【预售】Biometric Authentication: Eccv 2004 International
【预订】Authentication in Insecure Environments
【预售】Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication
【预售】Noise Tolerant Data Authentication for Wireless Communication
【预订】Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication
[预订]Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication
【预订】Noise Tolerant Data Authentication for Wireless Communication
【预订】Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication
【预售】Mobile Authentication: Problems and Solutions
【预售】Biometric Authentication: International Eccv 2002
【预订】Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication
【预订】Advances in Biometric Person Authentication
[预订]Emerging Food Authentication Methodologies Using Gc/MS 9783031302879
[预订]Secrecy, Covertness and Authentication in Wireless Communications 9783031384646
预订 Emerging Food Authentication Methodologies Using GC/MS 使用气相色谱/质谱分析的新兴食品认证方法: 9783031302909
预订 Identification and Mitigation of Fraudulent Online Transactions using Authentication and Fraud Detection System 使
【预订】Authentication of Embedded Devices
【预售】Fingerprinting Techniques in Food Authentication and Traceability
【预订】Authentication of Chinese Medicinal ...
【预订】Transparent User Authentication
【预售】Palmprint Authentication
【预订】Robust Image Authentication in the P...
【预售】Biometric User Authentication for It Security: From
【预订】Protocols for Authentication and Key Establishment
【预售】Transparent User Authentication: Biometrics, Rfid
【预订】Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication 9783540278870
【预订】Audio-and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication 9783540403029
【预售】Efficient Anonymous Authentication a...
【预售】Integrating a Usable Security Protocol into User Authentication Services Design Process
【预订】Food Authentication
【预订】Integrating a Usable Security Protocol into User Authentication Services Design Process
【预订】Integrated Circuit Authentication
【预售】Modern Techniques for Food Authentication
[预订]Confidentiality, Integrity and Authentication (Cia) for Internet-Of-Drones (Iod) Technology 9789994986835
[预订]Analysis of Food Spices: Identification and Authentication 9781032246840
【预订】Proteomics for Food Authentication 9780367205058
【预订】802.1X Port-Based Authentication
【预订】Cross-Media Authentication and Verification: Emerging Research and Opportunities
【预订】Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication 9783030937461
[预订]Advances of Spectrometric Techniques in Food Analysis and Authentication 9783036566689
[预订]Advancements in Bio-Medical Image Processing and Authentication in Telemedicine 9781668469576
[预订]Advances of Spectrometric Techniques in Food Analysis and Food Authentication Implemented with Chemo 9783039437092
【预订】Food Authentication and Traceability
【预售】Effective and Efficient Authentication and Authorization in Distributed Systems
【预订】Advances in User Authentication
【预售】Authentication and Mobility Manageme...
【预售】Protocols for Authentication and Key Establishment
【预订】Cellular Authentication for Mobile and Internet Services
【预订】Iot Security - Advances In Authentication
【预售】Entity Authentication and Personal Privacy in Future
【预订】Identity, Authentication, and Access...
[预订]Techniques for Food Authentication: Trends and Emerging Approaches 9783036576541
【预售】Combinatorial Designs for Authentication and Secrecy
【预订】Authentication Codes and Combinatorial Designs
【预订】Authentication of Embedded Devices 9783030607715
【预订】Multimedia Encryption and Authentication Techniques and Applications
【预订】Mechanics of User Identification and Authentication
[预订]Chipless Rfid Authentication
【预售】Computational Methods in Biometric Authentication:
【预订】Characterization and Authentication ...
预订 Food Authentication
【预售】Analytical Methods of Food Authentication
【预售】Biometric Solutions: For Authentication in an
【预订】Speaker Authentication
【预订】Managing Security in Heterogenous Networks: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Authentication, and ...
【预订】Biometric Authentication in Online Learning Environments
【预售】Continuous Authentication Using Biometrics: Data
【预售】Access Control, Authentication, and Public Key In
【预订】Advances in User Authentication (201...
【预售】Advances in Biometrics for Secure Human Authentication and Recognition
【预售】Authentication Technologies for Cloud Technology, IoT, and Big Data
预订 Query Answer Authentication
【预订】Reversible Steganography and Authentication via Transform Encoding
预订 Windows Security Internals: A Deep Dive Into Windows Authentication, Authorization, and AuditingWindows 安全内部原
【预售】Query Answer Authentication
【预售】Implementing Scalable Can Security with Cancrypt: Authentication and Encryption for Canopen, J1939 and Oth...
预订 Firebase Authenticationで学ぶソーシャルログイン入門 ID管理の原則にそった実装のベストプラクティス 使用 Firebase 身份
[预订]WiFi signal-based user authentication 9789819959136
【预售】Finger Knuckle-Print Authentication ...
[预订]Implementing Multifactor Authentication: Protect your applications from cyberattacks with the help o 9781803246963
[预订]An Investigation into Authentication Security of GSM algorithm for Mobile Banking 9783954890774
[预订]Continuous Biometric Authentication Systems: An Overview 9783031490705
【预订】Authentication and Access Control
预订 Biometric Authentication
【预售 按需印刷】An Improved Lightweight Privacy Preserving Authentication Scheme for SIP-Based-VoIP Using Smart Card
【预售 按需印刷】Biometric Authentication in Online Learning Environments