[预订]Cyanine Dyes: Structure, Uses and Performance 9781536162394
【4周达】Chemistry Of Heterocyclic Compounds, Volume 18, Cyanine Dyes [Wiley化学化工] [9780470381816]
【4周达】Cyanine Dyes: Structure, Uses and Performance [9781536162394]
预订 Functional and Photosensitizer Cyanine Dyes [9786203305487]
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ElabscienceAnnexin V-Cyanine5/7-AAD细胞凋亡检测试剂E-CK-A222
Elabscience Annexin V-APC/Cyanine7/DAPI细胞凋亡检测E-CK-A270
Elabscience Annexin V-PE/Cyanine7/7-AAD细胞凋亡检测E-CK-A228
Elabscience®Annexin V-PE/Cyanine5/DAPI细胞凋亡检测E-CK-A264
Elabscience®Annexin V-PE/Cyanine5染色液,E-CK-A123 荧光标记
Lumiprobe 荧光染料 Cyanine5 azide, 10 mg C3030
Lumiprobe 荧光染料 Cyanine5 hydrazide, 1 mg 13070
Elabscience Annexin V-Cyanine5/DAPI细胞凋亡检测试剂E-CK-A262
ElabscienceAnnexin V-PE/Cyanine5.5/DAPI细胞凋亡检测E-CK-A266
Elabscience AnnexinV-APC/Cyanine7/7-AAD细胞凋亡检测E-CK-A230
Lumiprobe 荧光染料 Sulfo-Cyanine7 NHS ester, 1 mg 15320
Elabscience®Annexin V-PE/Cyanine7/DAPI细胞凋亡检测E-CK-A268
Elabscience®Annexin V-APC/Cyanine7/PI细胞凋亡检测试剂盒A229
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探针Sulfo-Cyanine3 Azide Methyl CAS:1658416-54-6 lumiprobe
【正版现货】 Study on the Novelnear-infrared Fluorescenrbe Based on Indole Heptamethine Cyanine Dyes 冶金工业出版社