直订Structural and Typological Variation in the Dialects of Kurdish 库尔德语方言的结构和类型变异
【预订】The Syntactic Variation of Spanish Dialects
【预售】American Voices - How Dialects Differ From Coast To
海外直订Urban Contact Dialects and Language Change: Insights from the Global North and S 城市接触、方言和语言变化:
海外直订Subject Clitics in the Northern Italian Dialects: A Comparative Study Based on t 意大利北部方言中的主题clit
海外直订Subject Clitics in the Northern Italian Dialects: A Comparative Study Based on t 意大利北部方言的主题论说:
海外直订Dialects for the Stage 舞台方言
海外直订Dialects in Schools and Communities 学校和社区的方言
海外直订The future of dialects 方言的未来
海外直订A Dictionary of the Dialects of Vernacular Syriac: As Spoken by the Eastern Syri 叙利亚方言词典:库尔德斯坦
预订 Jin Chinese Grammar I: Referent and Tense of Northern Shaanxi Dialects 晋语语法 I:陕北方言的指事与时态: 9781032357
预订 Jin Chinese Grammar II: Syntax and Modality of Northern Shaanxi Dialects 晋语语法 II:陕北方言的句法与语态: 9781032
海外直订Science, Language, and Reform in Victorian Poetry: Political Dialects 科学,语言,维多利亚诗歌的改革:政治方
【预订】Grammatical Variation in British English Dialects
海外直订London's Dialect, an Ancient Form of English Speech, With a Note on the Dialects 伦敦方言,一种古老的英语口
【预订】Wallace’s Dialects
预订 Introduction to the study of the Greek dialects; grammar, selected inscriptions, glossary: 9789353864330
预订 Dialects in Schools and Communities 学校与社团方言: 9780805843163
海外直订Dialects 方言
【预订】Reconstructing Prehistorical Dialects 9783110147056
海外直订Foreign Dialects: A Manual for Actors, Directors, and Writers 外国方言:演员、导演和作家的手册
预订 The Handbook of Persian Dialects and Dialectology 波斯方言与方言学手册: 9789819981502
【预售】Greek Dialects
海外直订Palatal Diphthongization of Stem Vowels in the Old English Dialects 古英语方言中词干元音的腭部双元音化
【预售】Roots of English: Exploring the History of Dialects
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海外直订The Sounds and Inflections of the Greek Dialects ...; Volume 1 希腊方言的发音和词形变化卷1
海外直订Dialects of Spanish 西班牙方言
海外直订Linguistic interference between L1 dialects and L2: An investigation with 14-15 第一语言和第二语言之间的语
预订 The Reflexes of Syllabic Liquids in Ancient Greek: Linguistic Prehistory of the Greek Dialects and Homeric Kunstspr
【预售】English Accents and Dialects: An Introduction to
【预售】Languages and Dialects in the U.S.: Fo
海外直订English Accents & Dialects: An Introduction to Social and Regional Varieties of 英语口音和方言:不列颠群岛
预售 按需印刷 Standard Basque and Its Dialects
预售 按需印刷 Dialects from Tropical Islands
海外直订Common Phonology of the Chinese Dialects 汉语方言的共同音位
【预订】English Dialects
海外直订The English Dialect Grammar: Comprising the Dialects of England, of the Shetland 英语方言语法:由英格兰、设
海外直订Syntactic Variation: The Dialects of Italy 句法变异:意大利方言
预订 Queltu Arabic Dialects Mahallmı and Maltese languages: 9786207998715
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【预售】The Dialects Of England 2E
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【预售】Survey of English Dialects
海外直订Dialects, Englishes, Creoles, and Education 方言、英语、克里奥尔语和教育
【预售】English Dialects an Introduction: An Introduction
【预售】The Dialects of Irish: Study of a Changing
【预售】The Dialects of Modern German: A Linguistic Survey
【预售】English Accents and Dialects
【预售】Survey Eng Dialects-Introdctn
【预售】Survey Eng Dialects Vol1 Prt1
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【预售】Survey Eng Dialects Vol1 Prt3
海外直订The Dialects of Italy 意大利方言
海外直订The Dialects of Modern German: A Linguistic Survey 现代德语方言:语言学研究
海外直订Studies in Yue Dialects 1: Phonology of Cantonese 粤方言研究1:粤语音韵学
【预订】Origins of Yiddish Dialects
海外直订Languages and Dialects in the U.S.: Focus on Diversity and Linguistics 美国的语言和方言:关注多样性和语言学
海外直订Variable Grammars: Verbal Agreement in Northern Dialects of English 可变语法:英语北方方言中的动词一致性