英文原版 Invitation to Dynamical Systems 动力学系统的邀请 Prof. Edward R. Scheinerman 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预售】The Space of Dynamical Systems with the C0-Topology
【预售】Periodic Solutions of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems:
A Modern Introduction to Dynamical Systems
[预订]Thermodynamic Formalism and Holomorphic Dynamical Systems 9780821819487
【预售】Dynamical Theory of Brownian Motion
【预售 按需印刷】神经科学中的动力系统 Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience 进口英文正版书籍
[预订]The Dynamical Theory of Sound 9781015897380
[预订]Dynamical Oceanography 9781015136540
[预订]Dynamical Properties of Diffeomorphisms of the Annulus and of the Torus 9780821819432
预订 Feedback Linearization of Dynamical Systems with Modulated States for Harnessing Water Wave Power
【预售】Dynamical Evolution of Globular Clusters
英文原版 精装 A Dynamical Systems Theory of Thermodynamics 热力学动力系统理论 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
热力学动力系统理论 英文原版 A Dynamical Systems Theory of Thermodynamics 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
英文原版 A Dynamical Systems Theory of Thermodynamics 热力学动力系统理论 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
[预订]An Introductory Treatise on Dynamical Astronomy 9781017454574
Dynamical Systems by Example
英文原版 Dimension Theory in Dynamical Systems 动力系统的维数论 当代观点与应用 Yakov B. Pesin 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
英文原版 Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattices 晶格的动力学理论 诺贝尔物理学奖 马克斯 玻恩 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattices 晶格的动力学理论进口原版英文书籍
晶格的动力学理论 英文原版 Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattices 诺贝尔物理学奖 马克斯 玻恩 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
[预订]The Dynamical Theory of Gases. -- 9781014975294
动力学系统的邀请 英文原版 Invitation to Dynamical Systems Prof. Edward R. Scheinerman 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预订】Feedback Linearization of Dynamical Systems with Modulated States for Harnessing Water Wave Power
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
【预售】Descriptive Set Theory and Dynamical Systems
【预售】Averaging Methods in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
【预售】New Directions in Dynamical Systems
【预订】Differential Equations: A Dynamical ...
【预售】Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
预订 Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
预订 A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field
【预订】Dynamical Systems-Based Soil Mechanics
【预售】【预售】Hybrid Dynamical Systems:
【预订】A Dynamical Systems Theory of Thermodynamics
【预售】Dynamical Systems and Numerical Analysis
【预订】Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical...
【预订】Smooth Dynamical Systems
【预售】Methods in Equivariant Bifurcations and Dynamical
【预售】Dynamical Systems And Singular Phenomena - Proceedings Of The Symposium
现货 英文原版 Transport in Multilayered Nanostructures:The Dynamical Mean-Field Theory Approach 9781783268573
【预售】The Arithmetic of Dynamical Systems
【预订】Beyond the Dynamical Universe
[预订]Dynamical System and Chaos
[预订]Mathematical Modeling: A Dynamical Systems Approach to Analyze Practical Problems in Stem Discipline 9783031047312
【预售】Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems
预订 Dynamical Behaviors of Multiweighted Complex Network Systems 多权复杂网络系统的动态行为: 9781394228614
【预售】Hybrid Control and Motion Planning of Dynamical
【预订】Theory & Control of Dynamical
【预订】Dynamical And Complex Systems
【预售】Continuous Time Dynamical Systems: State Estimation and Optimal Control with Orthogonal Functions
【预售】Dynamical Tunneling
现货 英文原版 哈密顿动力系统和 N-体问题导论(应用数学科学,90)Introduction to Hamiltonian Dynamical Sys 9783319852188
【预售】Dynamical Systems and Group Actions
【预售】Frontiers in the Study of Chaotic Dynamical Systems
【预售】Delay Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems:
【预售】Dynamical Systems: Lectures Given at a Summer School
【预售】Dynamical Systems: Valparaiso. Proceedings of a
【预售】Combinations of Complex Dynamical Systems
【预售】Computer Algebra Methods for Equivariant Dynamical
[预订]Introduction to Chaos, Fractals and Dynamical Systems 9789811273902
英文原版 Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems 现代动力系统理论导论 剑桥数学百科及应用系列 进口书籍
【预订】Dynamical Chaos
【预售】Entropy in Dynamical Systems
【预订】Metrical and Dynamical Aspects in Co...
【预订】Dynamical and Geometric Aspects of H...
【预售】Dynamical Models in Biology
[预订]Structural, Electronic and Lattice Dynamical Study of Novel Alloys - A First Principle Approach 9788508979110
【预售】Dynamical Evolution of Dense Stellar Systems:
现货 动力系统中的熵 英文原版 Entropy in Dynamical Systems 剑桥新数学专著系列 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Entropy in Dynamical Systems 动力系统中的熵 剑桥新数学专著系列 精装进口原版英文书籍
英文原版 Entropy in Dynamical Systems 动力系统中的熵 剑桥新数学专著系列 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预订】Dynamical Gauge Symmetry Breaking
【预订】Dynamical Modeling in Biotechnology ...
现货 英文原版 Numerical Methods for Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems:Applications in Mechanics and E 9783642094644
【预售】Dynamical Chaos
预订 Computational Fractional Dynamical Systems
【预售】Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems: New Trends and Open Problems
【预售】Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems in Mechani
【预订】An Introduction to Dynamical Systems...
【预售】Dynamical Systems with Applications Us