【预售 按需印刷】Role of Saving and Credit Cooperatives in Empowering the Rural Poor
【预售 按需印刷】Agriculture Development Through Credit Cooperatives in Uganda
【预售 按需印刷】Financial Performance of Cooperatives
【预售 按需印刷】Role of Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives in Reducing Rural Poverty
预售 按需印刷 Grain Marketing Performance Problems and Prospects of Cooperatives
【预售 按需印刷】Benefits of Saving and Credit Cooperatives on Household Income
【预售 按需印刷】Factors Affecting The Development Of Cooperatives In Ethiopia
【预售 按需印刷】Peasant Cooperatives and Political Change in Peru
【预售 按需印刷】State and Cooperative Relation in the Development of Cooperatives
【预售 按需印刷】Determinants of Members Participation in Coffee Marketing Cooperatives
【预售 按需印刷】Cooperatives and Agricultural Production
【预售 按需印刷】Farm inputs marketing through cooperatives
预售 按需印刷 Cooperatives and the World of Work
预售 按需印刷 The Economics of Financial Cooperatives
预售 按需印刷Rural Agricultural Cooperatives in Nepal
【预售 按需印刷】Agricultural Cooperatives in Vietnam
预售 按需印刷 Olive cooperatives in South of Italy
【预售 按需印刷】Determinants of profit efficiency of coffee marketing cooperatives
预售 按需印刷 Economic Contributions of Coffee Cooperatives
【预售 按需印刷】Challenges and prospects of saving and credit cooperatives in South Wolo Zone Amhara Region Ethiop
【预售 按需印刷】internal control system of multi-purpose cooperatives
预售 按需印刷 Risk Management Practice in Saving and Credit Cooperatives
预售 按需印刷 Cooperatives, the State, and Corporate Power in African Export Agriculture
预订 COOPERATIVES 合作社: 9786207471409
[预订]Competitive Strategy Analysis For Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives 9780367158989
【预订】The Economics of Financial Cooperatives 9780367777517
预订 Theoretical and Empirical Studies on Cooperatives
预订 Cooperatives in an Uncertain World: Perspectives from Switzerland and Its Nei*ors 不确定世界的合作:瑞士及其邻国
【预售】Management and Governance of Networks: Franchising, Cooperatives, and Strategic Alliances
【预订】Design and Management of Interfirm Networks:Franchise Networks, Cooperatives and Alliances
[预订]Cooperatives and Social Innovation 9789811588822
【预售】Agricultural Cooperatives: Their Why and Their How
预订 Cooperatives and the World of Work 合作社与工作世界: 9780367250850
[预订]Role of agricultural cooperatives in rural development in Cameroon 9786200624765
预订 Urban Recycling Cooperatives: Building resilient communities 城市资源回收利用合作:建立社区抗灾: 9781138921160
预订 Managing Networks in the Digital Economy: Alliances, Cooperatives, Franchise Chains, Platforms and Digitalization
[预订]Agricultural Cooperatives In Transition 9780367161705
[预订]Consumers’ Cooperatives in the North Central States 9780816671663
预订 Performance of Agricultural Cooperatives: 9783659409271
预订 Peasant Cooperatives and Political Change in Peru 秘鲁的农民合作社和政治变革: 9780691615288
预订 Sustainable Development of Agricultural Cooperatives: 9786207640829
预订 Prosperity in the Fossil-Free Economy: Cooperatives and the Design of Sustainable Businesses 无化石经济的繁荣:合作
预订 Urban Recycling Cooperatives: Building Resilient Communities: 9780367873677
预订 Coffee certification in East Africa: impact on farms, families and cooperatives 东非的咖啡认证:对农场、家庭和合作
【预售】Cooperatives and Local Development
预订 Cooperatives, the State, and Corporate Power in African Export Agriculture: The Case of Uganda’s Coffee Sector 非
预订 State-Administered Rural Change: Agricultural Cooperatives in Rural Kenya 国家管理的农村变革:肯尼亚农村的农业合作
【预售】Strategy and Governance of Networks: Cooperatives
【预售】Creating Community in the City: Cooperatives and
[预订]Agricultural Cooperatives in Transition 9780367011833
【预售】Multiplying Mighty Davids?: The Influence of Energy Cooperatives on Germany’s Energy Transition
预订 Cooperatives and the Market Economy 合作社与市场经济: 9789819621279
预订 The Economics of Worker Cooperatives 工人合作社的经济学: 9781781005330
【预售】Artisans and Cooperatives: Developing Alternative
【预售】Farmers’ Cooperatives and Sustainable Food Systems in Europe
【预售】The Growth of Italian Cooperatives
预订 Health Cooperatives: Historical Developments and Future Challenges for Global Healthcare: 9781032023625
[预订]Competitive Strategy Analysis for Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives 9780367009113
预订 Cooperatives and the World of Work 合作社与工作世界: 9780367250843
按需印刷Peasant Cooperatives and Political Change in Peru[9780691642796]
海外直订Cooperatives and Local Development: Theory and Applications for the 21st Century 合作社与地方发展:21世纪的
【按需印刷】 Cooperatives, the State, and Corporate Power in
按需印刷Farmers' Cooperatives and Sustainable Food Systems in Europe[9780815379249]
按需印刷The Economics of Financial Cooperatives:Income Distribution, Political Economy and Regulation[9780367358396]
海外直订Competitive Strategy Analysis for Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives 农产品销售合作社竞争战略分析
海外直订The 'Social' as Metaphor and the Case of Cooperatives: A Critique of Economic In 作为隐喻的“社会”与合作社
海外直订Agricultural Cooperatives: Their Why and Their How 农业合作社:他们为什么和他们如何
海外直订Interfirm Networks: Franchising, Cooperatives and Strategic Alliances 企业间:特许经营、合作社和战略联
海外直订Vertical Markets and Cooperative Hierarchies: The Role of Cooperatives in the Ag 垂直市场与合作层次:合作社
海外直订Interfirm Networks: Franchising, Cooperatives and Strategic Alliances 企业间:特许经营、合作和战略联盟
海外直订Vertical Markets and Cooperative Hierarchies: The Role of Cooperatives in the Ag 垂直市场与合作等级:合作社
海外直订Health Cooperatives 卫生合作社
海外直订Villages, Women, and the Success of Dairy Cooperatives in India Making Place for 村庄、妇女和印度乳制品合作
海外直订Cooperatives and Agribusiness 合作社和农业综合企业
海外直订Credit Cooperatives in India: Past, Present and Future 印度的信用合作社:过去、现在和未来
海外直订Agricultural Cooperatives, Food Security and Women Empowerment 农业合作社、粮食安全和妇女赋权
海外直订Food Politics, Activism and Alternative Consumer Cooperatives 食品政治,行动主义和替代消费者合作社
【4周达】Popular Participation in Social Change : Cooperatives, Collectives, and Nationalized Industry [9789027978493]
海外直订Management and Governance of Networks: Franchising, Cooperatives, and Strategic 的管理和治理:特许经营
【4周达】Management and Governance of Networks : Franchising, Cooperatives, and Strategic Alliances [9783319861203]
【4周达】Multiplying Mighty Davids? : The Influence of Energy Cooperatives on Germany's Energy Transi... [9783319776279]
海外直订Peasant Cooperatives and Political Change in Peru 农民合作社与秘鲁的政治变革
预订 Factors Influencing Business Growth Of Cooperatives [9783659221903]
预订 Determinants of profit efficiency of coffee marketing cooperatives [9783659140358]
海外直订Cooperatives and Community Development 合作社与社区发展
海外直订Entreprepreneurship in Cooperatives 在合作社Entreprepreneurship
【4周达】Strategy and Governance of Networks : Cooperatives, Franchising, and Strategic Alliances [9783790825596]
【4周达】Strategy and Governance of Networks : Cooperatives, Franchising, and Strategic Alliances [9783790820577]
【4周达】Capital and the Debt Trap: Learning from Cooperatives in the Global Crisis [9780230252387]
【4周达】Creating Community in the City: Cooperatives and Community Gardens in Washington, D.C. [9780897893169]
海外直订Creating Community in the City: Cooperatives and Community Gardens in Washington 在城市中创建社区:华盛顿特
【4周达】Black Farmers in America: Historical Perspective, Cooperatives and the Pigford Cases [9781620812501]
【4周达】Villages, Women, and the Success of Dairy Cooperatives in India Making Place for Rural Devel... [9781604976250]
预订 Farmers' Cooperatives and Sustainable Food Systems in Europe [9780815379249]