预售 按需印刷 Sermons Attributed To Samuel Johnson (1812)
预订 The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: To Which Are Appended Poems Attributed to Chaucer; Volume 3: 9781022865679
【预售】Octavia: Attributed to Seneca
【预售】Octavia: A Play Attributed to Seneca
【预售】Ciris: A Poem Attributed to Vergil
预订 The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: To Which Are Appended Poems Attributed to Chaucer; Volume 3: 9781020749896
【预订】A Commentary on the Rhesus Attributed to Euripides
【预售】The Epic Histories: Attributed to P'Awstos Buzand
预订 Works by and attributed to Elizabeth Cary: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 2: 9781859280935
预订 The Ass of the Gods: Apuleius’ Golden Ass, the Onos Attributed to Lucian, and Graeco-Roman Metamorphosis Literatur
预订 On Simples, Attributed to Dioscorides: Introduction, Translation, Concordances 论简单,归属于狄奥斯科里迪斯:引言、
预订 The ’Ars musica’ Attributed to Magister Lambertus/Aristoteles 兰伯图斯/亚里士多德的“音乐大师”: 9780367599140
预订 The ’Ars musica’ Attributed to Magister Lambertus/Aristoteles 亚里士多德的Ars Musica: 9781472439833
【预订】Respublica: an interlude for Christmas 1553 attributed to Nicholas Udall
【按需印刷】Dismantling the anonymous authors of the books attributed to the brothers Alfonso and Juan de Valdes
海外直订The 'Old Oligarch': The Constitution of the Athenians Attributed to Xenophon “老寡头”:色诺芬的雅典宪法
预订Elucidation of Necromancy:Lucidarium Artis Nigromantice, Attributed to Peter of Abano Including a New Translation of
按需印刷Syriac Documents attributed to the first three Centuries[9783337240202]
【4周达】Ciris: A Poem Attributed to Vergil: - Ciris: A Poem Attributed to Vergil [9780521606998]
【4周达】The Rhesus Attributed to Euripides [9781107026025]
【4周达】The Ass of the Gods: Apuleius' Golden Ass, the Onos Attributed to Lucian, and Graeco-Roman M... [9789004537163]
海外直订The idylls and epigrams commonly attributed to Theocritus 通常归于提奥克里特的田园诗和警句
【4周达】On the Government of Rulers de Regimine Principum: Ptolemy of Lucca with Portions Attributed... [9780812233704]
【4周达】The Life of King Edward Who Rests at Westminster: Attributed to a Monk of Saint-Bertin [9780198202035]
【4周达】The Kurbskii-Groznyi Apocrypha: The 17th-Century Genesis of the Correspondence Attributed to... [9780674181717]
【4周达】Dismantling the anonymous authors of the books attributed to the brothers Alfonso and Juan d... [9780244264536]
【4周达】A Commentary on the Rhesus Attributed to Euripides [9780199591688]
海外直订The Latin Poems Commonly Attributed to Walter Mapes 通常认为是沃尔特·梅普斯的拉丁诗歌
【4周达】The Rhesus Attributed to Euripides [9781107629349]
海外直订'Ars musica' Attributed to Magister Lambertus/Ar... “Ars music”出自总督兰伯特斯/亚里士多德之手
按需印刷Sermons Attributed To Samuel Johnson (1812)[9781120866189]
【4周达】The 'Ars Musica' Attributed to Magister Lambertus/Aristoteles [9780367599140]
【4周达】Octavia: A Play Attributed to Seneca - Octavia: A Play Attributed to Seneca [9780521823265]
【4周达】The 'Ars Musica' Attributed to Magister Lambertus/Aristoteles [9781472439833]
海外直订The Four Ancient Books of Wales Containing the Cymric Poems Attributed to the Ba 六世纪吟游诗人的《威尔士四
【4周达】Books IV to VII of Diophantus' Arithmetica: In the Arabic Translation Attributed to Qust... [9781461381761]
【4周达】Works by and attributed to Elizabeth Cary: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, ... [9781859280935]
海外直订The Four Ancient Books of Wales: Containing the Cymric Poems Attributed to the B 威尔士四古籍:包含六世纪诗
【4周达】Labored in Papyrus Leaves: Perspectives on an Epigram Collection Attributed to Posidippus (P... [9780674011052]
海外直订The Dream of the Rood: An Old English Poem Attributed to Cynewulf 鲁德之梦:塞纽乌夫的一首古老的英国诗歌
【4周达】Octavia: A Play Attributed to Seneca - Octavia: A Play Attributed to Seneca [9780521117722]
海外直订Literary Cookery With Reference to Matter Attributed to Coleridge and Shakespear 文学烹饪——论柯勒律治和莎
【4周达】The Epic Histories (Buzandaran Patmut'iwnk'): Attributed to P'Awstos Buzand [9780674258655]
巴赫 键盘作品集 管风琴/钢琴/羽管键琴 骑熊士原版乐谱书 Bach Johann Sebastian Keyboard Works attributed BA5249
海外直订An Enquiry Into the Authenticity of the Poems Attributed to Thomas Rowley. In Wh 托马斯·罗利诗歌真实性探究
海外直订An Attempt to Ascertain the Order in Which the Plays Attributed to Shakespeare W 试图确定莎士比亚戏剧的创作
【4周达】Works by and attributed to Elizabeth Cary: Printed Writings 1500-1640: Series 1, Part One, V... [9781138380172]
预订 The Fary Knight or Oberon the Second: A Manuscript Play Attributed to Thomas Randolph [9781469613352]
预订 Objective Methods for Testing Authenticity and the Study of Ten Doubtful Comedias Attributed to ... [9780807891063]
[预订]Attributed to the Harrow Painter 9781609385415
按需印刷An Apology For Lollard Doctrines, Attributed To Wicliffe[9781430452126]
海外直订The Island-Princess ... [Here Attributed to Beaumont and Fletcher, But More Prob Island-Pri
海外直订An Enquiry Into the Authenticity of the Poems Attributed to Thomas Rowley. in Wh 托马斯·罗利诗歌真实性探究
海外直订On Some Passages in the Seventh Book of Eudemian Ethics Attributed to Aristotle 论亚里士多德的《欧得米安伦
海外直订The Dream of the Rood: An Old English Poem Attributed to Cynewulf 《路德之梦:辛纽武夫的古英语诗》
【4周达】Yoga: Discipline of Freedom: The Yoga Sutra Attributed to Patanjali [9780553374285]
【4周达】Practical Geometry: Practica Geometriae. Attributed to Hugh of St. Victor [9780874622324]